National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 294 Dungeon: The First Floor Of Demon Wings!

Noon's Glacier and Lin Feng walked into the Devil's Wings together.

"Do you want to enter the copy, Demon Wings?"


The two of them said in unison ~.

A panel appeared in front of the two of them.

Demon Wings

Copy requirements: level 60.

The remaining number of times per day is 1 (Player Mengwang, the glacier at noon, add an extra one to the remaining number of times.)

Difficulty selection, normal mode, business mode, birth mode, hell mode, death mode.

At present, only the normal mode is on, and the last four are all dim, which cannot be selected.

So it's all about normal mode.

"Choose normal mode."

Noon's Bingchuan and Lin Feng glanced at each other, this look may be their affirmation.

When the two first entered the dungeon, the map was displayed in their eyes.

This time the map is completely different from the usual ones, the road is very rough, but the distance is not much different from other dungeons.

The two entered the first floor directly.

Looking at the battle positions on the first floor, it is like falling into hell, surrounded by bottomless abyss.

There is only a small fighting platform in the middle.

It is estimated that if it falls, it will be considered a loss directly.

At noon, Glacier looked at the rugged battle platform in front of him, and couldn't help complaining.

"Oh my god, those on the first floor didn't expect to ride this road like this. If it was changed later, wouldn't more people leave?"

Lin Feng nodded, he couldn't believe himself, and encouraged him.

"It's okay, don't worry, I have everything."

Listening to Lin Feng's encouragement, Bingchuan in the afternoon also secretly cheered himself on in his heart.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, you are standing next to the top five masters, how could you fail?

The two came to the high platform of the battle together, and the transmission array was emitting a strange light at this moment.

I saw 20 monsters that looked like dark clouds floating out of the teleportation array, with a lightning mark on their heads.

I have to say that the monster in the duo dungeon looks pretty cute, but it's a pity that it's a monster, not a pet.

Immediately after that, ten more ghost-like monsters with a veil on their heads floated out from there, and small flames appeared around them.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Chang, a hedgehog-covered monster, came out of the teleportation array. What's more, this monster was covered with pus-filled purple bubbles, which was extremely terrifying...

The last one was more than ten meters tall and covered with purple thorns all over its body. It came out from behind. It had a pair of wolf eyes and many identical heads behind it.

Huge meridians connected to each other are swinging in the air, looking incomparable.

The attributes of the monster are also displayed at this moment.

rainy and cloudy


HP: 22000

rainy ghost

Grade: 62

HP: 24000

Rainy Purple Flame Beast

Grade: 65

HP: 27000

BOSS- Chilling Purple Flame Beast

Grade: 68

HP: 300000

Such blood volume and mobs are simply a piece of cake for me!

Could this be the legendary double dungeon?

Why does it feel like a normal copy...

I thought there would be more wild monsters, but I didn't expect it to be just these.....

For a moment, I feel a little lost for no reason...

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent at this moment, Bingchuan in the afternoon stood in front of him and said.

"Why are you in a daze at this moment?"

"You can't be frightened by these monsters, right? I think these monsters are indeed ugly, but they can't be frightened like this, right?"

Lin Feng was a little confused when he heard what Bing Chuan said in the afternoon...

"What the hell? Do you think I'm the type to be scared?"

"Besides, these are just simple little monsters."

Noon's Glacier silently rolled her eyes, she thought Meng Wang was afraid, but it's a good thing not to be afraid!

Immediately, Lin Feng summoned the Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and the Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiao Ha.

The two pets appeared in front of Lin Feng. Seeing the monsters in front of them, they rushed out before Lin Feng gave the task, and started pulling monsters!

In the afternoon, Glacier looked at Lin Feng's pet with envy in his eyes.

"I really want your pet too, you look so good..."

"However, I don't have a pet...I hope I can get a pet this time. This is my great wish."

Lin Feng looked at Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei and Xueyue Remnant Wolf Xiaoha who were pulling monsters for him, and said.

"It's also a rare thing to get a pet."

"But according to the current situation, we need to get rid of these monsters in front of us first."

Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiao Ha pulled all the monsters in front of Lin Feng.

Yin Yu Yunyun closed his eyes towards Lin Feng's direction, launched an attack, and a bolt of lightning struck towards Lin Feng's direction.

Lin Feng dodged the lightning attack launched by Yin Yuyunyun in an instant.

