National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 286 The Second Round Of The Six-Player Battle Begins! 【Superior】

Chapter 286 The second round of the six-player battle begins!【Part 1】

After all, the whole second world is talking about that if they really meet Meng Wang, they will only lose the rhythm...

Lie Yan felt extremely helpless, many things were completely different from what he thought...

I thought that I would meet Meng Wang and the others in the last few rounds, and everyone could fight through the previous battles casually, but I didn't expect to meet them in the second round. What a painful thing... …

Seeing Lie Bing's appearance as a star-chasing little girl, Lie Yang couldn't help complaining.

"Now is not the time for you to chase stars, but now is the time for competition, can you stop looking at your opponent with such envious eyes...

"I don't know, I thought we were really good at it..."

Lie Bing regained his composure, thought about what Lie Yang said, and it seemed that he really felt something...


But which girl will not be tempted to see her idol in front of her! It's impossible to think about it casually...

It's hard to meet your idol, you must be able to see it for a few more times, if you change it to before or when it's not a competition, you may not be able to meet your idol for the rest of your life.

"Compared to other teams, our team may not be very good, but compared to Meng Wang's team, our team must be very good..."

So don't even think about it, it's better to use the previous time to catch up with stars, maybe at that time, the cute king will think that I like him, and I like him so sincerely, I will let you #..."

"What's more, maybe Meng Wang sees that I like him so much, 26 will let me go and let me continue to play tricks in front of him."

Lie Yang was completely convinced by Lie Bing's strange idea!

"Okay, okay... I can be regarded as convincing you. Fortunately, we are not in a competition now. If it is really a competition, you will be betrayed by your appearance.

Lie Bing snorted, unwilling to pay attention to his teammate Lie Yang, and continued to stare at Lin Feng with admiration.

Lin Feng listened to them and listened to their discussion, and was completely convinced...

The audience in the Martial Arts Arena, seeing their current situation, couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I didn't expect this team to be so funny. Compared with the last game, their team seems a little bit stupid..."

"I feel that the girl in their team who likes Meng Wang is very cute. She actually said such sincere words. It would be bad for others [more importantly, the captain is not angry yet."

"I really like this girl, but she's telling the truth. The team of Meng Wang is really amazing. If I meet her, I'll chase the stars."

"I don't know what kind of moves the Meng King and the others will use this time, but they probably won't see it because the other party likes me so much, and then let them go.

"I think Meng Wang is so gentlemanly, maybe he really will, but these are nothing, even if Meng Wang will let them, other teammates may not necessarily let them."

"I see that Murong Xiaowu next to Meng Wang really doesn't like Lie Bing. Why do I have a sense of two women competing for a man? Maybe I'm thinking too much... It shouldn't be so .……………

"From what you said, it seems that it is also... Maybe the relationship between Murong Xiaowu and Meng Wang is not as simple as we imagined, and now everyone is very popular in love games... ...maybe....."

"Hmph! I don't believe it! I think a man as powerful as Meng Wang should be the legendary lonely king. How could he be easily attracted by other women! The number one men in the TV series are not all Is it a feeling of being alone and seeking defeat?"

"But now it's not a TV series. They are playing games. What are you all thinking about? How could you think of so many weird things? Maybe Murong Xiaowu just doesn't like someone who likes her captain. "

At this moment, Murong Wuwu could only feel the jealousy in her heart getting deeper and deeper, as if a turbulent wave had been set off in her heart.

"Leave this Liebing to me, and I will kill her, and you can share the rest equally among yourself."

It was rare for Murong Sisi to say such a thing in a thousand years when she saw Murong Wuwu, and she asked with a gossip face.

"It's rare, Xiao Wu.....Didn't you always maintain the posture of a Buddhist girl? Why is it suddenly like a chicken blood today?"

"Isn't it jealous? Seeing that the opponent on the other side likes our captain so much, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Murong Wuwu felt even more irritable when she heard Murong Sisi yelling non-stop in front of her...

"Look at people like this. If our team doesn't react, won't it appear that our pair has no one?"

"Besides... I guess the captain will be lighter when he makes a move later, it's better to let me do it."

