National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 288 The Second Six-Player Battle Begins! 【Down】

Chapter 288 The Second Battle of Six Players Begins! 【Part 2】

Seeing that he was eliminated, Lie Bing silently retreated to the side, watching the other people's battle.

Murong Wuwu immediately came to Lin Feng's side, smiling like a little flower, and said.

"I beat her! Isn't it awesome?!"

Lin Feng nodded, with a doting smile in his eyes.

"Yes, it's great."

"Recently, your moves have indeed improved a lot."

Murong Wuwu heard Lin Feng praise herself, the smile on her face grew stronger.

"Then how about treating me to dinner for the sake of my hard work?"

Sure enough, as Lin Feng thought, if there is a little bit of success, he will come to ask for credit, but what can he do, since she has already spoken, he must not be able to refuse.

"Okay, after the fight, you can tell me what you want to eat at any time.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng didn't take them seriously at all, Lie Yang and Lie Xing became furious from embarrassment!

Although I say that I am not a very powerful existence in this team, but! My status is much stronger than all of them!

I didn't expect that it would be so ignored when it was put on the scene now!


The two men began to summon a double-edged sword in their hands, and they ran towards Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng at a very fast speed.

The double-edged sword in his hand began to burn with hot flames!

Murong Wuwu summoned one water polo after another with both hands, and began to smash towards the direction they were running from.




I didn't expect that their speed was too fast to hit them...

This also made Murong Wuwu melancholy.

Lin Feng calmly observed the scorching sun and Lie Xing that were about to disappear in front of him.

"What to do... I can't hit..."

Lin Feng said: "The most important thing for you now is to think carefully about where they will attack next.

Murong Wuwu nodded, carefully observing...

Although the speed of Lie Sun and Lie Xing is indeed very fast, compared with Murong Shanshan, it is still slow...

Lin Feng summoned Xiao Hei, the Lunar Dragon King.

Although I can know where they are at their current positions, they are running too fast...

It is indeed a loss not to use this speed for running competitions.

"Xiao Hei, freeze them for me!"

Sun Dragon King Xiao Hei heard Lin Feng's words, and immediately moved to the front and used Frozen World!

Thin ice began to form on the entire Martial Arts Field

Sure enough, the figures of Lie Yang and Lie Xing appeared in front of their eyes.


The two were frozen.

Lie Yang and Lie Xing never thought that this pet's attack could not only inflict continuous damage on people, but also freeze them!

"damn it!"

Both of them have MMP in their hearts!

Lin Feng instantly released a move, the guardian angel dry word chop!

From swinging to falling, the Archangel Sword in his hand directly took away all the opponent's HP in the critical strike state.



Both Lie Yang and Lie Xing hadn't reacted yet, they didn't expect that they would be crushed by him with one move...

It really is great.

The two admired Lin Feng even more now, clasping their fists together.

"I'm done!"

"I'm really convinced!"

"Mengwang, you really are amazing..."

When Murong Wuwu heard that the two of them were completely admired by Lin Feng (cgbf), she pouted her lips and said with her hips akimbo.

"Of course, don't even think about who we are, we are all the best!"

"Don't you just think that Meng Wang is the most powerful?"

Lie Yang and Lie Xing frowned slightly, glanced at each other, remembered that all the water waves emitted by Murong Xiaowu had been emptied, and didn't know what to say for a while...

Seeing that the two of them have been thinking about how to praise themselves, Murong Wuwu said sullenly.

"Do you two think that I'm not that good at all? In fact, I think that although I can't compare with Meng Wang, I think my ability is pretty good, right?"

After talking about this 5, Murong Wuwu's eyes fell on Lin Feng, and she was also curious about how he would praise herself this time.

At this time Li Yuan resisted Lie Yan's attack, but because Lie Yan's attack was too strong, some of them couldn't resist.

Seeing Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu at the side were still chatting with other people, said.

"Can you two come over and help? There are still people who haven't finished killing."

Only then did Murong Wuwu come to her senses, and said embarrassingly.

"Sorry, I accidentally ignored you."

This sentence secretly dropped a needle in Li Yuan's heart.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on this moment, Lie Yan swung the sword of the Archangel in his hand, and released the skill Guardian Angel to counterattack!


All of Lie Yan's attacks on Li Yuan were sent back into his body because of Lin Feng's moves!


