National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 278 Two-Person Battle! Tenth Round Victory!

Murong Shanshan felt a little upset when she saw that her attack just foolishly lost 100,000 HP of the little milk dragon...

After all, if it was normal, it might be able to kill the enemy directly. It seems that the defense of this little milk dragon is quite high.

Lin Feng watched as the fiery dragon in front of him shot out at him again, one flame after another that was bigger than before, and once again rode Shuang'er to avoid it...

Unexpectedly, the flame ball cast by the fiery dragon cable would follow people...

Lin Feng looked at the flame ball that had been following behind him, and while running on Shuang'er, he released the patron saint's hammer towards the flame ball behind him!

The golden hammer in the void directly collided with the flame ball behind him, and with a bang, red fireworks filled the entire Martial Arts Field...

The Fiery Dragon Sword's own attack was still neutralized by Lin Feng, and he was even more unhappy in his heart. What should he do now...

Lin Feng released his skills again, and the guardian angel counterattacked!

The sword of the Archangel in his hand stood upright, and slashed directly in the direction of the fiery dragon!

In an instant, the red fireworks floating around were all slashed by the guardian angel released by Lin Feng at this moment, and all of them were blown out!

Just when the fiery dragon wanted to dodge the attack sent by Lin Feng, there was no time and space for him to dodge!


The entire blood volume was reduced to zero in seconds by Lin Feng's trick.

The little milk dragon on the side was accidentally injured by Lin Feng's power, but its blood volume also dropped a lot

In today's martial arts arena, only Lin Feng, Murong Shanshan, and the little milk dragon are left...

Looking at the defeated fiery dragon, the little milk dragon couldn't help swallowing...  

Facing the powerful character in front of me, I guess the only thing I can do is to wait for 253 to die......


At first, I thought there would be some special turning point, but I didn't expect that not only there was no special turning point, but now facing a two-on-one situation, it would be great if I could surrender.

The Fiery Dragon is now completely convinced by Lin Feng.

As expected of the big boss in everyone's heart, he is so powerful that people can't help but worship him!

The audience looked at the little milk dragon who was alone now, and couldn't help but smile

"I thought how powerful the Palace of Seven Dragons would be... It seems that it is nothing more than that... Now there is only one little milk dragon left to face Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan, There is no need to fight at all..."

"Actually, according to Meng Wang's temperament, I will definitely not use such an unfair method to win. I believe that Meng Wang will definitely use another method."

"Of course, I think Murong Xiaoshan will have a PK with Xiao Nailong at that time, hehe! In this case, it can be regarded as a very fair competition!"

"That's right! When you say that, I think so too, but I'm really curious, what kind of thoughts are in the heart of the little milk dragon now, does it feel like I'm going to die...

"Hahaha, probably not. After all, the people in the Seven Dragon Palace are all very brave. No matter how much the little milk dragon thinks in his heart, he will definitely not be like the Hot Pot City and the Berserker Alliance. .”

"I think this little milk dragon is quite powerful. If it's an individual battle now, I think the little milk dragon might win!"

Lin Feng said: "Xiaoshan, you can have a duel with the little milk dragon."

"It's really unfair if the two of us fight one another...

The big stone in Xiaonailong's heart also fell when Lin Feng said this, thinking that Meng Wang really planned to fight with two people, if it was just a simple one-on-one fight, maybe there would be a turnaround against the wind Chance.

Murong Shanshan also felt that what Lin Feng said was indeed not unreasonable. After all, his strength is so powerful, it is estimated that if he simply launched a simple attack at that time, the opponent would have already died.

The little milk dragon raised the firecracker, and continued to fight towards Murong Shanshan's position!

Looking at the overwhelming and swiftly flying shells, Murong Shanshan disappeared here again.

The little milk dragon also began to nervously realize where Murong Shanshan is now...

Lin Feng and Fiery Dragon watched the battle between the two of them at this time.

"Who do you think is more powerful between Xiaonailong and Murong Xiaoshan?"

Lin Feng looked at the little milk dragon who was aware of Murong Xiaoshan's actions now, although she seemed to be able to know where Murong Xiaoshan was and where exactly it was, but!

If Murong Xiaoshan is now using the method of smacking east and west, then Xiaonailong will definitely fail.

