In the second world forum at this time, everyone is discussing every moment of Lin Feng's attack in full swing!

When Lin Feng performed his moves, everyone was discussing.

The first floor: "You say, how can I become a person like Meng Wang? Actually, I have been studying the moves of this Meng Wang, but I can't figure out what to do. What kind of method does he use to be able Doing so much damage?"

Second floor: "If we knew, we would all be as powerful as Meng Wang! Don't dream, Meng Wang is not only powerful in moves, but more importantly, his level is also high... maybe If you want to be as good as Meng Wang, you must first train your level past him."

The third floor: "Yes! I agree with the above statement! After all, people's levels are crushed here, so don't even think about it... For moves, no matter how hard you study, you will definitely not be able to study levels of.....…."

The fourth floor: "Oh, it is very difficult to surpass the level of Mengwang, okay? If you think about it with your brain, you will know that this is impossible at all. I guess this time the martial arts conference must be the same. The flowers fell into the hands of the king."

The fifth floor: "Everyone is still pursuing this second place. It is already "seven three seven" not bad to have a second place. After all, the first place is already doomed, unless everyone has some way to go against the sky. , Defeat the cute king."

The sixth floor: "Don't even think about it, even the fiery dragon is directly killed, let alone us... and the more important thing is that if your ability is not high, maybe even the previous one None of the hundred..."

Seventh floor: "I have lowered my pursuit now, I just want a hundredth place, just right! In a situation like the first place, I still let you people who have pursuits, go to your heart's content Pursue it!"

The mad dragon of the mad war alliance has also seen it, and now the entire forum is discussing Lin Feng's matter.

This is also constantly reminding him of those people under him.

Being given a second move by Lin Feng is simply a loss of face.

"The 6 people this time really have to find all the numbers. If we still meet Meng Wang and the others this time, we must take them all down!"

The others all came to Kuang Zhan's side.

"Don't worry, after these few days of training, I've already memorized everything. If we really meet Meng Wang and the others, we will definitely attack them all."

"Don't worry, President Kuanglong, we will definitely be ruthless, and we will definitely not let this kid occupy our face again. Well, this time we will definitely make him pay the price he deserves."

"This time I have trained my level to the extreme. If we still can't solve Meng Wang this time, it seems that we may really stop thinking about other aspects."

"We must win this time, and we must win back the face of our Berserker Alliance. I will definitely not let Meng Wang go so easily."

"Seeing that you have such determination, I feel more at ease in my heart. How is the captain of the Hot Pot City that I asked you to contact now?" Kuang Long asked.

"Don't worry, we've found all of them now, the captain gave them back to us, and one of the most powerful candidates in Hot Pot City has already been selected. It just so happens that the most powerful candidates have been selected for both the double battle and the individual battle.

Kuanglong nodded when he heard this sentence, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and a hint of fierceness flickered in his eyes.

The hot pot with Sprite from Hot Pot City came in front of Kuanglong.

"Guild Dragon, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"What are your plans for this time?"

Seeing the arrival of the hot pot with Sprite, Kuang Long couldn't help but let out a cold snort, who didn't know that his exhausted appearance after the battle with Lin Feng also lost all the face of Hot Pot City.

Hot Pot with Sprite Seeing Kuanglong's eyes like this, he also understands what his current position in his mind is like.

"Would anyone be able to defeat Meng Wang's power?"

"There is no need for you to have such great confidence that you will be the King of Meng, but it is not as weak as you imagined.

"More importantly, he will never give you any chance of surviving if he makes a move."

Kuanglong was annoyed for a while when he heard the hot pot with Sprite, and yelled at him.

"What do you mean by this? Do you think we are too weak? Let me tell you, we are much stronger than you imagined!"

"I don't have any power to be beaten so badly by the Meng King, and now I come to our Berserker Alliance to make fun of it, you really have your Hot Pot City."

Hotpot with Sprite heard what Kuanglong said, his eyes lit up with anger, and he yelled at him.

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean we're here to play tricks? We're also here to help you."

"Do you really think you want to defeat the cute king just by your strength? It's just a daydream!"

"Let me tell you, even if you cooperate, it's impossible to defeat Meng Wang."

