"Okay, okay, now it's time for us to watch the movie, let's go, we should go to the movie too, otherwise we won't be able to catch up if it's later, we might not even know what the movie is about."

Lin Feng said Murong Wuwu, and only then did he realize that they hadn't seen the movie yet, so he quickly stood up from the stool, the two of them hurriedly paid the money and then stared at the movie theater.

The two walked quickly in the cinema.

Looking for the movie and location she wanted to watch, Murong Wuwu watched Lin Feng anxiously from behind him.

I don't know why I always want the incident to stop at this moment.

"Lin Feng, have you ever gone to the movies with other girls?"

Murong Wuwu asked curiously, blinking her eyes.

Lin Feng looked at Tian with curious eyes, suddenly raised a mysterious smile, and asked in turn.

"What do you think? Do you think I've seen other girls?"

Murong Wuwu shook her head, she herself was not sure about this.

After all, my relationship with Lin Feng, even though they are classmates, is not so good that everything goes wrong.

And my relationship with him only started to improve during this summer vacation.

How could I know what happened before, but based on what she knew about Lin Feng.

He probably doesn't like going to movies too much, at least it seems that he doesn't have any girls around him.

"At the time, I thought it shouldn't be, it seems that we have been in the same class for so many years and I have never seen you with other girls.

But she still couldn't help it, and asked Lin Feng, still a little unsure about her guess.

Lin Feng snapped his fingers, watched the movie about to start on 26, and said with a smile.

"As you can guess, I don't have any girls around me, and no girls want to go to the movies with me.

"Okay, okay, you are about to start watching the movie, don't think about it anymore, watch the movie carefully."

This sentence made Murong Wuwu, who was about to say something, suddenly had nothing to say, and remembered the scenes in those TV dramas.

Looking at Lin Feng, who is now serious about watching movies, I feel a little depressed for no reason.

But it seemed a little strange, and this feeling made her very unsure of what to do.

She found out that Lin Feng's straight man is really a good straight man. When she was focusing on watching movies, if she were any other boy, she would definitely hold her hand. She didn't expect that he was really serious about watching movies. Come.

"What do you think of the movie? I personally selected it. Do you think the plot is the type you like?" Murong Wuwu asked in a low voice in Lin Feng's ear.

Lin Feng turned around and nodded. After all, this movie is a romance movie, and he is indeed not picky about movies. It seems that he is quite happy to watch any type of movie.

"I'm not picky about these movies. If the movie has its own storyline, for me, these storylines are the highlights."

Murong Wuwu was also speechless at the moment, but seeing that she rated this movie she danced so highly, she felt a little comforted in her heart, thinking that he would not like to watch romance movies with her.

"After that, if you feel bored, we can often watch movies."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Okay, then as you said, if I want to watch a movie at that time, I will be the first one to find you. What do you think?"

Murong Wuwu also nodded, after all, being able to be recognized at the first time must have been a more important wife to her, otherwise who would have thought of Bi Jiang at the first time.

"Okay, then let's talk about it, you can't forget it."

The two continued to watch the movie earnestly, ignoring the movement around them at all. When the romance movie was halfway through, some erotic scenes actually started...

Lin Feng looked at the tumbling men and women in the movie, frowning slightly, not knowing why.

It was only then that I noticed that the people sitting next to me were all couples, and it also meant that this romance film was starting to start to play tricks.

Murong Wubiao and Lin Feng were placed in the middle of the couple, Murong Wuwu's eyes also began to pay attention to the couple around her "Some embarrassingly moved Lin Feng's hand to make his debut.

"Don't you feel embarrassed? Why do I feel that you seem to be used to it?"

Lin Feng still spoke calmly.

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

"After all, the movie ticket you bought is a romantic movie, there must be many couples watching it."

"Isn't it normal to do these things in this kind of movie theater?"

At this time, Murong Wuwu was also impressed by Lin Feng's calm temperament.

The two continued to watch carefully.

But Murong Wuwu always felt that she couldn't concentrate on watching movies at all.

Instead, he has been paying attention to these couples around him.

The scene of him accidentally kissing Lin Feng began to fill his mind.

