National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 264: The Cricket Master Appears!

Murong Wuwu thought of the breakfast Lin Feng made for herself this morning, and her mind was full of the smell of his wontons.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in her mind, seeing that it is already noon, how about...

"It's noon now, have you had lunch?" Murong Wuwu sent a text message to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the text message Murong Wuwu sent to him, and then set his eyes on the alarm clock. He didn't expect that this morning has already passed.

Now that he is fighting a personal battle, there are only three games left, so it's better to relax.

"No, what's the matter?" Lin Feng replied.

Murong Wuwu hurriedly said: "I want to go to your house for dinner, can I?"

Lin Feng thought about the contents of his refrigerator for a while, and there was not much left. It seemed that he could indeed take advantage of this time to buy some daily necessities.

"Okay, but I have to go shopping first." Lin Feng replied.

When Murong Wuwu heard that Lin Feng was actually going to buy vegetables, she became very happy.

"Let me go with you! I went shopping with you. I have never been in the leaf market since I was a child."

"Er Er always won't let me go to this kind of place, saying that it's easy to be deceived..."

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh, the life of the rich is different, they don't even need to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Thinking of his own past, he still couldn't help feeling melancholy, waiting for Murong Wuwu's arrival.

It was also for so long that he sat on the balcony without playing games, watching the scenery.

The wind howled from his ears...

Time really flies, and it has been a while since I moved here.

What happened in these times seems to be like a dream...

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang at this moment, interrupting Lin Feng's thoughts.

Lin Feng quickly came to the gate and opened it.

Murong Wuwu carried a small frame on her back, dressed very casually and greeted him with a smile.

"Then let's go grocery shopping!"

"Look, I even bought the small basket this time."

"Does it look like I really want to go grocery shopping!"

Lin Feng looked at the girl in front of him who was very curious about the grocery shopping. Although he felt a little helpless in his heart, he still couldn't help but said.

"You girl..."

"Come on, what do you want for lunch today?"

Lin Feng put on his shoes, and left the villa with Murong Wuwu, walking towards the vegetable market.

Because of the habitual morning jogging in the morning, I am familiar with everything around me.

Murong Wuwu thought for a while, but she didn't know what she wanted to eat, so she pouted and said.

"I'm actually not very picky eater, I can eat whatever you do."

What I said really created a problem for Lin Feng....

However, since she is casual, just make delicious food for her according to her usual taste.

The two walked into the vegetable market together, surrounded by crowds of people, everyone was carrying baskets to buy vegetables.

Murong Wuwu looked around at the small vegetable shops around, and everyone who saw her started to introduce various kinds of vegetables to her.

Lin Feng was on the sidelines, silently watching her choose the cuisine.

In less than half an hour, there was already a large basket of vegetables in Murong Wuwu's hands that was not enough to hold them.

When she saw what others recommended to her to buy, she bought it directly.

"You buy so many vegetables, are you afraid of spoiling?" Lin Feng asked slowly.

If she didn't stop her, it is estimated that all the vegetables in the whole vegetable market could be bought.

Hearing Lin Feng's reminder, Murong Wuwu remembered the matter, and her eyes fell on the basket of vegetables in his hand.

"It shouldn't be bad..."

"It's okay, if you can't finish eating by yourself, I will often come to your house for dinner in the past few days!"

"In this way, you don't have to worry that you can't finish these dishes. If you can't finish them, I'll bring Sisi!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, but it's okay to think about it, after all, he usually eats alone, and if he is alone, he will still be lonely after all.

"Buying is over, let's go home!"

Murong Wuwu said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded, and returned to his home with a basketful of vegetables she bought.

Murong Wuwu also put on the apron he put on, Lin Feng looked at her look eager to try, and asked.

"Didn't you say that I cook?"

Murong Wuwu blinked, nodded and said.

"Yeah, I'm here to help you..."

"Don't worry, I will never mess with you!"

"Besides, I've grown up so much, it's also the first time I've helped others cook."

Lin Feng saw that she was curious about many things, and felt even more helpless...

It is estimated that if she is allowed to cook alone, she must be able to blow up the kitchen.

Murong Wuwu picked up the vegetable knife on the side and asked!

"Then what shall we do for the first course?"

"Don't worry, I actually watch cooking videos on the Internet. Although I don't know how to cook, I can chop vegetables!"

