National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 273: A Persevering Opponent

Murong Xiaoshan looked at the time at this time, only a few minutes had passed and the game was over, and said to Lin Feng.

"Not bad, not bad. According to our current situation, we should be able to solve the ten games of this two-person stand within half an hour."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

At this moment, the system sound sounded again.

"Congratulations to both of you for getting a victory point in the fourth round of the duo."

"Would you like to continue with the fifth-round doubles?"

"Yes." The two said in unison.

Glancing at the two sides, it seems that after these few games, the tacit understanding between the two has become more and more profound.


"Automatic matching is complete."

The opponents in the fifth round are also in place.

When the system said the beginning, Murong Xiaoshan had already disappeared in the martial arts arena, ready to perform an instant kill.

The eyes of the audience were also looking at the martial arts field, but they didn't realize where Murong Xiaoshan was at all.

The opponent looked at Lin Feng at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty and paid attention to it, and Murong Xiaoshan in the dark began to get nervous.

After all, facing such a powerful opponent, if you don't make any preparations.

Maybe he will be instantly killed in the next moment, no one wants to say it, no matter how powerful the person in front of him is.

The audience in the audience clapped their hands excitedly.

Lin Feng squinted at the audience at the side, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Towards, the opponent in the 5th round went straight to the house and launched his own attack.

"Oh my god, it can't be so fast, will the fifth player be killed by them within three minutes? If this speed continues, it may take less than an hour, and all of them have already been defeated Bar."

"It is estimated that according to the situation of the last game, the players in the fifth round should be off soon, and then the fifth round, the seventh round, and the eighth round will follow..."

"Actually, I think the first few games were just a tacit cooperation between the two of them. Now after the previous few games, the cooperation between the two must have become more proficient."

"That's right, that's right, that's right, that's right, that's right, I've already felt it, and I feel that they are all so strong, and the players I met with the signal are actually pretty good, otherwise, how could they be defeated by the two of them?" It’s gone all of a sudden, fortunately, I haven’t participated in this two-person battle yet.”

"Didn't everyone say that the players I meet will get better and better? Why do I feel that the players I meet are getting better and better? Is it my illusion? Is it Meng Wang and the others who are getting better and better, or these The players are getting better and better, is there water in this system?"

"I don't think you need to question the system, because no one knows whether the system is hydrated, but you want to know whether Meng Wang and the others are really powerful.

"How high is their tacit understanding? You can challenge them by yourself, but the first thing to do is to start from the first level of the two-person battle."

"My God, if I challenge the two of them, I'm purely looking for death. This person can't look for death like this. I still want to win.'

"But first of all, have you passed the first stage of your two-person battle? If you haven't even passed the first town, it may not be so easy to win. Now everyone is waiting for Mengwang, the competition over."

"That's definitely not there yet. Isn't this just waiting for people to be busy and give the double battle quickly? I might as well go to the double battle, so that I can't match the cute king."

"That's right, such an idea is really good, I never thought that everyone would use such a method in order to avoid the attack of Meng Wang, will you look too weak like this.

Murong Xiaoshan came to the side where the fifth person stretched out his hand and used a unique move. In an instant, the blood volume of the two of them was instantly killed under his operation.

The system prompts a voice: "Congratulations to player Meng Wang. Congratulations to player Murong Xiaoshan. You have won the fifth round of the two-player battle. You will get one victory point. Congratulations."

The fifth contestant, the admiration for Murong Xiaoshan and Mengmeng is becoming more and more popular.

"I have to say that it is really powerful. Your Highness Neng Wang, I would like to ask how can I improve my basic attack to a greater extent?"

"And me and me. I think my attack is still too weak, and my defense is not very high. How can I achieve a quality change?"

The two contestants asked Lin Feng and Murong Xiaoshan, they glanced at each other and answered each other.

"You can use more time to refresh the copy, so that the attack on you will have a leap forward."