Fortunately, he used the defensive skills in advance, and the damage caused to Lin Feng only reduced his blood volume by half.

Murong Er'er kept moving towards Lie Yang's position at this time, attacking with one move after another, the purple magic attacks continuously came towards Lie Yang overwhelmingly.

Surrounded all the places where he could escape, leaving him with nowhere to escape.

Murong Shanshan is also hiding behind everyone at this moment, preparing for an instant nirvana!

Just when Lie Yang was still there, he was constantly defending against the magic attacks Murong Er'er launched against him.

Murong Shanshan came up behind him at some point, and made a fierce move!

Just in time, Lie Yang reacted, and when he was about to dodge Murong Shanshan's attack, he was attacked by Murong Er'er imitating the center room.


The 200,000 blood volume was directly cut by Jiarong Er'er's magic attack.

Murong Shanshan once again launched an attack on Lie Yang's body, killing him instantly!

A dark light flashed past, Lie Yang's blood volume was reduced by 200,000 again.

Today's Lie Yang's blood volume is already less than 100,000. It seems that under this kind of survival, it is impossible to turn against the wind.

At this time, the audience saw that there are only two players still in the martial arts arena, and there are only two of them left in their entire team. The two of them have no blood volume, half of them are not at all. If this probability is calculated , it is impossible to win.

Although Lie Yan and Lie Yan knew that their attack power was very strong.

But I really didn't expect to be able to grab this level, just ordinary attacks can hit hundreds of thousands of people's blood.

The more important thing is that their attacks are too fast, and they are simply unavoidable.

Lie Yan's own blood volume was half left, looking at Lin Feng, Li Yuan, and Murong Wuwu in front of him, now he is beating two people by himself, it is the rhythm of being besieged by them.

In an instant, Lie Yan radiated his own attack towards Murong Wuwu, a blazing light ruthlessly directed towards Murong Wuwu, with one move!

That's right, now he can only kill people he thinks are not good enough to beat Li Yuan, compared with Murong Wuwu, Li Yuan will still be a little bit stronger.

Murong Wuwu looked at the attack coming towards her, frowned slightly, and used her defensive shield.

With a bang, Lie Yan's damage directly hit Murong Wuwu's defensive shield, and it was seen that the defensive shield Murong Wuwu used was cracked by him.


However, when Lie Yan killed Murong Wuwu, his blood volume was only 200, which was nothing to Murong Wuwu, and it was useless at all.

Lin Feng Chao Lieyan once again radiated his moves, Stars Falling Lie!

A circle of golden light burst out from his head, and in this golden light one after another rocks came from the inside with the light, and Lie Yan smashed down at a very fast speed.

Lie Yan only relied on this half of the blood volume, and began to dodge the rock desperately in the light, but still a lot of rocks fell on him.



Now he was hit by these small rocks to only have 10,000 HP left, which was just a trick for Lin Feng.

Lie Yan also admired himself for the cock that Lin Feng radiated just now.

Especially his rocks one after another are much faster than ordinary people's. Although they are all long-range attacks, his attacks are unavoidable.

Lie Yang came to Lie Yan's side, the two looked at each other, and immediately turned towards Lin Feng at this moment, Li Yuan and Murong Wuwu used mixed moves!

This attack is completely suitable for the final attack power of the two people.

The raging fire flew towards the two of them along with the long arrows.

Lin Feng attacked this again, swinging the Archangel Sword in his hand.

With a bang, the attack of the two people directly made a huge sound.

The blood volume of Lie Yan and Lie Yang was completely wiped out by Lin Feng.



Lin Feng, Li Yuan, and Murong Wuwu also suffered a little damage from this attack.




Lie Yang and Lie Yan saw that their blood volume had been wiped out by Meng Wang, they clasped their fists together and said.

"Sure enough, it's number one on the five rankings. It's a deal."

"I want to take the liberty to ask Meng Wang, what do you think my attack needs to be greatly improved, I seem to have entered a calm period now." Lie Yang asked quickly

After all, it is indeed a rare thing to meet such a powerful boss.

It just so happens that I do have some problems with my moves, so I can ask him for advice, which will definitely help me improve myself.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. Since he had already forgotten, he must answer him. Although everyone is an opponent on the battlefield, they can still be friends under normal circumstances. .

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