National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 277 Two-Person Battle! Ninth Round Victory!

Now is the tenth round of the competition, both Murong Shanshan and Lin Feng are very curious about the opponents they will meet in this tenth round...


"Automatic matching completed...."

The contestants of the tenth round came to the Budojo.

Both Murong Shanshan and Lin Feng were slightly startled, they didn't expect to be people from Seven Dragon Palace.

The zodiac signs of both parties appeared in the eyes of both parties.

Player: Fire Dragon


Mana: 1945

Player: Little milk dragon

Blood value: 500000

Mana: 1658

Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan are also very excited about Fiery Dragon and Little Milk Dragon Sword.

"I really didn't expect to meet you in the 10th round of the competition. Just now we were talking about whether we would meet you."

"That's right, that's right, I didn't expect that we could still PK. This is something I've always dreamed of."

The fiery dragon and the little milk dragon said with a smile.

Who would not know the existence of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng is so good with the people in Seven Dragon Hall.

This battle is indeed a very good opportunity to let everyone know the strength of the other party.

Besides, Seven Dragon Palace also bought a lot of Lin Feng's equipment and other things.

So this time I also want to see what Lin Feng's real strength is.

Murong Shanshan said flatly to Lin Feng.

"Then the two of us will extend that time this time."

"Fight them well, otherwise, if you kill them too quickly, you won't give them face."

Lin Feng also frowned slightly and felt that this was indeed the case. If he really killed the people in the Seven Dragon Palace with one move, it would indeed be disrespectful to them.

Considering that they have bought so much equipment for themselves, it is indeed necessary to save them some face.

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, Fiery Dragon said quickly.

"Meng Wang is a competition. Don't be merciful to us just because everyone knows each other. We still want to have a good showdown with you."

The little milk dragon nodded, brought up the firecracker, and aimed at Lin Feng.

"Yes, yes, although it is said that our Seven Dragon Palace has indeed purchased it."

"You have a lot of equipment, we are indeed friends, but this is a competition, I still hope that you can show your true strength.

Murong Shanshan and Lin Feng saw that the two of them had spoken like this, if they continued to think about other things, it would indeed be embarrassing for them.

"Accepted." Lin Feng said lightly.

When the audience saw Lin Feng's battle this time, the fiery dragon and the little milk dragon in the Palace of Seven Dragons clapped their hands excitedly.

"No, did you think that the 10th round match between Meng Wang and the others would actually be the Seven Dragon Palace! This is more interesting, and they also know people from the Seven Dragon Palace. I also want to see what Mengmeng knows. Will you be cruel in front of people?"

"That must be ruthless, because this is a game and it's not a joke. If it's not very hot, isn't it just waiting to open up the opponent?"

"If it's just because the two sides know each other, I don't think it's necessary to give up this result. After all, this is a competition, and there must be winners and losers in the competition."

"That's right, that's right, I think so too. There are winners and losers in a game. If there is no win or loss, then the game is meaningless, meaningless, and if it's meaningless, it's meaningless for the official to host the Martial Arts Conference."

"Yes, yes, I think this time it will definitely be a particularly interesting battle, and I don't know who will win this time, I think it will be the King Meng, but the popularity of the Seven Dragon Palace I heard that the dragon is also very powerful."

"The most powerful thing in the Seven Dragon Palace should be the ancestor dragon and the water dragon, and then the hot dragon, but I think it is a very good thing to meet the people in the Seven Dragon Palace. I hope that both of them can show their true strength come out."

"That's right, that's right, I just remembered it, I tolerate it, it's really quite powerful, and I don't know what shocking moves they will have when they fight with Meng Wang.

Everyone started to discuss, and this showdown between Lin Feng and Seven Dragon Palace started.

At this time, a text message popped up on Lin Feng's cell phone, which was really sent by Murong Wuwu at the time of this evening.

"I've already made a reservation. Tickets for the movie tonight have arrived. Let's go to another place for dinner tonight. The location is the newly opened restaurant in Hailan Park. It's naturally delicious. Let's go together after dinner." Go to the movies.

"I'm going now, you can find you again."

Lin Feng saw the message sent by Murong Wuwu, and immediately replied, um, after that, he just entered the game.

But I also thought that time was running out, so I might as well quickly kill them in Qilong store.

