National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 272 The Third Round Of Two-Player Battle! A Complete Defeat!

Hot Pot with Alcohol Lamp Seeing that Murong Shanshan was burned by his own attack, he laughed loudly.

"I thought how powerful you are, but I didn't expect it to be just a superficial thing.



The hot pot and alcohol lamp radiated a dark red flame to Murong Shanshan's position again!

The flame actually began to catch up in the direction of Murong Shanshan!


Murong Shanshan, who was originally very calm about everything, now has a look of unsteadiness in her eyes...

Just when the dark red flame was about to hit Murong Shanshan's body!

Lin Feng unleashes his skills to protect the star array!

A scarlet golden light instantly enveloped Murong Shanshan's body, isolating all attacks from outside!

The dark red flame also hit the red golden light on Murong Shanshan's body...


The hot pot with alcohol lamp suddenly has the urge to be pissed off!

"how so!"

"How is it possible that my unique move doesn't do any damage at all!"

Hot pot with cola is also a little unexpected...

The two of them have always been in the mode of team battles, and everything they participate in is in the mode of team battles, and more importantly, his understanding of the unique skill of hot pot with alcohol lamp can be broken,

Cut attack.....

When it finally hit someone else, it turned out to be a MISS!

This is really hard for him to accept.....

The audience in the audience, seeing the confused look of the hot pot with alcohol lamp at the moment, burst out laughing.

"I'm going to drive you crazy! I thought how powerful the people in Hot Pot City would be this time, but I didn't expect them to be just scum! It's just that they lost a little bit of health... .....What the hell!"

"I also don't understand why some people can be so arrogant because of such a small amount of blood... I guess I really see myself as a god!"

"I don't know what they are talking about. I guess it's really good that Meng Wang didn't directly kill them in seconds. I thought... It's really embarrassing."

"I don't know, would the president of Hot Pot City feel ashamed seeing their team members like this? Maybe they would think that they are the best in the world, but thinking about it, it might be possible... .”

"This time their Hot Pot City is really ashamed, but I have never seen such a person who loses someone once, loses someone twice, and then runs out, loses someone three times... I guess I feel embarrassed now, no so important...

"I'm also specially prepared to serve these people in Hot Pot City. I don't know what kind of thoughts they have in their hearts this time. Why are they willing to lose so many people? If I were like this, I knew I couldn't beat it, and I would have given up a long time ago. gone."

"Sometimes maybe people are really shameless and invincible... But it's okay, after all, everyone just watch the excitement, it's the first time I've seen such embarrassment~". "

In addition, the members of Hot Pot City who were sitting in the auditorium heard what everyone was discussing, and they also felt that their face had all been lost to the ground, and they all backed out one after another.

Some members of Hot Pot City immediately told the story, hot pot with red wine...

Hot pot with red wine After hearing this news, I just feel like my lungs are about to explode!

He didn't expect that this group of people really lost all their faces!

It seems that if this continues, the reputation of the entire Hot Pot City will be ruined by them!

Hot Pot with Sprite After hearing the disappearance of other people, I felt very helpless in my heart...

At first, I thought they could at least beat the cute king with hot pot and alcohol lamp...

I didn't expect to be the same as myself in the end.

"You really are a bunch of trash."

"Looks like I'm going to do it myself."

At this time, the hot pot paired with red wine has already deepened the hostility towards Lin Feng.

At the moment in the martial arts arena.

The hot pot with alcohol lamp has long been unable to control the hatred in his heart towards Lin Feng, so he directly used his special skills towards it.

A huge circle with dark flames appeared in the void, surrounding Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan.

"This time, I will never let you go easily!"

I saw that the dark flames that wrapped them began to smash into it, and black flames burst out one after another.

Murong Shanshan and Lin Feng also started to dodge the flames falling towards them from the void.

It's just that there are more and more fireballs. If you continue according to the current situation, it is very likely that you will really fail in the third round.

The hot pot with alcohol lamp looked at Murong Shanshan and Lin Feng who were hit by the fireball at the moment and could only dodge in the circle and laughed.