Suddenly Kuanglong was trembling with anger from the hot pot and Sprite, and grabbed the hot pot and Sprite by the collar.

"You're telling me that!"

"Do you know that you are a traitor when you serve hot pot with red wine?!"

Hot Pot with Sprite couldn't help chuckling when he heard this.

"Why am I a traitor?"

"Which eye of yours sees that I'm a traitor? What I'm saying is nothing more than the truth! Do you understand, the truth!"

Kuanglong let go of the Hot Pot and Sprite in front of him, with hatred in his eyes, he summoned a golden light directly in his hand, and was about to hit Hot Pot and Sprite when the sound of Hot Pot and Red Wine came from behind sounded.

"Okay, Sprite, go away."

"Go back to Hot Pot City, I asked you to come, not to ask you to find trouble.

Hearing these words, Hot Pot and Sprite took a step back, turned around and left the Berserker Alliance.

In fact, what he said was the truth. Do you really think that ordinary people can defeat Meng Wang? That is simply a dream, and now even the people from the Seven Dragon Palace can't beat it, let alone, they are united.

It is estimated that a cute king can't beat it, and I still want to PK with six people and ten people.

However, what can be done, since they die or want revenge, and I have no way to stop them, why not just let them go on like this, and wait until one day they find out by themselves before turning back.

Kuanglong said to the hot pot with red wine.

"I really didn't expect that in your Hot Pot City, there are such traitors who actually speak for King Meng in your Hot Pot City..."

Hot pot with red wine I don't know what this hot pot with Sprite is all about, but seeing Kuanglong so angry now, I have no choice but to explain.

"This incident was indeed our mistake. Maybe he was stimulated by something today."

Kuanglong listened to the explanation of hot pot with red wine and didn't say much.

After all, hot pot with Sprite is from their hot pot city, and they saw it quickly.

Although it is said that there is cooperation with Hot Pot City, there is indeed no reason to say anything more about their people.

And in fact, if you think about it carefully, what he said is actually the truth.

The existence of Meng Wang is indeed very powerful, and now even the people in the Seven Dragon Palace have been instantly killed by everyone.

Not to mention them, now they can only place their hopes on this six-player battle, because this six-player battle is also the most difficult to fight. The more people there are, the more difficult it will be to cooperate.

However, they also discussed a lot of fighting skills.

Now Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng have already finished their dinner, they are sitting together in the small square room, looking at each other.

Although the current atmosphere is indeed a little embarrassing.

But it seems that looking at each other feels less awkward.

Murong Wuwu suddenly thought of something, looked at the dishes on the table that she had eaten, and asked Lin Feng.

"How do you know that I like to eat this kind of food, I have to say that the taste here is really delicious.

"We can eat here often in the future, and I just learned that there are many more on the menu."

Lin Feng nodded, looked at Murong Wuwu who was smiling every day and said.

"If you like to eat, I can bring you here often. As long as you ask, we can come here to eat."

Murong Wuwu clapped her hands and said.

"Okay, okay, it's enough to have you. From now on, I will find you directly if I want to eat. I don't want to eat with Murong Er'er and the others, especially if I eat with Murong Er'er, she will I especially like to care about me. 3.0 "For example, if I like to eat this blueberry-flavored cake, she will definitely think that the blueberry is not fresh, what kind of bacteria will be produced in it, and who knows what will happen to moldy blueberries. "

At this moment, Murong Wuwu thought of the words that Murong Erer and her often read every time she was around her, and she let out a long sigh.

Lin Feng saw everything about her at the moment, but didn't know that it would be better to have comfort.

After all, I also know that Murong Er'er is often so worried, and Murong Wuwu is also because she is his younger sister.

In fact, sometimes if you have to think about it, there is a person who can always care about you by your side. Even if she is really obsessed, it may be annoying, but it is much better than no one cares about you.

"Lin Feng, do you not like others caring about you? I often don't like Er Er caring about me."

"But this time, I didn't expect that she didn't call me. Alas, do you think she has woken up and started to relax her vigilance towards me."

Murong Wuwu asked Lin Feng curiously.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smiled slightly, remembering the phone call he received in the bathroom. .

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