"Just look at the final result, why worry too much about the trivial things now.

Murong Xiaoshan also noticed that although Xiaonailong knew where he was, he couldn't be sure exactly.

But this is also much stronger than those ordinary opponents, compared to those opponents who don't even know where they are, she is also more powerful.

It seems that it is time to change the strategy......

Murong Shanshan suddenly used her own moves at her position!

The little milk dragon also noticed this, and immediately unleashed his cannon ray towards Murong Shanshan's position!

In an instant, a white ray of light shot out directly from his cannon!

Seeing this opportunity, Murong Shanshan immediately followed the white ray of light to the side of the little milk dragon, and immediately used her moves!

I saw a flash of light.....

All the blood volume of the little milk dragon has dropped!


The system voice reported: "Congratulations to the player Meng Wang, and congratulations to the player Murong Xiaoshan, who won the double battle and won the tenth round!"

"You have already harvested ten points of victory, both of you, please continue to work hard!"

The audience started to discuss.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast. They have already finished the two-person battle of Kalachon. It's really fast. I wish I had their speed."

"Now Meng Wang has finished today's individual battle and two-player battle. It is estimated that there will be 6-player and 4-player battles next. For ordinary people like us, let's quickly pass the individual battle and the two-player battle. , After all, this is just the initial factory and you can participate in as many games as you like."

"Yeah, that's exactly what it should be. After all, when participating in individual battles and two-player battles, the one you're most afraid of encountering is such a powerful character like Meng Wang."

"Don't think about it, I'll come back later and continue the double battle and individual battle. After all, now everyone sees that Meng Wang has finished fighting, this double battle, and the double battle and single player after the individual battle The masters must also lose, not lose."

"Yeah, yeah, after you said that, I think about it now, hey, everyone, hurry up and get out, ah, hurry up and start fighting, now the Dragon King and Murong Xiaoshan are also starting to prepare for 6-man battles and 10-man battles Come on, everyone, please do your best."

"Let's go, I'll come back to watch when Meng Wang starts the battle, the 6-player battle and the ten-player battle. After watching Meng Wang's moves this time, I also learned a lot."

"Actually, I think it's useless to read it. After all, their combat power and defense power are so high, and our combat power and defense power are so weak. So what can we do if we learn it."

"Yeah, yes, I think so too after what you said, and I really feel the same way. Although it's really not very good after learning, but generally speaking, I feel pretty good."

Lin Feng also withdrew from the World's No. 1 Conference Wounding Station and left the game room.

The doorbell rang at this moment, and he was still thinking about tidying up and going to take a shower by himself, but he didn't have much time now.

Murong Wuwu greeted Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"I think you have just finished playing the game. Do you want to take a shower and rest? After all, this two-player battle is really exhausting. I feel a little tired after the game.

When Lin Feng heard Murong Wuwu, he felt really tired no matter what. After stretching, he said to Murong Wuwu who was sitting on the stool.

"Then you wait here for me first, I'll take a shower first."

Murong Wuwu made an OK gesture towards Lin Feng.

"Okay, you go, there is still time now, and it won't take long for us to walk over now, it's okay, take your time, don't worry.

Lin Feng took the clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Murong Wuwu outside the door heard the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, and for some reason, she always felt a little weird.

Lin Feng's cell phone rang to see if Murong Er'er was calling at this time.

"Is Wuwu with you?"


Lin Feng heard Murong Er'er's anxious voice, and guessed that Murong Wu ran out secretly behind his back, otherwise, he would definitely not call him.

After Murong Er'er got Lin Feng's affirmation, the big stone in her heart finally fell off.

She thought that Murong Wuwu had somehow run away from home again.

"That's fine. Don't do anything to others. If I find out, I won't be polite to you."

After Lin Feng hummed, Murong Er'er hung up the phone.

In fact, he also understood that Murong Er Er cared.

The people waiting outside the door got a little anxious, and when they arrived at the door of Lin Feng's bathroom, they shouted at Lin Feng.

"How are you doing?"

Lin Feng quickly replied.

"It's been washed, you can go to the living room and wait for me now."

Murong Wuwu hummed, then obediently returned to the living room, waiting for Lin Feng quietly.

But for some reason, he began to recall the picture of him walking out of the bathroom inexplicably. .

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