Just be it...

The glacier this afternoon is really too tiger!

She didn't react for a while, and the cloudy lightning fell on her body...



Lin Feng looked at the clicked glacier at noon, and shook his head speechlessly...

I don't know how to improve her IQ to the current level...

In fact, Wu Ri's glacier attack is not very weak, it's just that her personality is too aggressive, which makes her seem to have a problem with IQ.

"Please, can you get out of the way a little bit."

The glacier at noon was stunned, and it took a few seconds before he recovered...

I thought I really hugged the big brother's thigh!

I thought I wouldn't be struck by lightning, but now that I'm better, I was actually struck by lightning.

Seeing that his attack landed on Wuri's glacier, Yin Yuyunyun shot a bolt of lightning towards Wuri's glacier immediately!


She flashed fast, and the lightning landed on the empty space.

The ghost of Yin Yu also floated towards Lin Feng at this moment. Under the cloak, a pair of blue eyes were shining brightly, and the blue will-o'-the-wisp around it kept circling around it.

Suddenly, there was a roar in its body...

I saw the blue will-o'-the-wisps around it flying towards Lin Feng.

The will-o'-the-wisp wrapped Lin Feng in his original position...

#FFF …

The voice of Yin Yu Ghost once again sounded like an order...

Suddenly, these groups of blue will-o'-the-wisps surrounding him started to circle around and sent out electric current towards Lin Feng!

Lin Feng released a move to protect the light array!


Isolate this electric current from the world!

Seeing this, the glacier at noon immediately launched an attack in the direction of the rainy ghost...

……… Ask for flowers…


A block of ice smashed in the direction of the rainy ghost...


The Rainy Phantom actually flashed past the noon glacier to attack!

This also made the glacier in the afternoon very angry!

"My God!"

"I was bullied by a monster!"

"You wait for me!"


The glacier is in full swing at noon!

Ice cubes began to condense in his hands, and he raised his hand in an instant, and threw it at the monsters!

Lin Feng watched the attack of the glacier in the afternoon, and silently sighed...

If her attack was replaced by a beating, maybe it was really powerful, but it's just...

What I encountered now is a ghost-type elf, who was originally floating around in the air very fast and was about to be smashed...

How could it be completely smashed...






Finally, under the glacier at noon, there were still a few ghost elves who were smashed to death by her.

At this moment, the Yinyu Ziyan Beast also slowly came to Lin Feng's side.

Lin Feng found that although the blood volume of these monsters has not increased, their attack moves have changed and improved to a certain extent!

The Yinyu Ziyan Beast kept hammering its chest with its hands, making a bang bang bang sound!

Lin Feng released the guardian star shield again!

A shield with a shining star appeared in front of Lin Feng.

I saw the pustules on the Yinyu Ziyan Beast began to shake, and there was a bang...

The venom exploded directly from its pustules, contaminating the ground...

The ground was slowly corroded by the venom.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. It seems that if these Yinyu Ziyan beasts are not dealt with sooner, the entire ground will be corroded, and everyone will definitely fall into the abyss below... .

Breaking through the level is definitely a direct loss!

It seems that I really thought too much, I thought this dungeon, the two-player battle would be easier...

Unexpectedly, it is really much more difficult than personal standing...

The glacier at noon did not pay attention to the Yinyu Ziyan Beast attacking Lin Feng at this moment.

The fireworks were burning in her eyes, and more and more ice cubes condensed behind her...

It seems that she is not in the rhythm of fighting to the end with these Yin Yu ghosts and Yin Yu Yunyun!

Immediately, Lin Feng cast the Hammer of the Patron Saint!

A hammer in the void fell on the heads of these monsters suddenly, and all the blood volume of the monsters surrounding him was cut off in an instant...


Standing behind Lin Feng, Noon's Glacier was shocked, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he saw the monster in front of him that was wiped out by Lin Feng with one move...

"It really is a boss..."

"Sure enough, he is the big brother among the big brothers... This is too powerful..."

Lin Feng looked at the glacier in noon with a stunned look, and said with a smile.

Noon's Glacier also summoned its own ice cubes and smashed them on these monsters!




I saw that all the ghosts of Yuyu and Yunyun of Yuyu were destroyed by her attack!

Now there are only three Yinyu Ziyan Beasts and one Boss Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast... inch....

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