"I let you go crazy, now you know how good I am, you know how good our Hot Pot City is!"

Lin Feng released it instantly, and the guardian star shield and guardian angel counterattacked.

The move of Instant Hot Pot and Alcohol Lamp was instantly broken by Lin Feng's Guardian Angel Counterattack, but all the damage was attached to him.


Hot pot with alcohol lamp and hot pot with coke, did not expect the skills used by Lin Feng at all.

Not only broke their moves, but also directly countered the damage caused by their moves, what the hell is this?

If things go on like this, no one can beat them at all, okay?

Murong Shanshan seized this opportunity, flashed in front of them in a flash, and directly developed moves!



The blood volume of the two people instantly cleared!

At this moment, the hot pot with alcohol lamp and hot pot with coke can only be realized.

It turns out that the attack that Lin Feng used just now was just a trick for them!

"Meng Wang, I really didn't expect you to be a villain, and you can even play this kind of little trick.

Listening to what they said, Lin Feng couldn't help asking sarcastically.

"little tricks?"

"You are also really strange. You obviously lost by yourself, and you said we were playing some tricks."

For a while, the two of them were at a loss for words, and they didn't know what to say. At this time, the audience in the audience got up angrily and clapped their hands.

"Sure enough, the people in Hot Pot City are shameless. They say that others are talking about tricks, so don't they play tricks? I don't think anyone will ever meet people from Hot Pot City."

"Yes, yes, I thought so too when you said that, alas, I really didn't expect that I would blame others for my own failure, I really don't know what these two people think and don't look at it Looking at what my own strength looks like, I don’t have any awareness of myself at all.”

"It's not like the people in their Hot Pot City for a day or two. They don't have any idea about their own strength. If it weren't for the King Meng to give them a good understanding of their own strength, they probably don't even know what they are. .”

"I feel that Murong Xiaoshan just now is too powerful. She just wiped out both of their blood volume with a direct trick, and the blood volume of the hot pot with cola is still full. It seems that her explosive power must be particularly strong.

"Meng Wang's offensive power is also very strong. They actually broke other people's unique moves with one move, and they still focus on counter-killing. It seems that no one can beat them. If I don't If they guess wrong, they should finish the two-player battle soon. "

"Sure, it only took a few hours for the individual battle, not to mention that the two of them think so, one is in the light and the other is in the dark. This is completely a strong team."

"I just want to say that having a great teammate is different. If you meet a teammate who looks like a pig, maybe things won't be as we imagined. Alas, but it is also a cute king. How could he find a teammate who looks like a pig?" A teammate like a pig, and only idiots like us would find a teammate like a pig."

"No, it's not that you scolded yourself why you brought us with you. We are different from you. You really mean that you don't have the eyesight to find a good teammate. You have to blame us. The King Meng is surrounded by It's amazing, it's much better than ordinary people like us."

System prompt: "Congratulations to player Mengwang, congratulations to player Murong Xiaoshan for winning the third round of the duel battle, you will get one victory point.

At this moment, the hot pot is equipped with (Qian Zhao) alcohol lamp, and he said angrily towards Lin.

"Don't let me touch you next time, I will definitely make you pay the price, this time it's your luck.

Lin Feng chuckled and spoke slowly.

"Then I want to see what price you will make me pay."

"You are really funny, I should say this sentence."

After finishing speaking, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. He has already disdained these people from Hot Pot City.

It seems that none of the ones I have encountered is a powerful master, and it is worth looking at it with a straight eye.

Hot pot with alcohol lamp with hot pot with Coke, and left here.

The system prompts again.

"Are you guys going to go on to round 4?"


The two answered in unison and continued to the fourth round of competition.

The two-player players from the 4th round came out.

After the two sides looked at each other's attributes, the other party already had some fear of Lin Feng and Murong Xiaoshan.

When the system started, the two radiated their skills at each other.

In an instant, the opponent's blood volume was instantly killed.

This fourth round of the game only took 3 or 4 minutes.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan with admiration. .

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