After Lin Feng put on his simple casual clothes, he came out of the bathroom.

Murong Wuwu was waiting in the living room, but she didn't know why she always felt a little nervous, her heart moved away, and she jumped up inexplicably...

I saw Lin Feng came out of the bathroom, and in an instant, his cheeks, which were not flushed before, turned a faint blush at this moment...

"You...are you alright?"

Murong Wuwu seemed to be inexplicably nervous, and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng saw that she had been staring at her head and didn't dare to look at him, so he couldn't help raising a faint smile, and suddenly he wanted to tease this girl a little bit.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you thinking? Why is your face so red?"

Murong Wuwu was slightly stunned again, and said in disbelief~.

"It's hurry up and fix it, we're going to eat..."

He couldn't help urging the current Lin Feng, but he actually felt the little deer in his heart jumping up and down—the same thing.


Lin Feng said, put on his shoes, briefly adjusted his hairstyle, and left the villa with Murong Shanshan.

The two of them were walking together on the path, and the passers-by who passed by them would look at them with strange eyes...

Murong Wuwu said: "Tell me, why do they look at us with such strange eyes..."

"Could it be that you think the two of us are weird?"

Lin Feng nodded, and also paid attention to the passers-by who left her, and found that it was exactly what she said, and they all looked at Lin Feng with strange eyes.

"Don't worry too much, let's go."

"By the way, have you and Murong Er'er passed all the fights this time?"

Murong Wuwu nodded heavily. Said proudly.

"Yeah! I've called you all, I thought I'd meet you, but I didn't expect that Huang Jing didn't meet you..."

"Tomorrow we can fight six-man stand and ten-man stand together!"

"Other members, have you already passed on the news?"

Lin Feng nodded, seeing how she cared so much about many things, and said.

"It's rare, usually you don't care so much about these things, why do you care so much all of a sudden?"

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she pouted and said!

"Do I usually look so unconcerned?"

"In fact, I usually care about these things, but you think I don't care."

Lin Feng raised his finger, scratched the tip of her little nose and said.

"Yes, yes, as you said, you are the one who cares most about all of this, so, tomorrow's six-person stand and ten-person stand, we must listen to everyone's arrangements."

"Don't make decisions on your own."

Murong Wuwu nodded seriously and said proudly.

"I think our team must be the strongest!"

"I will definitely be the champion of this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament!"

"This time, when I competed with Er Er, I also encountered some very powerful players, but in the end, it was nothing!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "How is it? Have you encountered any players with moves that you think are more powerful in this competition?"

Murong Wuwu thought about it carefully, and found that there was really no...

"I feel like most of them are pretty much the same, maybe because none of them beat me, so it doesn't matter to me.

"However, I have met people from Hot Pot City and the Berserker Alliance."

"You don't know, they are so arrogant that they can't be arrogant anymore, so I will directly cooperate with Erer to kill them with one move."

"What about you? Have you ever met someone who is really good?"

After asking, Murong Wuwu only felt that her IQ was not enough...

I foolishly forgot about his moves and attack power...

"I don't think there should be. When everyone meets you, they probably feel that they are very bad."

Lin Feng thought of the opponents he met, as if they were indeed what Murong Wuwu said, as if he would eat them up when he met him...

"Most of the people I met this time are indeed similar."

"However, the strength of the Seven Dragon Palace is indeed good."

Murong Wuwu was slightly startled, and looked at him with adoring eyes.

Then how did you defeat the Palace of Seven Dragons and the others!

"If I hadn't been dragging me to continue the match with her today, I would have watched you play against each other.

"I never thought that I would miss so much beauty!"

While talking, Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng with pitiful little eyes.

Lin Feng was chuckled lightly by Murong Wuwu.

"It's nothing...not a very nice thing."

The two walked into the restaurant together and came to the small box.

The waiter handed the menu to Murong Wuwu, only to see Murong Wuwu stroking her stomach and saying.

"Then I can do whatever I want, okay?"

"Is there anything in particular you want to eat?"

Lin Feng shook his head, looking at Murong Wuwu with doting eyes.

"Look and order for yourself. I like to eat whatever you order."

