National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 293 The Task Of The Glacier In The Afternoon!

Chapter 293 The mission of the glacier in the afternoon!

At this time, the glacier at noon sent a message to Lin Feng.

"Aren't you asleep yet?"

Lin Feng replied immediately after seeing the message.

"Not yet, why haven't you slept yet?"

Seeing that Lin Feng did not speak at Noon Glacier.

"Can you help me with a task?"

"I feel that it is a bit difficult for me to do this task alone."

Lin Feng, who originally wanted to complete the main city mission, frowned slightly.

Now that the glacier in the afternoon has already said it, as the president and her friend, he must not be postponed.

"What kind of mission do I have because I am in the mountain city."

Noon's Glacier replied: "It just so happens that I'm going to find you right now."

"My mission is to dig for treasures. The system guided me to find something like a tombstone, but the display said that it takes two people to open it together, so I just came looking for you when you were still alive."

Meng Wang replied: "Okay, then come here, let's go together."

Immediately, the glacier at noon came to Yashan city and merged with Lin Feng.

"I didn't expect that this time, I'm going to ask you again, I'm really a little embarrassed.

Noon's glacier came to Lin Zhuo's side, and said a little embarrassedly.

It was a strange feeling to think that I was going to trouble him this time.

"It's okay, it's all small things."

"Then let's complete a task now.

Noon Glacier nodded and shared his task with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked up the task of the glacier in the afternoon, and found out with a slight frown that her task was actually quite simple.

But it only takes two people.

233 The final reward is a box of treasures, but it is not written clearly what is in the treasures.

"You see, there is no clear description of what the treasure will be. Maybe there is really something mysterious. I like this kind of mysterious feeling the most."

Lin Feng also nodded, this is indeed attractive to him, after all, the more mysterious something is, the more people want to conquer it.

The two of them immediately went to the place marked by the glacier in the afternoon, and came to a barren lawn, with a radius of hundreds of miles, there was only one thing like a tombstone standing in the middle.

The two of them came to the tombstone together. Lin Feng looked at the tombstone in his eyes, and for some reason, it looked like his own tombstone of Zhao family back then.

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be from his physique, he is indeed a little bigger than Zhao's tombstone.

At this time, the tombstone shows that two people are needed to attack.

"Then let's launch an attack together." Noon Glacier said to Lin Feng.

The two of them mobilized together and hit the tombstone hard.

I saw that the blood volume of the tombstone had only decreased a little.


However, this tombstone has a full 3 million blood volume.

Although the 3 million blood volume is nothing to me

But it seems that the defensive ability of the tombstone is also quite good.

After all, what I told the glacier in the afternoon was really causing trouble, even though it was a normal attack.

But when activated on the tombstone, at least 500,000 of its blood volume could be lost. Unexpectedly, it directly clicked a little of its blood volume.

Lin Feng instantly used the Guardian Angel Cross Slash towards the tombstone.

The glacier at noon was also released, and a piece of thin ice hit the target hard.


Lin Feng and the glacier in the afternoon attacked the tombstone.

Finally, his 3 million blood volume was weakened by the two, leaving only 100,000 blood volume.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that the tombstone began to slowly raise its own height.

"It seems that if we want to open the tombstone, we have to get rid of it once, otherwise its blood volume will continue to increase."

Noon's glacier couldn't help complaining.

"I really didn't expect that this tombstone would somehow recover its blood volume.

"You said if we can't open this tombstone with one move, don't we need to fight for a long time?"

Lin Feng nodded and instantly released his own move, Patron Saint Hammer.

A hammer in the void suddenly fell on the tombstone.


With a bang, the tombstone was knocked open by Lin Feng's move.

I could only hear a powerful sound from the ground beneath the tombstone, and the ground on the surface trembled slightly, with dust flying...

The glacier at noon saw that the ground began to crack, and it was also ready to fight.

"Meng Wang, what do you think this will be?"

"Wouldn't it be a copy or something?"

For Lin Feng's understanding of the second world for so long, this is probably a copy.

"should be."

Sure enough, as soon as he said those words, he saw a tall tower jumping up from the ground!

Its appearance is still the same as Zhao's Tower, but there are also differences. The surroundings of this tower are filled with fireworks, wrapping the entire tower.

"Congratulations to the player Mengwang, and congratulations to the player Wuri Glacier, for opening the duo dungeon Devil's Wings!"