The two nodded solemnly, and after bidding farewell to King Meng, only Lin Feng and Murong Xiaoshan were left in the entire martial arts arena.

"Both, do you need to continue the sixth round of the competition?"


"Automatic matching is complete."

The two contestants stepped onto the arena of the Martial Arts Field, looking at Murong Xiaoshan and Meng Wang with disdain in their eyes.

"Are you the King of Meng?" said one of the women with a ponytail and relentless gaze.

"This time you meet our twin sisters, I will never let you go, I will definitely win the first place on the list this time.

Murong Xiaoshan and Meng Wang looked at the words of the two twin sisters, although on the surface they looked a little different in their hairstyles and faces, but generally speaking, their personalities should not be much different.

Seeing that they were so arrogant, Murong Xiaoshan smiled dismissively at the corner of his mouth.

"Then I want to see what you guys have to compete with us for the first place on this list."

Lin Feng was still indifferent, looking at the two girls in front of him.

I believe that since a girl who can speak like this must have some ability of her own, otherwise, other girls would definitely not speak like this.

The attributes of both parties are displayed in the eyes of the other party.

Player: Cat Cat Little Sister


Mana: 1900

Player: Qingqing Xiaocao


Mana: 1000

After Murong Xiaoshan saw their attributes, her eyes became even more dismissive.

I thought they were so powerful, you have to think that they are just weak chickens.

"Mengwang, let's count the time within 5 minutes this time, and we'll finish them both within 5 minutes, okay?"

Lin Feng nodded, but looking at the two girls, there may be some unexpected chores in this confident state.

"Okay, then do as you said."

The system prompts: "The 6th round of the game will start soon, and the time has entered a countdown of 3...........1!"

The little girl Maomao instantly summoned a golden longbow in her hand, aiming at Lin Feng and Murong Xiaoshan in front of her.

"Qingqing Xiaocao, let's defeat them in the same way as before!"

The corner of Qingqing Xiaocao's mouth raised a faint smile, and she instantly came to the eyes of little sister Maomao, turned into a shield, and blocked her.

Lin Feng really agrees with the methods of the two of them, one is a defensive master and the other is a combat master.

In this way, we often join forces, and we can make up for our own shortcomings even more.

The audience in the audience also began to discuss this war.

Because meeting this kind of girl who is so dismissive of everything and is full of obsession with the number one on the list is very frustrating.

"I thought that apart from the Berserker Alliance and Hot Pot City, most of the players here would worship Meng Wang. I didn't expect this to happen suddenly. This is the first time I've seen such a persistent girl."

"It seems true after you said it. It feels like this girl will have an unexpected change, but this is the sixth round, and I will definitely not meet any weak girl."

"It's true for you to say so. After this encounter, the opponents they encounter must be getting stronger and stronger. Therefore, they must want to have more for the battle for the first place on the list."

"I don't know who will be the first round of this last World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, but it has only started one day now, and there are still 14 days to make statistics. The winner with the highest score in the end will be the champion. I'm also very curious about who it will be."

"Don't think too much, everyone. After all, the most important thing in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is to defeat the most powerful person. The No. 1 and No. 2 rankings will definitely need a duel, so if you don't have that strength, Guaranteed to be above the top 100 is very good."

"Just think about it, you don't even think about how many people play this game in the first 100 meters. If you want to enter the top 100, this is simply an impossible thing, and more importantly, the top 100 is amazing There must be a lot of special ones, just like the first station in the individual battle."

"That's not necessarily the case, I believe that as long as everyone keeps at it and believes in the future, they will soon be able to achieve the success that everyone wants, although it may not be as powerful as Meng Wang, directly dominating the top 5 rankings. "

"That's too bad, I think the success I want is to be like what Meng Wang said, the first place in the 5 list, so this is simply impossible, alas, I think my strength can survive the third round It was already a very good thing.”

"Can you be a little childish? I think I can pass this first round and I'll die laughing. Sigh, it's hard to imagine this first round, let alone other things."

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