These words made Murong Wuwu's cheeks that had cooled down just now turn red again!

"I said, can you stop saying things like this..."

"Then I'm really blunt and casual."

The waiter looked at Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu with envy in his eyes, and said.

"I really envy you young lovers."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she didn't realize that she was mistaken for being in love with Lin Feng?

Just as he was about to shake his head to explain, he couldn't even say a single sentence. He wanted to explain, but he couldn't speak for no reason.

"Then you guys think it's delicious, serve it all!"

The waiter frowned slightly, hearing what Murong Wuwu said, it really gave them a problem.

"Miss, what do you want to eat? The food here is delicious."

Murong Wuwu shook her head. In fact, she also had difficulty choosing. After looking at all the menus again, she silently handed the menus to Lin Feng.

"Look... I can't choose by myself, I think all of them are good, but now there are only two of us, if we order too much, we will definitely not be able to finish it.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu suffered from difficulty in choosing, Lin Feng said silently.

"Then I'll help you."

After speaking, Lin Feng immediately ordered several delicacies according to Murong Wuwu's preferences.

The waiter took the menu and left the box.

……ask for flowers…

Murong Wuwu was a little shy and didn't dare to look at Lin Feng more, the whole box fell into an abnormal tranquility...

In the second world game at this time...

Many people in the forum have started to upload videos of Lin Feng killing all kinds of masters in seconds......

The Palace of Seven Dragons also began to discuss, this time the fiery dragon and little milk dragon are living with Lin Feng and Murong Shanshan.

Xiaonailong said: "I really didn't expect that this Murong Xiaoshan is quite scheming. If I wasn't too anxious, I wouldn't have lost so quickly."

Zu Long said: "Murong Xiaoshan is really good as the assassination king, little milk dragon, if you have time, you should learn from Murong Xiaoshan, your scouting ability is still not as good as others."

Hot Dragon said: "I didn't play well this time either. I didn't expect that the power of this cute king is completely beyond my imagination... It seems that I will have to ask for advice in the future."

The big evil dragon said: "Oh! What a pity, I would have formed a team with you if I knew it earlier! I also seem to be meeting the cute king, I actually thought that I would meet the cute king in this match...... Didn't even touch it!"

Shuilong said: "I also thought that we could meet Meng Wang, but who knows that we haven't met in vain, it seems that sometimes we really need a little bit of fate, there is no way


Seeing the two of them wanting to meet Meng Wang so much, Zu Long asked.

"The two of you can tell from the mouths of the fiery dragon and the little milk dragon that this cute king and Murong Xiaoshan are a heaven-defying existence. If you really meet, you probably have a slight chance of winning." No."

"If you have this time, why don't you learn the moves well, study and study with the cute king, and discuss and discuss?"

The big evil dragon said: "Got it... don't worry! If we have time to go back and discuss it, by the way, we can also do six-person standings tomorrow, and we have also played two-person standings ."

Zu Long thought for a while, and felt that it is indeed possible to hold six-person stand and ten-person stand tomorrow. If the guess is accurate, it is estimated that Meng Wang and the others will definitely open six-person stand and ten-person stand tomorrow.

"Okay, then we will open the six-person station tomorrow. I have announced the time in the announcement. Take a look, we must go online on time!"

The big evil dragon said: "Okay! Don't worry, we will definitely go online on time. I'm talking about it. Maybe, tomorrow's six-person stand and ten-player stand may really meet Meng Wang!"

Seeing that the big fierce dragon seemed to really want to meet the cute king, the little milk dragon said silently.

"I really hope that I don't meet Meng Wang...he is so powerful, in fact, this time no matter what team Meng Wang is in, he can bring the team's output to the whole team

"Although the total damage of our Seven Dragon Palace is indeed quite high, the strength of King Meng must not be underestimated."

Fiery Dragon feels that it is a pity that this time the duo did not fight Lin Feng properly.

"If such a good thing happens to me next time, I must seize this opportunity well.

"Although it is true that Meng Wang is still very strong, but the six-person stand and the ten-player stand, it is definitely not the strength of one person, and sometimes it is the strength of the team that needs to be seen."

"The tacit understanding of the team is very important."

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