National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 289: The Inescapable Attack!

Chapter 289 The Inescapable Attack!

Lin Feng replied: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with your attack, but the speed needs to be improved, if your speed can keep up just now, you can avoid Shan Shan's attack.

Lie Yang nodded understandingly.

"Thank you."

Lie Yan also said quickly.

"What does Meng Wang think of me? Where is my problem? Why can't I avoid your attack? Now I seem to have entered a bottleneck period. Which aspect do you think I need to improve?"

Suddenly, the entire Martial Arts Field seemed to have changed, a bit like a place to learn moves.

Lin Feng replied with a slight frown again.

"Actually, you are the same as him. The main reason is that you can't keep up with your speed. If you can keep up with your speed and attack, you can avoid my attack.

"It's just that it's difficult to strike a balance between the two, which requires you to practice more and learn more-."

Lie Bing also quickly came to Lin Feng, and replied like a little girl.

"Then what about me, I also want to ask what is my main problem now?"

Murong Wuwu at the side saw Lie Bing asking Lin Feng a question, and said.

"You are mainly improving your level."

"Right? I said so."

Lin Feng nodded and never imagined that now, Murong Wuwu really grows up to know where the shortcomings of others are.

"Not bad, not bad, it has indeed made great progress, and it is worthy of praise."

Lie Bing ignored it, Murong Wuwu let out a muffled snort.

"Actually, I want King Meng to answer my questions."

Murong Wuwu, seeing that Lie Bing wanted Lin Feng to answer her question so much, she swore inwardly that she would definitely not let Lin Feng answer her question.

"Hmph, I've already answered all the questions, so why ask Meng Wang?" 11

Seeing that it was getting late, Lie Yang hurriedly took Lie Bing out of the Martial Arts Field and started their 6-man battle again.

Seeing Murong Wuwu's slightly jealous face, everyone couldn't help laughing and started discussing.

"Look at what I said. Murong Xiaowu, I must be interested in Meng Wang. Otherwise, how could I be jealous so casually? How could someone else say such a thing."

"I think it's actually quite normal. After all, Mengwang is so powerful. For such a powerful person, it's easiest to attract the attention of those little girls. Look at how many girls we have at the scene, who like him."

"I feel that they fought really well in this battle, and it seems to be more awesome than the previous ones, and I looked at other martial arts halls, and found that there were none.

Often they fight so magnificently.

"Yes, yes, Murong Xiaowu's move this time really surprised me a little. I have never seen such a powerful side of him. I think this is what a girl will show when she is aroused. Let's fight."

"If I had such a strong teammate as Murong Wuwu, I would definitely be jealous too, after all King Meng has always been an idol in my heart, so I must be jealous naturally.

"That's right, when you say that, I also think so. I think such a strong teammate can actually make people rely on them even more."

"I don't know what kind of team they will meet in the next match. I hope they will meet even stronger ones. If it's like this for me, you can ask me to learn more about their fighting skills from them."

"Murong Xiaowu is simply my goddess, I just like this kind of girl who is willing to show all her emotions on her face is the cutest, and she is also very cute.

The system can prompt here: "Congratulations to the players, the team won the winner of the second round of the world's number one martial arts tournament six-player battle, and gained one point of victory."

"Do you still need to continue to start the third round?"

At this time, everyone was praising Lin Feng and Murong Xiaowu.

Murong Sisi sent a message to Lin Feng.

"You guys play, I'm sleepy now, I want to sleep."

Lin Feng replied after receiving the news of Murong's death.

"Okay, let's continue with the 6 rounds tomorrow."

Then the 6 people withdrew from the 6-person battle of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

Murong Wuwu quickly sent a message to Lin Feng and said.

"Aren't you going to continue the PK? What time will we have the 6-player PK tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow morning at 6:00, we will continue the 6-player battle."

"I just played with you all night today, and I'm a little tired."

"Go to bed early, too."

Murong Wuwu quickly responded to Lin Feng with a happy expression, and cheerfully pressed her whole body on the bed, rolling on the whole bed excitedly.

"I'm so happy, today is the happiest day of my life!"

