National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 285 Instant Kill! The First Round Of The Six-Player Battle Begins! 【Down】

Chapter 285 Instant kill! The first round of the six-player battle begins! 【Part 2】

Li Yuan said with a smile.

"It is estimated that the mad dragon of the mad battle alliance really doubted life, after all, in such a short period of time, it must feel cold to be killed by us again in such a short period of time.

"Meng Wang, I have to say that I see that your moves have indeed improved a lot recently.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at Li Yuan at this moment, he was really speechless to him.

"Don't be too happy too early, the team battle skills of the six-player battle can really make people turn against the wind.

"This is just the first match, and it will definitely become more and more powerful as it continues.

Murong Shanshan came to Lin Feng's side, and said: "It is indeed as you said, this six-player battle is definitely much more difficult than the two-player battle and the single-player battle..."

"However, I think these people are just small things to me. As long as I don't meet any teammates who are like pigs, the opponent will definitely not have any chance to turn against the wind."

"Speaking of which, what if we meet a powerful opponent during the calculation? The combined damage of our team is several times higher than that of ordinary teams. The probability of this should be zero."

Murong Sisi also cheerfully said "193" when she heard what they were discussing now.

"That's right, even if we really meet a really good player, as long as we have Meng Wang around, one person can outperform several others, how could we fail."

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng with adoring eyes.

Lin Feng looked at everyone who was more and more confident in this second round, and didn't say much.

"Okay, since you all think so, let's continue."

"Now it's time for the second round of the six-player match. Do you need to go back to the beginning, who to catch and who to fight?"

Li Yuan and Murong Shanshan glanced at each other, and began to think about the whole battle just now, even though the members of the Berserk Alliance are indeed quite weak to them...

However, their cooperation is pretty good. If they hadn't met their pair at the beginning, maybe their pair would really have made it to the tenth round.

What's more, in the battle, it is obvious that the problem can be solved faster, but because the opponent has a formation, the time is a little slower......

"I think we may still need to line up...."

"I just thought about it. In the first battle, our speed of attacking and defeating the opponent became a little weaker. If we didn't line up, maybe we would get worse later on."

Hearing what Murong Shanshan said, Li Yuan also felt that it was true...

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi were obediently watching everyone's discussion, as if they were putting themselves outside...

Seeing that they hadn't participated in discussing this matter, Lin Feng asked.

"What about you two? Is there anything you want to say?"

"If it's really a formation, everyone must take care of the overall situation and not do whatever they want.

Murong Wuwu pouted and said.

"I think you can say whatever you want, I just follow suit, and other things are trivial to me.

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu beside her with disgusted eyes, and couldn't help complaining.

"Xiao Wu, we are in a competition now, can you stop saying such words that make people's skin crawl?"

Murong Wuwu snorted towards Murong Sisi.

"You don't understand. As a competent team member, everything the captain said is correct. Besides, I believe that other people's choices matter to me. You just need to tell me the results of your discussions. I will definitely It will be strictly enforced."

Murong Shanshan silently supported her forehead, now she had no choice but to discuss with the people around her, Murong Erer, and Meng Wang.

As for Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi, let them stay aside.

"Otherwise, let's line up. In this way, we can have more space and beat the opponent directly at a faster speed."

"If you really want to catch someone and fight someone, you will definitely hit a wall when you meet an opponent, and this will also slow down everyone's speed and time.

Lin Feng nodded, and everyone asked.

"Then what do you think of the plan Murong Xiaoshan mentioned?"

"If everyone thinks it is necessary to form an array, then all of them should show their hands and vote."

Murong Shanshan and Murong Erer all raised their hands, Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi saw that the three of them raised their hands, and silently raised their own.

"Okay, since everyone thinks that you need to form an array, then directly form an array."

"With me as the center and everyone's ability, I will rank from the top to the bottom of the follow-up, and I will play Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi."

"What do you guys think?"

Murong Er'er only remembered that she nodded at her thoughts, after all, Lin Feng's strength must be the strongest among everyone's forces.

