National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 292 Personal Battle! Eleventh Round!

Lin Feng was very surprised when he saw my little sweetheart in front of him. He is used to it now, and it seems that everyone who meets him will be inexplicably surprised...

Watching the battle between Lin Feng and my little sweetheart, the audience has long been accustomed to Lin Feng's fighting method. After all, no one can directly make him hit the ultimate move.

At least everyone hasn't seen it yet, but if they do see it, it will definitely shock the entire forum.

Now my little sweetheart only has two attacks left, if it doesn't hit, it will definitely be wiped out by Lin Feng.

If such a good opportunity is not seized, it will definitely be fleeting!

Lin Feng stood back to the position just now, looking at my little sweetheart who was thinking about what move to use.

He still looked indifferent because he knew that he would not be hurt by him.

His moves are really too slow.

My little sweetheart sees that Lin Feng is still as calm as a cloud and looks at himself, if he doesn't show him a more powerful stunt, then he will know how powerful he is!

In an instant, my little sweetheart released a burst of fire towards Lin Feng, which emerged from his long knife and turned into a lion full of fire, roaring towards Lin Feng!

Lin Feng looked at the lion that was rushing towards him, with a faint smile on his corner...

Just simply dodged to the side...

The lion did not let go of Lin Feng's rhythm at all, and immediately adjusted its direction and rushed towards Lin Feng again!

The speed is so fast that it makes people feel scared...

The people around looked at the speed of this lion and the attack that this Lion King Legislation was attacking, and they all took a deep breath for Lin Feng... …

After all, Lin Feng promised the other party to let him do three moves, and this move was enough for the other party to set up a prison.

"You said..... Whether this cute king can achieve these three games? I feel a little mysterious. After all, he has already summoned a powerful character, and the fighting power of this lion looks very good. powerful!"

"I think so, after all, Meng Wang is the most powerful person I have ever seen. I don't believe that a broken lion can defeat him! You don't even think about how powerful Meng Wang is."

"I think it's a little confusing this time. After all, Meng Wang can't use attacks. If he uses attacks, then this lion will definitely not be the opponent of Meng Wang. But now, it's hard to say that he can't use attacks."

"I'm afraid... I don't want my Mengwang Dashen to lose... In my heart, Mengwang Dashen is the most powerful existence. If I lose, my heart will be very painful Yes, it is estimated that the whole forum will be popular by then."

"I think that a man as powerful as Meng Wang, the legendary boss, will never be defeated by a lion casually, isn't he just a lion? I believe that after a while, he often directly kills others The lion was chopped down.

"I hope, I hope, I hope that the completion of the work is much better than what we imagined, but naturally Meng Wang dares to say such a thing, and he should have a certain degree of confidence in this matter, otherwise If you don’t have confidence, you wouldn’t say something like that.”

My little sweetheart looked at the lion he had summoned, which was constantly pounced on Lin Feng's body, but what he didn't expect was.

But Lin Feng dodged it again and again. When he thought the lion was about to bite him, he always dodged it.

My little sweetheart also admires Lin Feng very much. After all, the lion I summoned does a lot of damage to everyone, especially when I play a dungeon.

This lion also helped a lot. Lin Feng did not expect its attack and continuous damage attack to be avoided by Lin Feng.

Is Meng Wang really an invincible existence?

But how is it possible that there are invincible people in this world.

Now she only has the last move left, and it just so happens that this lion is also able to combine attacks to give him the deadliest move.

He also bet his greatest hopes on the lion.

I saw my little sweetheart picked up the long knife in his hand, raised his head and slashed down on Lin Feng's body again.

The lion also attacked Lin Feng from behind.

Lin Feng is now surrounded by four sides, and there is nowhere to escape.

Everyone was angry when they saw it, and they breathed a sigh of relief, and they were worried about Lin Feng at this time.

Lin Feng looked at the beleaguered faces with faint smiles. For him, he had encountered many such attacks, and now he was just a beast and a person.

In an instant Lin Feng jumped up and tapped the ground. He didn't expect that it was such a light leap that actually avoided the attacks of the two of them.

My little sweetheart's moves and attacks were all off, seeing Lin Feng who jumped up, and now he landed firmly in front of them, they were also extremely admirable.

