National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 262 Personal Battle! Seventh Round!

The battle between Xiao Xiao Sa Sa and Lin Feng ended here, and Lin Feng looked at Xiao Xiao Sa Sa who hadn't reacted yet.

"Accepted, acquiesced."

Xiao Xiao Sa Sa came to her senses, and hurriedly said to Lin Feng.

"It's true that my skills are not as good as yours, I hope you can win this individual battle.

Lin Feng nodded, and Xiaoxiao also left the arena.

"Congratulations to Meng Wang for winning the 6th round of individual battles and gaining a little victory point in individual battles.

"Now Meng Wang has obtained 6 victory points in the individual battle, but now he has 4 victory points left. He is the champion of today's individual battle."

"May I ask if Meng Wang will continue the next game?"

"keep going."

The most important thing now is to get the 10 victory points of this individual battle, and then participate in the team battle, so that there is a greater probability of winning this championship

The biggest difference between team battles and individual battles is that individual battles are all based on one's own strength, but team battles are different.

Team battles depend on the strength of the whole team. If one of them does not cooperate well, it may also lead to a change in the result.

So you have to get all the points you should get.

The audience in the audience were envious one after another. After all, it has only been a few hours, and the one-on-one battle is already half over.


"Automatching completed."

I saw a man wearing a golden holy garment coming up, and the two looked at each other one after another.

At this time, the attributes of both parties are also displayed in the eyes of the two.

Player: Demons and sprites

Blood value: 500000

Mana: 1500

Seeing that the person in front of him was the Meng King, the evil spirit was full of anger in his eyes.

"So you are Meng Wang, the Meng Wang who killed our entire hot pot city."

Lin Feng immediately understood what the ghost said.

Who sent him, probably from Hot Pot City Hot Pot with Red Wine.

"Yes, I am."

"If you want to avenge your Hot Pot City, then you must defeat me."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but draw a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Lin Feng now, Yao Yaoyao was immediately annoyed by him.

"This time, I will definitely make you pay the price, a certain price!"

The smell of gunpowder in the entire martial arts field became particularly strong.

Lin Feng couldn't help smiling.

"Then I want to see how much you want me to pay, so don't be yourself..."

Everyone in the audience watched the confrontation between the two, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

The ghost in front of me is indeed a very powerful master, but he was used by the venue of Hot Pot City to serve hot pot with red wine.

"Actually, I do have some news about this monster. He is a very loyal person, so he may have a certain hatred for Mengwang. After all, Mengzhu killed their entire hot pot city.

"Yes, actually, I think this person is pretty good, but he is used by Hot Pot City. If he is not used by Hot Pot City, I think if he joins the world's number one guild, he must be a very powerful one. character of."

"I think this battle will definitely reach a particularly fierce level. On the one hand, when I meet an enemy that I have always wanted to be in charge of, I will definitely fight 10 points fiercely.

"That's right, that's right, I think so too, I believe you normally think that they will be particularly good-looking, and you don't know who will win between these two, but this time I'm still on Meng Wang's side, because of Meng Wang's strength It's really too strong."

"I think this battle can definitely make this player have a different view on Meng Wang, but I think that if the two of them can cooperate in the team competition, they will definitely have a good result."

"At the time, I thought this was not necessarily the case, because there were too many masters in the world's No. 1 Guild of Mengwang, so it is of course good to have a master who hates Mengwang so much, and this also increases the difficulty of comparison!"

"But once a person enters the program, it is difficult to jump out. If you change your emotions well, you can really let your opponent go. But if you are controlled by your emotions, you may end up being harmed by your emotions. "

"This is indeed the case. Both of them are powerful masters. If we want to know who will win in the end, we need to see what the strength of the two will be. But for us viewers, Anything is fine as long as it looks good!"

"I think Meng Wang must be the most powerful, and along the way, hasn't he always killed other masters? Those masters are only masters to us, but to others, they may be just a simple matter." It’s just my little one.”

At this time, the system enlightened.

"The seventh round of individual competition will start soon!"

"Countdown 321!"

Seeing that the game has started now, the demon and monsters were the first to unleash their special skills towards it.

In order to restore the dignity of the entire hot pot city, he released his unique move in the first match, trying to kill Meng Wang with one move.