"Okay, let's follow what Lin Feng said, we will go from big to young, so that we can have more space to protect the two of them."

When Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi heard that Murong Er'er and Lin Feng had arranged themselves to the end, they felt extremely aggrieved for a moment.

"My objection is that I don't want to be ranked last. I think I'm actually pretty good, so I want to be ranked first." Murong Sisi said.

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she quickly raised her hand!

"I also want to be in the front, I don't want to be in the back, I think as long as everyone works hard, they will definitely be able to get a better version of themselves."

Seeing that the two of them wanted to go to the front, Murong Shanshan let out a long sigh, and silently talked to the people beside him.

"Otherwise, the two of us can go behind the two of them, and you can indeed be protected as a selective attack behind the two of them.

"My damage is instantaneous, so if I shoot behind, it can also play a hidden role, so that I can better attack the enemy.

Seeing Murong Shanshan say this one after another, I think we should do as they say.

"All right, all right, it's as you said, but Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi go ahead."

"Mengwang, what do you think about letting the two of them fight by your side? Does it make you feel even more awesome!"

Lin Feng silently rolled his eyes continuously.

What kind of nonsense is this?

But if you think about it carefully, the moves of Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu are really suitable for the front.

"Okay, Murong Sisi and I, Murong Wuwu and Murong Erer are the ones fighting in the front, the two of you will fight in the back.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi saw that Lin Feng agreed with their idea, clapped their hands quickly and said

"Thank you, Captain! I will never disgrace you."

Murong Er'er was still a little worried, and asked Lin Feng again.

"Are you sure you want the two of them to come to the front?"

"Although the power of the two of them is indeed quite powerful, but the character of the two of them is also quite reckless......"

Listening to what Murong Er Er said, Lin Feng also felt that it was true.

But I saw that the two of them looked like they wanted to fight in the front position.

I also began to waver in my heart, not knowing what to do with them.

And if the positions are not completely arranged, it is estimated that Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi will definitely be unhappy.

"Forget it, forget it, it's still the same as what Murong Shanshan said, just line up according to what he said, let Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi fight in front."

Murong Wuwu, and Murong Sisi, upon hearing the final decision, clapped their hands and said.

"Don't worry, we won't hold you back.

The system prompt sounded at this moment.

"Congratulations to Meng Wang's team for winning the first round of the 6-player battle, you will get 1 victory point for the 6-player battle.

"Are you going to continue the game?"

The 6 people spoke in unison.


"Automatching completed..."

The 6-player players of the second round appeared in the Budojo.

Judging from the looks of the six of them, they are all in full team attire.

Did they really pay a lot for the group battle of this world's number one martial arts tournament, or did they design the team battle uniforms?

In contrast, Lin Feng's team did appear to be more free and unrestrained.

The attributes of both parties are displayed in the eyes of the other party.

Opponent: Lie Yan

Blood value: 600000

Mana: 19990

Opponent: Lieyang

Blood value: 500000

Mana: 18880

Opponent: Lieyang

Blood value: 400000

Mana: 17770

Opponent: Lie Xing

Blood value: 300000

Mana: 16660

Opponent: Lie Chen


Mana: 15550

Opponent: Libing

Blood value: 100000

Mana: 14440

The team that Lie Bing looked at was actually Mengwang's team. He couldn't believe it, and pointed to Mengwang and asked.

"You, are you the cute king?"

"You, are you the master who is number one in the five rankings? Is that the cute king who won both the individual battle and the two-player battle in just a few hours?"

Lin Feng looked at Lie Bing in front of him and saw how shocked he was, and said something speechless.

"I remember that all the names in this game can only be one."

Seeing Lie Bing in front of her eyes, Murong Wuwu stared at Lin Feng with adoring eyes, feeling a little jealous in her heart.

"Of course, there is only one cute king in the whole second world, how could there be a second cute king."

Lie Bing ignored the team beside him and clapped his hands, as if he was chasing stars, his eyes were full of love.

"Wow, I really didn't expect that I would really be lucky today, and actually meet the cute king!"


Her teammates and others have very complicated emotions in their hearts. .

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