"Three tricks have passed, now it's up to me."

After all, he is the most reasonable, he said three tricks, and he did three tricks, and it happened that he hadn't tried all three tricks, what could he do, it could only prove that he was not capable enough.

Immediately, Lin Feng displayed his skills, and the guardian angel cut.

It slashed towards my sharp-eyed little sweetheart, but the lion was the protector, and rushed over by itself, blocking Lin Feng's blow.

But aftershocks still knocked out half of my sweetheart's water volume.



The lion instantly turned into a raging fire and disappeared in place.

My little sweetheart took a deep breath, and now she can only fight to the death.

Once again, the long knife in his hand slashed a stream of fireworks in the direction of Lin Feng, and fell straight towards Lin Feng's body.

The fireworks wrapped around Lin Feng at this moment like a giant snake, as if to devour it.

Lin Feng stood in the middle, surrounded by fireworks.

Seeing this situation, everyone became more and more anxious.

There was a confident smile on the corner of my little sweetheart's mouth, she was full of brilliance in her life, as if she had already won the war, and she was standing in the martial arts arena.

This is my unique move, anyone who hits it will be killed, there is no room for any grand occasion.

This time Meng Wang didn't avoid it, so he must be hard to escape.

"No way, Meng Wang won't just lose like this, it's impossible, Meng Wang is so powerful, how could he lose because of a random trick, besides, the system hasn't prompted yet, shouldn't too likely.

"It's impossible for King Meng to be so powerful. It's impossible to lose to others casually. Besides, this is just a seemingly powerful attack. If King Meng uses defensive moves in it, he can definitely pass the loss." of."

"I don't think you need to think too much. After all, there are still many things in the world that we can't predict. Sometimes some people are lucky and may win all the time, and some people are less lucky sometimes. How normal it is to go from winning to losing."

"It seems to be true from what you said, but I am still full of hope. Don't say that he is a shining star in my heart. I think he is too powerful. If he really loses, it is estimated that the entire The forums are blown up."

"That's right, that's right, I think so too, if he really loses, the whole forum will really blow up, then this person is the real master who beat the top five rankings, right? How many people think that they can kill Meng Wang is a little bit, although this cannot be regarded as a first sister, but it is also a kind of honor."

"I'm just curious, why do you all want to kill people? Seeing that King Meng Meng provoked you, I feel that Mengmeng is so miserable. I want to kill you all day long. Oh, it's so miserable. .”

"It's absolutely impossible to lose, if you don't believe me, it might just be brewing in it.

My little sweetheart is witnessing his own attack, but still hasn't wiped it out, some can't believe it, how could it be so slow?

Generally speaking, his own attack can wipe out all the prey inside within 10 seconds.

"how so?"

"How could this happen!"

My little sweetheart doesn't understand what kind of situation my own moves are in front of me. This is also the first time I have encountered it.

Lin Feng looked at the fireworks around him that were constantly trying to burn him in his move, and released it instantly, and the guardian angel counterattacked and slashed.

With a bang, Lin Feng's attack directly broke his attack, and the move directly hit him (Qian Nuo's), and I saw my little sweetheart fly out, and the blood volume instantly became 0 .

The scene just now seemed to be done in one go, making everyone unable to react.

It also shocked those who thought Lin Feng was going to lose, but they didn't expect that this would be a counter-kill.

"How did this happen? Why can it be counter-killed like this!"

My little sweetheart asked Lin Feng with a face full of disbelief.

Lin Feng said slowly.

"No, just fight back, what can happen?"

My little sweetheart is now completely surrendered to Lin Feng's hands, nodded, touched her little heart and said.

"I'm thorough. I didn't expect to be killed after I was convinced. The boss is the boss. I admire myself. I wish the boss can continue to kill."

At this time, the prompt sounded.

"Congratulations to the players, Meng Wang has won the 11th round, and you will get 1 victory point in the personal battle.

"May I ask if Meng Wang will continue the 12th round of individual competition?"

Lin Feng thought carefully for a while, and felt that this individual battle was a bit boring, so he silently withdrew from the individual battle.

Lin Feng has come to Yashan town, so he can take advantage of this evening to do a good job in the main city. .

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