"Shanshan, I still have something to do tonight, so let's end this time as soon as possible."

Murong Shanshan nodded, since what happened to Lin Feng, she naturally couldn't hold back.

"Then let's adopt a 1-on-1 approach this time, I will fight the little milk dragon, and you will kill the fiery dragon, this way is also faster.


The time is counting down.......

The game officially begins.

The fiery dragon set its sights on Lin Feng, and summoned a huge magic circle in its hands, which appeared on Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng looked at the magic circle on his head and frowned slightly.

The powerful magic began to smash down huge flames one after another.

Lin Feng looked at the flames rushing towards him, during this time he summoned Shuang'er who rode on Ssangyong's body, quickly dodged and drove away.

The little milk dragon and Murong Shanshan on the side also fought. Murong Shanshan, as the king who attacked in the dark, and the king who attacked in the open, the little milk dragon, also had a fighting spirit.


The little Nailong raised the cannon in his hand [Chang] and slammed into Murong Shanshan's direction.

Although Murong Shanshan was in the dark, he could still hear his walking.

And the little milk dragon is more sensitive to sound.

So he immediately knew exactly where Murong Shanshan was.

When Murong Shanshan saw the little milk dragon's shells flying towards her, she dodged to the side again.

Appearing on the side of Xiaonailong, I didn't expect that she could clearly know where she is. It seems that the opponent I met this time is indeed quite formidable.

Seeing that Murong Shanshan dodged his own shells, Xiao Nailong was a little surprised at first, after all not many people could dodge his own attack, so he spoke.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be so fast and dodge my attack. I will definitely not let you dodge my attack next time!"

Murong Shanshan gave a light drink and said with a smile.

"Then I'll see if you have the ability to attack me."

Immediately, the two began to fight again, and the entire martial arts arena was filled with the figures of both sides.

Lin Feng dodged the moves released by the fiery dragon.

It is constantly displayed on the head.




The Fiery Dragon was a little surprised when he saw that Lin Feng passed all his attacks.

But after much deliberation, after all, he is the number one brain on the five list, thinking about himself, these simple attacks are also very normal.

Lin Feng instantly released the guardian angel's cross slash, and two large attack waves directly hit the fiery dragon.

The fiery dragon watched the wave of attacks coming towards him, combined his moves, and built a shield in front of him.

With a bang, Lin Feng's Guardian Angel Cross Slash hit the shield created in front of him.

Unexpectedly, his shield was directly torn apart by Lin Feng's Guardian Angel Cross Slash, and a damage value appeared on his head.


"...How did you do it? I have a shield that no one can break, and it has also greatly enhanced my defense. How could it be possible to reduce my blood volume by 300,000!"

Fiery Dragon couldn't believe it at all, and there was a pain in his heart that he couldn't tell. Originally, he thought it would be a very happy process to compete with Lin Feng, but he didn't expect that it would be a process of being crushed.

This feeling really makes people feel a little bit unsatisfactory from the bottom of their hearts.

But what can I do? The only thing I can do is fight.

Looking at the current appearance of the fiery dragon, Lin Feng couldn't help but chuckled.

"Your defense is still too weak, but it has been weakened. The attack of my Guardian Angel Cross Slash is not bad." (of Qian's)

Not bad, oh my god, this summoned a protective shield, half of his blood volume has been instantly cut by him, this one is not bad, wouldn't it be instantly killed if it were someone else? Think about what a terrifying existence this is ah.

Seeing that Lin Feng weakened the opponent's HP by half, Murong Shanshan was not to be resigned.

While the little milk dragon was slapping all kinds of pain on himself.

He sped up his speed and arrived in front of her, releasing the attack instantly.

The little Nailong also reacted, and hastily pulled some distance away from Murong Shanshan, but she couldn't escape her attack.


The 100,000 blood volume was killed by such a simple light machine like him.

Seeing Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan at this moment, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Sure enough, if we meet Mengmeng and the others, it is absolutely impossible to win, look at the two of them now, alas, I thought how powerful the people from Seven Dragon Palace are.

"Can everyone stop saying such shameless words, although Meng Wang and the others are indeed very powerful, as long as we continue to work hard and continue to work hard, although we are still not as good as Meng Wang, we still have improved in general.

"What the team said is right, I think so too, but how to say it specifically, let's look at it according to the current trend of the two of them."

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