Thinking that I have never tasted the taste of falling in love since I was so old, I was inexplicably curious about what it was like to fall in love.

"Lin Feng, have you ever been in love? Do you know what it's like to be in love?"

Lin Feng shook his head silently, turned to Murong Wuwu, and said.

"Sorry, I really don't have any experience with this."

"You can see this movie is actually quite good, but the plot is not bad.

Murong Wuwu also nodded, but what she was thinking and hearing in her mind was not the same as what Lin Feng said.

I don't know why the two of them always feel like a couple sitting in the movie theater, but their relationship is different from that of a couple.

This kind of feeling also made the two of them feel the same.

It's just that neither of them delved too deeply into this feeling. After all, life is very long, and there will always be many feelings.

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Originally, it was Murong Wuwu who asked Lin Feng to go to the movies, but she didn't expect to see her clothes, she actually leaned on Lin Feng's body and fell asleep.

Lin Feng looked at himself, feeling sleepy, and suddenly remembered what she asked himself, and a faint smile involuntarily rose from the corner of his mouth.

Now it is simply impossible to continue to focus on the movie.

Inexplicably, he was still attracted to the girl in his arms.

Murong Wuwu, looking in his arms, sometimes couldn't help but move her head.

It's just that the position she is in now is indeed a little embarrassing.

The movie is finally over...

When the lights of the whole movie theater were turned on, Murong Wuwu suddenly felt something and opened her eyes suddenly.

After watching the movie that had finished playing, I finally recovered, and I actually fell asleep in the movie theater.

Oh my god, I missed such a good and capable opportunity.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who was sitting motionless, still thinking about what happened just now, and said.

"What are you thinking about? Don't think about it anymore, hurry up, now that the movie is over, it's only after 8 o'clock, is there anything you want to play?"

Because Lin Feng knew she had slept for too long, this time he finally came out, but because of sleeping, he missed such an opportunity to watch a movie.

There will definitely be some discomfort in my heart, so it's better for everyone to go and have a good time.

Upon hearing this, Murong Wuwu nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I have a lot of places I want to go, I heard that the amusement park is very fun tonight, can you take me there.

"Er Er doesn't like me going to the amusement park, she always thinks those projects are particularly dangerous, and it will be bad if something happens to her life by accident."

Regarding Murong Er'er's childhood, Lin Feng actually saw it and didn't know what to say. After all, these are indeed her affairs, and the only thing she can do is these.

"Okay, since 013 you want to go to the amusement park, it just so happens that today is Friday, so I'll take you to the amusement park.

Hearing this news, Murong Wuwu jumped up from the stool like a child.

He threw himself into Lin Feng's arms, which also made Lin Feng a little startled...

Looking at the happy smile on her face, I didn't think much of it, I always felt that she was like my own child.

"Then, let's go."

Lin Feng brought Murong Wuwu to the playground, all the entertainment facilities were turned on, and many people were walking around with happy smiles on their faces.

Murong Wuwu watched these entertainment facilities flying around in the sky, and quickly pointed to the highest roller coaster and said.

"I want to play this, I think this is very fun, I have always wanted to play this roller coaster, but Er Er won't let me play"

Lin Feng really didn't expect this soft-looking Murong Wuwu.

As soon as this casino would naturally use a roller coaster, he thought she would choose something smaller and fresher.

Murong Wuwu, seeing that Lin Feng was silent, couldn't help but ask with a pout.

"You won't and don't take me to ride this roller coaster, I really want to go all the time, just take me there!"

Lin Feng was also convinced by her.

There is no way, since I said that I want her to play well.

As soon as he was playing in the casino, he definitely couldn't abandon her. He watched her play alone, so he nodded.

"Okay, okay, then as you said, just take this roller coaster and go, I'll buy a ticket."

Murong Wuwu nodded and stood where she was.

Lin Feng had no choice but to rush over and buy two tickets for the roller coaster, and took Murong Wuwu up the stairs of the roller coaster.

The two sat on the roller coaster together, and the roller coaster began to rise slowly...

Lin Feng also only felt that Murong Wuwu suddenly grabbed his hand with more force. .

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