National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 291 A Night For Two (Part 2)

Murong Wuwu said with a smile.

"So, do you have any questions for me then?"

"Why do I feel like you don't say a word to me, aren't you curious about my affairs?"

Lin Feng nodded silently. For him, he would not ask about things that others did not say. After all, if no one wants to say, he must have said it. If he did not say it, he would not say it to others .

"If you want to say something, you must have opened up your feelings long ago, and only those things you don't want to say will always be hidden in your heart.

The atmosphere at this time was inexplicably a little embarrassed by Lin Feng's words.

Murong Wuwu didn't know what to say for a while, so she picked up the red wine on the table and drank it in one gulp.

It is said that drinking strengthens your courage, this time I have to seize this opportunity, drink more wine, strengthen my courage, and then say what I want to say!

Seeing Murong Wuwu drinking glass after glass of red wine, she felt a fire in her body, which began to flow out inexplicably.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who was staggering from drinking, his face was covered with faint red clouds at this moment.

Looking at her appearance, a faint smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

Murong Wuwu stood up directly from the stool, and patted the table with her hands.

Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, he felt as if he had spoiled you. He shook his head silently, as if there was a double image, silently shook his head and pointed at Lin Feng at this moment and said.

"I actually have a lot to say to you, I have a lot to say to you, what do I want to say..."

The unsteady Murong Wuwu stood in front of Lin Feng 26, she didn't even know what she was going to say for a while, what she wanted to say all the time.

At this moment, I can't remember anything at all. What I had already thought about to say seemed to disappear at the moment I wanted to tell him.

Lin Feng saw Murong Wuwu's appearance now, and quickly supported her on the stool.

"I told you not to drink so much red wine, you're all right now, do you feel dizzy and bloated?"

Murong Wuwu turned her head and looked at Lin Feng who was supporting her, nodded and said with her mouth pursed.

"How do you know, how do you know that I am dizzy now, I feel so uncomfortable now.

"I'm sleepy."

After speaking, he hugged Lin Feng and rubbed his head against his abdomen.

Not to mention how uncomfortable this feeling was, it made Lin Feng feel a strange feeling.

Looking at Murong Wuwu who kept rubbing her head against her, she suddenly felt helpless in her heart, what could be done.

After all, she drank so much wine, I couldn't just throw her on the balcony, and more importantly, it was to accompany me to step on my house.

At this moment, Murong Wuwu seemed to think of something to accuse Lin Feng.

"I remembered it, I remembered it a little bit, I want to tell you, you are in my heart..."

"In my heart..."

Although I can't be sure, I feel that what I want to say has disappeared again.

Lin Feng silently picked her up from the stool and carried her back to his room.

Murong Wuwu lay on the bed, pouted and said.

"Can you sleep with me? I don't like sleeping alone. Besides, I haven't slept here. I want you to accompany me, or I'm afraid."

Lin Feng now only feels that Murong Wuwu is playing hooligans.

But looking at his cute and pitiful little face, he was already very soft-hearted towards women.

Touched by her again, he finally nodded silently. It seems that now, he can only leave her after she falls asleep.

Lin Feng sat beside him, Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng, and tightly grasped his arm.

"Then you won't leave me."

After finishing speaking, he silently closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Feng felt that his arm was numb from being held by her, so he silently let go of her hand, stood up and stretched.

But looking at the shepherd Wubu at this moment, I don't know why I seem to have the same feelings for her in my heart.

Lin Feng returned to the game cabin after taking a shower and started playing games.

Re-boarded the second world and came to the main city.

Taking advantage of the current time, you can also fight a fight, personal battle.

Lin Feng came to the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, and the system showed it.

"May I ask if the player Meng Wang will participate in the individual competition of the world's number one dance competition? The 11th round?"

Suddenly, like a ray of light, she disappeared into the main city and arrived at the Martial Arts Field.

Because it was midnight, there were very few people who came to watch Lin Feng's battle, almost very few, on the huge dance floor, there were only a few players watching.

These people are really his own fans, and they still haven't gone offline to watch their battles at such a late hour.

