Murong Xiaoshan also frowned slightly, it seemed that the two of them were indeed a little bit stronger than he imagined, but it was nothing, and disappeared in place again in an instant.

Seeing this, Lin Feng used the skill Patron Saint Hammer again!

A huge hammer appeared in the void and smashed towards the heads of the two of them.

Just when the two of them wanted to resist, Murong Shanshan suddenly appeared and unleashed these attacks, and the blood volume of the two of them instantly zeroed.



Murong Xiaoshan raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the two of them and said.

"You two are really good, but in the end, I can only say that the blood volume still needs to be improved.

Lin Feng also nodded, especially agreeing with Murong Xiaoshan's proposal.

Red with green and green with red saw that they were defeated by the two of them, and they smiled gratifiedly like this.

"I thought that the attacks of the two of you would be particularly high, but I didn't expect it to be so high. This is indeed what I didn't expect." Green and red said.

Red and Green said with a smile.

"Then next time we will fight again after we increase our blood volume."

Lin Feng and Murong Xiaoshan nodded at the same time, and the system also rang.

"Congratulations to player Meng Wang, congratulations to player Murong Xiaoshan for winning the second round of the duel battle."

"You will gain one victory point, and now you have gained two victory points for the two-player battle."

"Will the two continue to compete in the next round of two-player competition?"

Just when Lin Feng was about to talk about something, the phone rang suddenly.

Seeing Murong Wuwu calling 26 to herself, she immediately pressed to answer.

"How many rounds have you played in pairs?"

Lin Feng listened to Murong Wuwu's question and answered quickly.

"It's the second round, what's the matter?"

Thinking that Murong Wuwu would not call herself in normal times.

She will only call herself at an important moment. Could it be that something important happened to her?

"No, no, I'm the same as you, and now we're in the second round."

"It's just that I saw a trailer for a particularly good movie. It just so happens that this movie is on tonight. If you are free, let's go see it tonight." I bought two tickets.

"But if you don't have time, then I'll watch it with others. It doesn't matter. If you want to continue playing games, you can continue playing."

At this moment, Murong Wuwu is also looking forward to Lin Feng's request to go to the movies with her.

But as a girl, it seems a little embarrassing to speak out about this matter, after all, girls should be more reserved.

Lin Feng thought that something happened to him, but he didn't expect that he was simply watching a movie.

After thinking about it carefully, I also felt that it was really necessary for me to do some activities after I finished this two-player battle. It just so happens that watching a movie is really a very good suggestion.

"Okay, see you tonight then."

Murong Wuwu didn't expect Lin Feng to agree to her so directly, and asked some unbelievable questions.

"Have you agreed so quickly? Jiadao, don't you plan to hold the world's number one conference tonight?"

Lin Feng listened to her question and answered with a smile.

"It's just right. After all, Murong Shanshan and I will end this two-person battle soon. There is really nothing big to do tonight. The 10-man battle and the six-man battle can be done tomorrow. Sometimes You still need to get some rest."

Murong Wuwu was also very surprised and said hastily.

"Okay, okay, then I will tell you the time of tonight, when the time comes, I will go to your house to find you, let's walk to the cinema together, it can also be used as exercise after dinner.

Lin Feng hung up the phone after saying "um", and continued to return to the game.

The most important thing now is to complete the double battle in the shortest possible time.

Seeing that Lin Feng had returned to the game, Murong Shanshan said.

"Can you hurry up next time?"

"The time spent may be the time when we directly killed others in seconds."

The system reminded again: "Can the two continue to compete in the third round of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament?"


The two said in unison.


"Automatic matching is complete."

The players of the third round boarded the martial arts field of the two-person battle.

The eyes of the two people in front of them fell on Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan.

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!"

Lin Feng also didn't expect to meet people from Hot Pot City, he really is a lingering existence.

The zodiac signs of both parties are displayed in the eyes of both parties.

Player: Hot Pot with Alcohol Lamp

Blood value: 600000

Mana: 1900

Player: Hot Pot with Coke


Mana: 1700

Murong Shanshan was already ready to kill them instantly.

"Meng Wang, are you ready, we will kill them in one shot."

"I thought it would be such a powerful person."

