National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 265: The Best Of The Best

"I found that you eat really slowly.

"And the food is so little, do you feel that the food you cook is generally unappetizing?"

Murong Wuwu asked curiously.

Lin Feng silently shook his head.

"I usually don't eat much, and these are enough for me."

When Murong Wuwu heard this sentence, she always felt that her dumpling emperor had been hit hard.

After all, most of these three dishes were eaten by myself...

But now that I have enough food and drink, I can have a good discussion about the world's number one martial arts conference.

"By the way, did you meet any very powerful masters in the personal battle this time?"

"However, I think you are so powerful, everyone should not be your opponent?"

Lin Feng thought for a while, Murong Wuwu's own question...

The opponents I met seem to be okay...

"It's all okay, how about you?"

"How have you encountered?"

Murong Wuwu raised the corners of her mouth proudly.

"I don't think any of them are as good as me!"

"What's more important is that some of them are really delicious, and they were instantly killed by me, but they become more and more powerful as they go to the end."

Lin Feng looked at her with a "three-five-seven" look, and it is true that not many people can match her strength.

More importantly, her hidden profession is not necessarily comparable to others.

"However, I am not as good as me in everything. Now I have passed the seventh round, how about you?" Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng curiously.

"I've passed the eighth round, and there are two more rounds to go, and I've collected all the victory points in today's individual battle.

Murong Wuwu pouted her lips, sure enough... Lin Feng is fast.

"I don't know if the two of us can match up this time. If we do match up, don't show mercy to me!"

Lin Feng chuckled lightly. After all, the chances of him being matched with her are not very high...

After all, everyone's victory point is different.

But I'm glad I won't be able to match her, so I don't have to think about what method to use to get the best of both worlds.

"By the way, which do you think is more difficult, individual battles, team battles, or two-person battles?"

Murong Wuwu thought carefully for a while.

"I think it should be a group battle..."

"what you think?"

Lin Feng nodded, indeed, as she said, group harm is the hardest.

Don't be afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs!

"This group battle is all about cooperation."

"Compared to a six-man battle and a ten-man battle, the ten-man battle will definitely be more difficult."

"At that time, everyone must have a good discussion on the countermeasures, otherwise, it will be easy to fail."

Murong Wuwu nodded.

"This time I will fight with Si Si, and you and Shan Shan will fight each other, do you think we will run into each other?"

"I feel that if we fight alone, we should not be able to meet..."

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu's curious little eyes, and thought of the scene where their sisters killed each other......

Cough cough.....It's really a bit bad, but if it happens, there's nothing you can do about it, I hope you don't run into it...

"In a personal battle, we should not be able to touch it."

"For a two-person battle, if you really meet, you have to show your true strength."

Murong Wuwu nodded heavily!

"Don't worry! If we really become rivals, I will definitely show my true strength!"

"I will never let you go easily."

Seeing Murong Wuwu say such words, Lin Feng felt very relieved in his heart, but let's hope we don't run into each other...

Seeing that it was almost time now, Murong Wuwu left Lin Feng's villa, returned to her home, and continued to compete in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

After Lin Feng tidied up the table, took a shower, returned to the game room, went online, and prepared to defeat this person today.

"Let's play a personal battle!"

Suddenly, Lin Feng turned into a white light and disappeared in the main city, entering the Martial Arts Field.

The system prompts: "Player Meng Wang has successfully joined the world's number one martial arts conference."

"Do you want to continue with the eighth round?"



"Automatic matching completed."

There are more and more people around to watch his game...

"Let me just say it! Meng Wang will definitely come back soon, and it will be more difficult now, and I don't know who the master he will be matched with this time.

"I think watching Mengwang's match is much more interesting than watching other people's matches. Moreover, Mengwang's strength is really strong, but I also learned a lot of tricks from his moves. "

"I have been waiting for Meng Wang for more than an hour. I just want to watch Meng Wang's game. After Meng Wang passes this personal battle, I will go to a personal battle. Maybe I can learn something from Meng Wang. Use some little knowledge of release techniques!"