Several players clapped their hands when they saw Meng Wang coming to fight a personal battle.

"I didn't expect to see Meng Wang fighting a personal battle in the middle of the night. It's really such a happy thing. I naturally encountered it."

"It is estimated that the players in the middle of the night are some kind of masters. After all, don't the current masters only go online in the middle of the night? This will also reduce the chance of everyone encountering masters."

"I'm not afraid of encountering any masters. After all, no matter how good you are, you can't be better than Meng Wang. As long as the person you meet in the game is not Meng Wang, you will have a certain chance of winning.

"Please, why are you all so afraid of the Meng King? The Meng King doesn't seem to be able to eat people. Why are you afraid? Really, although the Meng King is indeed No. 1 in the 5 list, killing people Ruma, one person can kill the entire hot pot city, but this does not mean that everyone has no chance of winning.

"I feel that you have already praised Meng Wang very much. Do you think who is able to kill the whole process by himself now? People in the hot pot city are afraid of other Meng Wang, and they are no longer It’s not just about the hot pot, but also the Meng Wang that the Berserker Alliance and the others are afraid of.”

"Of course, Meng Wang is such a powerful existence! But don't masters in the middle of the night sleep? Why do I feel that it is easier to meet some masters at night? It seems that in the future, individual battles need to be fought in the morning and at night It should be more likely to meet the cute master."

"Yes, yes, it seems that you said that, I also feel that, after all, what time is it now, how likely is it to meet the cute king, I don't know, I just finished this time, the battle Who would it be? But think about it, it must be a very powerful existence."

"Hey, don't the cute kings usually play in the game for a long time? I didn't expect to retire so early today. Could it be that I have to do something?"

"You really pay attention to the cute king of others, you know everything, when they play games, you know how to know, how did you find out."

"Of course, I am more careful than anyone else."



"Automatic matching is complete."

The opponent came to the martial arts field.

Now Lin Feng's reputation has long been spread inside, so anyone who sees Lin Feng knows who he is, even if he hasn't seen his personal attributes.

"My God, I didn't expect that I would meet Meng Wang. Doesn't the Great God not sleep at night?"

Hearing what the opponent in front of him said, Lin Feng frowned slightly. He hadn't developed his own personal attributes yet, so why did he immediately recruit Meng Wang?

God, what kind of unique existence is this?

I saw the opponent clasped his fists and said.

"Big brother, please start, don't be too heavy, please teach me how to do it, I don't ask much, I just hope that I can learn something from the big guy that can make me improve.

For a moment Lin Feng was speechless...

I always feel that my current game is not like the previous battle...


However, regarding other people's request to 390 himself, he could only silently nod his head and speak.

"Okay, then I will give you three tricks later."

The attributes of both parties appeared in each other's eyes.

Player: my little sweetheart


Mana: 13000

Such blood volume and mana points made Lin Feng doubtful. How did he fight the previous market? How could he be so weak?

The sound of the system sounded at this moment.

"The game has officially started and the time is counting down."


Lin Feng stood in front of my little sweetheart, staring at his aura without moving, the aura on his body was even more frightening.

My little sweetheart looked at Lin Feng in front of her and frowned again. For some reason, she always felt that his temperament completely crushed her own existence.

Sure enough, a big boss is a big boss, and he can directly crush others even in terms of temperament. This is really a rare existence.

"The boss taught me, I am relatively weak, please don't hit too hard."

Lin Feng was also very speechless about what he said. Does this sound like something said by some old man? Why does it feel so weak.

For a while, my little sweetheart conjured up a huge long knife and slashed at Lin Feng's body.

Burning fireworks appeared on the long knife, as if burning the air.

Lin Feng looked at the long knife draped over his body, and instantly turned his body slightly backwards.

Unexpectedly, his long knife was simply avoided by Lin Feng.

My little sweetheart never thought that her continuous damage would not hit Lin Feng.

"How is this possible? How can even continuous damage be avoided."

"This is completely impossible, and his current position where I have been hurting myself all the time is also included in it. How could it be possible that the blood has not been reduced at all."

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