"Tell me, what kind of vegetables do I like to chop?"

On the contrary, Lin Feng looked like she couldn't believe it, but seeing that she wanted to try it so much, after all, everyone had to try these things seriously.

"Then help me, chop the celery.

Murong Wuwu nodded, and began to choose celery among so many vegetables she bought...

Lin Feng watched her carefully pick out the celery, sighed, took the celery out of the dish, and placed it in front of her.

"This is celery, remember."

Murong Wuwu nodded in understanding, held the knife with both hands, and slashed down directly...

bang bang bang!

Soon, she didn't know how all the celery was cut into pieces. Lin Feng couldn't stand it anymore, and silently took the knife from her hand.

I don't know why I always feel that the way she chops vegetables is very similar to a murder scene. In order to prevent her from being accidentally injured, let's do it by myself...

Moreover, if she continues like this [it is estimated that she will not have to eat for several hours.

"Let me come, you go and help me squeeze the juice."

Murong Wuwu pouted her lips, and let out a muffled snort.

"Do you think I'm too good at cooking, so let me squeeze the juice..."

Lin Feng nodded silently, unexpectedly she was quite self-aware.

Murong Wuwu felt aggrieved and had no choice but to bring the oranges to the juicer, and began to sweat the oranges.

The face is full of reluctance to let go of the celery that has not been cut...

Lin Feng picked up the knife and began to clean one side of these simple vegetables, and cut them into pieces, and the speed was amazing.

Murong Wuwu at the side watched him chop vegetables, and the vegetables he cut were just like the chef's, with admiration and envy in his eyes.

……ask for flowers…

"You are really good. Not only can you cook, but you are also so good at knife skills."

Lin Feng glanced at Murong Wuwu, who was looking at him with admiration, and chuckled softly.



Soon, Lin Feng will also pour all the chopped vegetables into the cooked pot, put ginger, onion, garlic, and oil!

The whole kitchen was filled with the smell of fireworks.

In fact, if Murong Wuwu hadn't come to eat at home today, he would definitely have planned to settle all this casually

Then I hurried back to play individual battles. Although an hour hadn't arrived yet, in general, with so many people playing the game, many of them must have passed the seventh round.

Murong Wuwu also put the squeezed juice on the dining table, came to Lin Feng's side, and watched him cook.

“Really amazing!”

"smell good."

Lin Feng stir-fried the dishes with a spatula, and looked at the intoxicated look of Murong Wuwu beside him, and soon the first dish was ready.


Murong Wuwu hurriedly put the first dish on the table, and continued to return to Lin Feng's side to look at him, busy frying the second dish.

I have to say that the two of them are really a good match now.

The second and third courses are also out.

The two sat on the stool together, ready to start eating.

Murong Wuwu has long been salivating looking at the dishes made by Lin Feng. Such a color and taste cannot be prepared in a restaurant.

Seeing her staring at the dishes she cooked, Lin Feng urged.

"Eat, be careful it's cold."

"After it's cold, it won't taste good.

Only then did Murong Wuwu come to her senses, she nodded quickly, and began to taste the dishes made by Lin Feng.

The sweet taste spread across the lips, making Murong Wuwu fall into it!

"It's delicious!"

“This tomato scrambled egg is really super delicious!”

"There's also this..... Stir-fried beef with celery, which is also delicious...."

"You are too good! Not only can you play the game well, but also cook so deliciously. How did you do it?"

Lin Feng listened to Murong Wuwu complimenting him, although he was really happy in his heart.

But, I still feel that my cooking skills have not met my expectations this time.

"The dishes this time should only be considered average."

"I haven't cooked for a long time, and I usually solve it casually."

"The technique is a bit rusty."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she quickly shook her head.

"Why do you think it's so-so? I think it's really delicious!"

"It seems that I will come to Cengfan more in the future. When you get back with your skills, I guess these dishes will definitely be more delicious."

Lin Feng looked at her babbling and eating, and was also very happy in his heart.

The two looked at each other from time to time, like a couple.

Murong Wuwu quickly finished most of the dishes and a bowl of rice, and Lin Feng also praised her fighting ability in eating.

It is indeed a fight with Murong Sisi...

Murong Wuwu was also fed up, touched her stomach with her hand, smiled and looked at Lin Feng Wu who was still eating. .

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