"You're right when you say that! Now Meng Wang is finally back, and it's still the eighth round... I don't know who the contestant will be this time..."

"I heard that the contestants in the eighth round will definitely be very good. Although I have always thought that Meng Wang can definitely win, I still want to take a good look at how cute the master is. "

"Hey... There are really many masters in this one-on-one battle, and I was killed in seconds for no reason, so I came back to watch Meng Wang's game carefully, it was really too difficult! "

Lin Feng did not expect that he had just returned to the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, and so many spectators came back...

The contestants of the eighth round have also come to the stage.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the captain of the Berserker Alliance, Dragon!

Kuang Long saw that it was Lin Feng, and there were bursts of hatred in his eyes.

"I really didn't expect to meet you at this time."

"Meng Wang, this time we have revenge, I will definitely not let you go!"

Lin Feng was also a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet him...

But it's also good, seeing him want to kill him so much, let him take a good look at his own strength.

"That depends on whether you have this ability, whether you will be killed by me directly like before.

The mad dragon who was provoked by Lin Feng also couldn't control the big knife in his hand!

Lin Feng looked at the way he wanted to kill him now but couldn't win, and he felt very proud in his heart.

"I tell you, don't be too crazy!"

Kuanglong bit his lips tightly, the words seemed to pop out from the gap between his teeth.

On the contrary, Lin Feng was calm and could no longer speak calmly...

"Okay, there is no need to say anything harsh, you should just speak with your strength.

"Let me know exactly what your strength is now."

The system prompts: "The two players are already in place, the game is about to start, the countdown..."



Everyone fought and clapped their hands!

The attributes of both parties appeared in the eyes of the other party.

Opponent: Kuanglong


Mana: 1600

There are many people from the Berserker Alliance cheering for the Mad Dragon in the auditorium.

They all felt that the mad dragon this time would definitely be able to instantly kill Meng Wang!

However...others don't have any hope for Kuanglong.

The wild dragon was furious, swung the big knife in his hand, and slashed at Lin Feng's body!

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, just as the weapon in his hand was about to approach him, he suddenly avoided it...

Mad Dragon's attack miss!

In an instant, Lin Feng dodged behind him and released the Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

The sword of the Archangel in his hand condensed into two attack waves, and slashed behind the mad dragon!

The mad dragon reacted, and hurriedly dodged from the three sides!

However, Lin Feng's attack wave still hit him!

The blood volume was instantly cut by more than half!


There was a slight smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, but he didn't expect to be avoided by him.

Kuanglong saw that his blood volume was only a little bit hit by his moves...

I didn't expect that half of the blood would be lost directly. If the move completely landed on my body, wouldn't it be instantly killed by him?

Regarding his attack power, Kuanglong also felt a trace of fear in his heart.

But now that there are so many spectators, he doesn't want to go there again. Last time, he had already lost to the cute king in front of him. If he failed again, people would treat them as crazy battle alliance!

Lin Feng is not in a hurry, he also wants to play with the mad dragon before 1.8, and let him know what his strength is.

The mad dragon instantly unleashed its moves towards Lin Feng!

An attack wave like a big knife gathered in the void, and it slashed down on him!


Lin Feng performed Guardian Angel Counter Slash in his skill!

It directly absorbed the power of his attack, and slashed down on Kuanglong's body.

Kuanglong watched Lin Feng's Archangel Sword coming towards him, and when he was about to dodge it, he never thought it would be too late...

Everyone clapped their hands when they saw that the current Kuanglong was a little tired from being abused by Lin Feng.

"It's simply too powerful! If ordinary people like us met such a powerful boss, we would probably kneel down a long time ago.

"Sure enough, everyone must be aware of their full strength, otherwise, those cruel words will be slaps in the face..."

"That's right! The Berserker Alliance has already been slapped in the face. I really don't know what confidence they have to say what they said at the beginning of the day."

"Those who didn't know thought it was the wrong script, I still prefer Meng Wang's calm personality.

"It's not just you! Me too! That kind of calm person is even more awesome!"

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