At the same time, a reminder sounded in the ears of the players in the Huaxia District: "Player Meng Wang, player Noon's Glacier, successfully opened the instance Demon Wings. Players who meet the requirements can enter the adventure."

There is neither Glacier nor Lin Feng in the afternoon, open a double copy.

The original text was a forum that no one cared about at night, and it was revealed that Lin Feng and Noon's Glacier were exposed. After opening the duo dungeon, the forum became lively again, and one after another came out to discuss this matter.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect the dungeon to be opened in such an express delivery. It's a double dungeon. What kind of luck is this? Most (cgbi) dungeons are teamed and single-player. This duo dungeon will definitely be obtained. There will be more benefits."

"Sure enough, powerful people will always open dungeons from time to time. For example, someone like me can only brush other people's dungeons. After all, they can't open those things when they encounter some strange things. Sigh, let's practice hard. Let's brush monsters well."

"Is the one upstairs so miserable? It shouldn't be. If you encounter any strange things in the future, you can call me, and I will help you open it. If necessary, I will try my best to give this thing five or five points.

"Why are you all so ruthless? God, don't believe the people upstairs. What this person said is a lie at first glance. When the time comes, he will kill you directly, and then let you Fall into Harvest and take all your rewards."

"I thought there was no one on the forum, but I didn't expect so many people to be sent out with such a news. It seems that everyone is still awake. Sure enough, everyone is a night owl.

"Of course, why don't you sleep at night and get up quickly? Is staying up late or something the most popular trend now? I thought Meng Wang would pay more attention to the world's number one martial arts conference, but I didn't expect that there was still time It's time to brush up the copy."

"Upstairs, I'll just see you are sore. What do you mean that you have taken the initiative to join the First Martial Arts Conference for the Mengwang Society? What a busy person you are, and you pay attention to everything."

"That's right, if King Meng participates in the world's number one martial arts conference together, wouldn't it be possible for all of us scumbags to meet, and the martial arts conference is still random

Even if you don't want to meet him, there may be a certain probability. "

Everyone in the forum is discussing this matter enthusiastically.

Noon's Bingchuan and Lin Feng didn't know that the current forum was becoming restless because the two of them opened a double dungeon together.

The president of the hot pot city, hot pot with red wine, when he heard the news, the power of the whole person who was still sleepy suddenly came in again.

Hot pot with Sprite came to the side of hot pot with red wine.

"Look, let me just say it. Being so late is definitely not as simple as we imagined. If we form a team casually this time and challenge Meng Wang with powerful people, the result will soon be the same."

How can Hot Pot with Red Wine not know whether what Hot Pot with Sprite said is true? In fact, everyone knows that Meng Wang is really powerful, but everyone is unwilling to admit it

After all, he was the most powerful existence among the five guilds at the beginning. How can this be easily accepted by someone who came out of nowhere?

"Hot pot goes with Sprite, don't tell me you're looking down on our Hot Pot City by saying this, thinking that no one in our Hot Pot City has stepped on it, and no one can defeat Meng Wang?"

Hot pot with Sprite, looking at the hot pot with red wine at this moment, I am very angry, so what can I do? If I tell the truth at this moment, I will probably provoke him to beat me up again, so forget it, and finally I can only say silently .

"No, maybe it's just that we are not capable enough, so now I think the biggest improvement should be our power, our strength, we have to catch up with others, and we still have a chance to win."

Hot Pot with Alcohol Lamp can also come in, come, said to the side of Hot Pot with Red Wine.

"This time I especially agree with the saying that hot pot is a compulsory course. Now we have to do something to strengthen our strength. Otherwise, it will be the same, and the result will be the same as that of the Berserk Alliance."

Hot pot with red wine, based on what the two of them said, I am right. After all, their strength lies there. If they challenge randomly, they will definitely lose.

"This time, as you said, you must improve your own strength, understand?"

Hot pot with water green and hot pot with alcohol When I heard hot pot with red wine, I was a little surprised when I said this sentence, I thought he would say something to everyone in a fit of anger.

If everyone had to be compared to Meng Wang, I didn't expect that everyone would improve their strength in the end.

"The two of you must fully improve your strength within these 15 days, okay?"

"That day is also the last day of the dance conference, there will definitely be a lot of people."

"If we meet Meng Wang again, we must let him know how powerful we are."

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