Murong Shanshan also fixed her gaze on Lie Bing at this moment, since her younger sister Wuwu has already said that she will be eradicated for the first time, it is better to eradicate her at the beginning...

When Murong Er Er heard Murong Wuwu say this, he also fixed his eyes on Lie Bing at this moment.

In her heart, she was most afraid of explaining what happened to her sister...

Although it is possible that nothing will happen in the game, but if you are not afraid of what happens, you are afraid of 10,000!

At this time, Lie Bing didn't know that he was being targeted by three people, and he stared at Lin Feng with adoring eyes...

Li Yuan saw that Murong Shanshan and Murong Erer around him were staring at Lie Bing at this moment with eyes covered with evil spirits, and reckoned that Lie Bing would die a miserable death this time...

But what can I do, women are devils!

As long as they make up their minds, there is definitely nothing they can't do...

The system prompts: "Contestants on both sides, please get ready, the sixth round of the six-player battle will start soon, and the time is counting down!"


"Match Start 1"

Amidst the cheers of the audience, the gazes of the six people were facing each other...

Seeing that the game has started now, Lie Bing no longer looked like a little fan girl just now, and his expression became serious.

"Captain, don't worry, I will never give up just because the opposite is my idol!"

When Lie Yan heard what Lie Bing said, the stone in his heart finally fell. Although it is true that he may not be able to beat his opponent, but! There must be a big difference between having such a heavy determination and not having such a determination.

Just when Murong Shanshan wanted to act, Lin Feng said.

"Let Murong Wu dance up first."

"In the second round of the six-player battle, I also want to test Murong Wuwu's combat power and fighting skills. How has he improved recently?"

Murong Shanshan didn't say much after hearing it, her eyes fell on Murong Wuwu who was eager to try.

I saw Murong Wuwu showing his battle dragon form, summoned a water column, and rushed straight towards the opposite Libing!

When Lie Bing saw that Murong Wuwu's attack was rushing directly in front of him, he immediately released his skills!

I saw that Murong Wuwu's water column began to freeze...

Murong Er'er saw that Wu Wu's attack was broken by Lie Bing, and he was a little anxious, just when he was about to summon the magic circle to kill Lie Bing...

Murong Wuwu said: "I can defeat Lie Bing myself, let me do it, I will not let her go casually.

After finishing speaking, he immediately switched to other attacks!

Raising her arms slightly, she chanted a mantra, and saw a huge vortex appearing under Murong Wuwu's body...

boom boom boom......

A sound like the roar of a dragon resounded from this huge vortex...

Seeing this situation, Lie Bing felt very upset in his heart...

She never expected that she would be the one being targeted at the beginning of the battle!

According to the general battle, isn't it all the captain's duel...

Why is it me...

Murong Er heard that Murong Wuwu's moves looked very powerful, and she also said that she had to rely on herself this time, so she withdrew her attack...

A blue water dragon with a body size of thousands of miles flew out of the vortex, its momentum can be described as majestic.

Murong Wuwu rode on this water dragon, her eyes filled with murderous aura...  

Seeing this situation, Lie Bing was not to be outdone, and immediately put his hands together, and a lotus flower of ice bloomed under his body.

The attributes of ice and water are in the relationship of mutual generation and mutual restraint. Therefore, if you want to defeat the opponent, you must rely on attacks and moves this time.

Murong Wuwu frowned, and used Long Yin Xiaotian in the direction of Lie Bing!

I saw that the blue water dragon she was controlling swung its tail and quickly flew in the direction of Lie Shui!

The mouth was opened, and one sound after another resounded in all directions...

When the people around heard the huge sound, they all felt as if their eardrums were about to be perforated...

Seeing the roar of the water dragon, Lie Bing roared towards him, as if his power was about to suppress him, he immediately drove the ice lotus under him, and flew behind her!

Her damage was awed by the Long Yin Xiaotian released by Murong Wuwu, and her blood volume continued to drop...




Murong Sisi, who looked like she was watching a play, said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that Wuwu, who really released her own ability, would be so powerful! Very good!"

"If it's not my guess, Wuwu will definitely be able to destroy such an opponent soon.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu and Lie Bing who were fighting in the air, and her attack power and moves had indeed improved. .

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