Hot Pot with Alcohol Lamp let out a cold sigh, looked at Murong Shanshan with a smile and said.

"Then I want to see if you have the ability to kill us in one shot."

The strength of the two of them is indeed much stronger than hot pot with Sprite and hot pot with pulse.

Moreover, since the two of them can make it to the third round, it proves that the cooperation and tacit understanding between the two of them will definitely be much stronger than the two of them.

However, for myself, it is really nothing.

With this amount of blood, as long as they hit one move, both of them will die.

At this time, the audience in the audience was also very surprised. They didn't expect to meet someone from Hot Pot City again.

It seems that Meng Wang and the others really have an inexplicable relationship with Hot Pot City.

"The skills and defense of these two people are much stronger than the representatives of Hot Pot City in the first round. I don't know if Meng Chou and the others can stop them.

"Don't worry, don't worry, Meng Wang and the others will definitely be able to stop them, and I don't want to see how powerful Meng Wang's attack power is!"

"That's what I said, but, there are always some surprises in life. Besides, this is a two-player battle, not a single-player battle. If it is a single-player battle, I believe that Meng Wang can definitely kill them instantly!"

"I have to say that sometimes the performance of the teammates is more important in a two-player battle. If the performance of the teammates is not good, it will definitely lower the combat effectiveness of the entire team."

"After you said that, I suddenly understood, but I think Murong Xiaoshan's strength is indeed quite strong, don't you all feel this way? I believe she can be killed instantly like the first match Their."

"Although I also think that Meng Wang and the others will definitely win, you don't even think about it. Which of the opponents Meng Wang meets now is not weak? It's just that we all want to see how much time Meng Ya spends in each game. That's all."

"It's really annoying! I didn't expect Meng Wang and the others to meet people from Hot Pot City again. I don't know when I hated people from Hot Pot City, and I don't know that they are not as skilled as others. Why are they still working so hard?" …”

Hot pot with alcohol lamp said coldly.

"Since you have wiped out our entire Hot Pot City, I will definitely not let you go this time, and let you know how powerful our Hot Pot City is."

Lin Feng couldn't help chuckling when he heard what he said.

He really discovered that everyone in Hot Pot City liked to say these insignificant things when they saw him, and when they got slapped in the face, they looked full of hatred.

But since they will hate themselves in the end, it's better to just kill them with one move.

The system prompts: "Both players are ready!"

"Time is counting down."


I saw the hot pot with alcohol lamp directed towards Lin Feng's direction, releasing a dark red flame!

The flames were in the void, as if they were going to ignite the entire sky, they rushed towards Lin Feng!

Lin Feng immediately summoned Shuang'er, and 113 dodged his attack directly.

"You want to hit me with such a slow attack?"

"It's just a dream!"

Murong Shanshan had already made preparations, and set her sights on the hot pot with coke.

The eyes of her and Lin Feng just met. Although there was no special change in the eyes, the expressions of the two had already conveyed the plan to the minds of the two of them.

Lin Feng instantly swung the sword of the Archangel in his hand, releasing the Hammer of the Patron Saint!

A golden ray of light converged into the shape of a hammer in the void, and it hit the hot pot with alcohol lamp on the head very quickly!

Hot pot with alcohol lamp, seeing the hammer in the void that hits his head...

Hurry to the side to avoid it, come on!

The hammer hit the ground directly...

A gust of wind stirred their hair.

Hot pot with alcohol lamp, seeing that the hammer has such great power, I couldn't help swallowing...

This is too powerful......

If I really hadn't dodged his attack just now, my HP would definitely be gone

The corner of Murong Shanshan's mouth raised a faint smile, and she quickly came to the front of the hot pot with coke!

Released his own moves...

Hot Pot and Alcohol Lamp also noticed Murong Shanshan's attack, turned his head, and radiated a dark red flame in Murong Shanshan's direction!


directly burned Murong Shanshan......

Murong Shanshan's blood volume began to drop continuously...





It's just that this blood is really nothing to Murong Shanshan.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, the difficulty of this two-person battle must be much greater than that of an individual battle.

If two people cooperate well and have a high degree of tacit understanding, they can indeed turn defeat into victory, but individual battles are different. .

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