While thinking about it, he would still take himself and Lin Feng out of his pocket from time to time.

Looking at himself and Lin Feng in the photo, the whole face showed joy.

"Okay, okay, you've been screaming here for 10 minutes, when can I mention it? Did I just go to the playground with someone? As for..."

Murong Sisi didn't know when she was "Murong Wuwu put it at the door and looked at her who was painting messily on the bed.

Seeing her having such a good time, in fact, it's pretty good in my heart, at least since I was a child, I can only see her such a happy side only now and when I'm by Lin Feng's side.

A gossiping smile couldn't help but asked on his face, smiling.

"Did you go to the amusement park today to do anything other than take pictures? Did you have sex with him? Hmm..."

After speaking, he made a kiss gesture.

Murong Wuwu looked at the question Murong Sisi was asking herself, and patted her hand shyly.

"Oh, what kind of question are you asking? We are normal friends, and besides, we just went out to watch a movie.

"Is it really just watching a movie? Then going to the amusement park to play a game?"

Murong Sisi asked with an expression of disbelief.

Murong Wuwu nodded heavily, she really didn't know what Murong Sisi thought about herself.

Besides, even if you really want to do something with him, it has to be a man who takes the initiative to be a girl, so it must be a little bit more serious.

I don't know why when I think about it like this, I feel like my understanding is a little weird.

Why do I want him to take the initiative to do something to me? Isn't this even more strange?


Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu who was thinking at the moment, reached out to tap her on the head and said.

"Just think about it slowly, ah, think about it before going to bed, I'll go to bed first."

After finishing speaking, Murong Sisi ignored Murong Wuwu and returned to her room.

Just when Murong Wuwu got up and wanted to close the door of the room, Murong Er'er also walked in from the door of the room, looking at Murong Wuwu.

"What are you going to do tonight? Is there any other relationship?"

Murong Er'er asked with a serious expression.

Murong Wuwu looked at Murong Er'er, her body was so serious now, she quickly shook her head.

"What can I do with him, and what will happen to the two of us? Really, we are just ordinary friends."

Murong Er'er walked away and nodded, in fact, in her heart, there was still something that couldn't believe Lin Feng, she couldn't help but sarcastically, Murong Wuwu reminded.

"Wuwu, you must remember that he is a boy, if he wants to do something to you, you don't even have the strength to resist, so you must protect yourself.

Murong Wuwu nodded. He had heard these words since he was a child, so he automatically ignored them.

Murong Erer didn't say anything, so she turned and left her room, leaving Murong Wuwu alone in the room.

At this time, Lin Feng didn't continue to play the game anymore, but sat quietly on the balcony after playing the game and took a shower, watching the night scene tonight.

I began to think of the matter of going to the playground with Murong Wuwu tonight.

I have to say that Wuwu's character is indeed becoming more and more lively, but being more lively is her nature, and you think her life is too depressing.

At this time, Murong Wuwu, seeing that the current time is only 2:00, thought about Lin Feng's usual routine, maybe he hasn't slept yet, and silently dialed his number

Lin Feng looked at the phone call Wu Wu made to him, and looked at the time, it was late at night, why did this girl ask him for it?

"Hey, have you slept now? If you haven't slept, can you chat with me? I'm so bored." Murong Wuwu asked bluntly.

Lin Feng let out a "hmm", just now he really felt a little lonely.

"Where are you now? In the room? Or in the game?"

"I'm watching the moonlight tonight on the balcony."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she followed him to the balcony, looked at the moonlight tonight, and found that the moon was so round tonight.

"After you said that, I also came to the balcony and found that the moonlight tonight is really pretty good."

"If I could go to your house to watch the moonlight tonight with you and have a glass of red wine with you, it would be so wonderful.

While talking about Murong Wuwu at this moment, all kinds of fantasies have been stirred up in his mind.

Lin Feng chuckled lightly, but it's really nice to imagine such a scene when he said that.

But it's impossible to turn good into good, if Murong Er'er knows that she drank red wine with him at night, it must be a very sad thing.

"Or I'll go find you now, anyway, my house is not far from yours."

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