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

Immediately, many swords transformed from sword energy appeared around him, and they began to move in their hands. These long swords galloped towards Lin Feng's direction.

Lin Feng looked at the long sword that was coming towards him, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

I saw Lin Feng instantly released his skills to protect the light array.

A circle of holy light exploded from the sword of the archangel, turning into a long sword that guarded and isolated the blows to him.

Unexpectedly, all the long swords were suppressed by Lin Feng's protective light array and turned into ashes.

"Hmph, don't think you're broken, I've returned my ten thousand swords to the sect, and I've got nothing to do with you, just take it!"

Immediately, the ghosts and monsters rushed towards him like lightning, like a jackal, and summoned their own hammer in their hands. Just as they were about to hit Lin Feng with the hammer, they were unexpectedly avoided by Lin Feng. open.

Just right, his attack was useless and was avoided by Lin Feng.

And when he just flashed past, he didn't even see the shadow, such agility made him very incredible.

"How could it be like this..."

"Why is that so!"

Lin Feng stood aside, seeing that his eyes were full of ghosts and ghosts, and instantly moved the sword of the Archangel in his hand!


The mighty power was dissatisfied around, and it skyrocketed instantly.

Lin Feng released his skill towards him, Guardian Angel Cross Slash.

The cross cut attacked in the direction of the monsters, and the speed was even more astonishing.

Before the audience in the audience could clearly see the skill released by Lin Feng, the attack had already reached Yao Yaoyao's eyes.

The ghost and demon hurriedly used his own balancing skill to weaken the ability of the cross cut, but the cross cut still fell on him.

I saw that his blood volume was instantly reduced by more than half,

It is enough to see that Lin Feng's strength is too strong, if he is really given a second by this move, he will definitely disappear immediately.

The audience in the audience looked at Lin Feng's attack and were all amazed.

Although everyone knows that Lin Feng's trick attack is 10 points powerful, but he didn't expect that after being weakened, he can directly reduce the opponent. The general blood volume is enough to imagine, how powerful this is.

"Sure enough, fortunately, I haven't participated in the first martial arts conference this time, otherwise, I guess I would have died by now, alas. "

"Don't say that, don't cry, that's for sure, and don't look at how our own abilities are now, alas, I don't know when we can catch up to half of others."

"How can you say that there are such powerful people in this world? Alas, I don't know how much face the weakest people like us can have, and I don't know when we can be like others. Instantly kill your opponent with your moves!"

"This world is inherently unfair. Fortunately, I didn't participate in the first dance competition in advance. If I met Meng Wang in the first round, I guess I would lose in the first round. It's really a little bit I lost all face, alas, this person still said he wanted to take revenge, what kind of revenge is there, it would be good if he didn't get beaten up by others."

"When I say this to you, it seems that I think so too. Oh my God, I made a lot of big talk just now, and I also said that I will make people pay a certain price. Look at the current troubles" (Nuo Hao)

"Not only was the ultimate move avoided by the door king, but even ordinary attacks still failed to hit him, and in the end, he was weakened by half of his blood volume by a random attack."

"Sure enough, this person is shameless. It's true that the world is invincible, that's how it is. Oh, this invincible is really invincible."

"You don't want to make sarcastic remarks. After all, their masters are miserable enough. Those of us who are so weak still don't admire them. But I really didn't expect them to release their unique moves directly when they came on the stage."

In the hot pot city at the moment, hot pot with red wine also began to think about whether the ghosts and monsters he photographed this time can defeat Lin Feng.

Hot pot with Sprite, seeing the martial arts arena where Lin Feng is fighting with monsters and monsters, and Lin Feng is completely crushing monsters and monsters, so he hurried back to the hot pot city and said to hot pot with red wine.

"It seems that this cute king is indeed 10 points powerful, and he cannot be defeated by just a single person.

Hot pot with red wine, when I heard the words of hot pot with Sprite, there was boiling hatred in my eyes.

"What did you say!"

"Even..... the monsters and ghosts who have fought for 6 rounds haven't killed the cute king?"

Hot pot with Sprite, nodded silently, but I don't know what to say, after all, this is the truth, they are indeed very powerful. .

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