National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 295 Dungeon Demon Wings! Second Floor!

Lin Feng could look at the Yinyu Ziyan Beast and Chihan Ziyan Beast with only three heads left in front of him. Their names are similar, but their appearances are indeed very different...

Seeing Lin Feng killing so many of its minions, the Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast immediately entered a berserk state!

This also made Lin Feng pay more attention to how to defeat the blazing purple flame beast in front of him.

Although the blood volume is indeed a little low, but its attack power is very strong, and now there is a rainy purple flame beast, which can release continuous damage attacks...

Seeing that there were only four monsters left in front of him, Glacier in the afternoon said triumphantly to Lin Feng.

"Why don't we have two of us and solve them a bit?"

Lin Feng heard what Bingchuan said in the afternoon, and felt that it was indeed possible to follow what she said...

However, I was still a little worried about her IQ and her idiotic personality.

The Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast radiated its heads from behind towards Lin Feng's body, and saw those heads began to bite Lin Feng's body!

Lin Feng looked at the Blazing Purple Flame Beast that was attacking fiercely towards him, frowned slightly, and instantly released the guardian angel's cross cut!

The attack suddenly fell towards the Chilling Purple Flame Beast, and the attack hit the Chilling Ziyan Beast fiercely!


Its body actually sprayed out a lot of venom directly "130"

A little bit of the venom got on the guardian star shield cast by Lin Feng...


Seeing that his attack had missed, the Blazing Purple Flame Beast slammed its chest hard, and purple rays of light began to emit from its mouth...

Bombing randomly across the battlefield......

Lin Feng saw that the heads behind it also continuously emitted purple light, it seemed that the heads behind him would be destroyed first no matter what...

Lin Feng took another leap...

Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei radiated his own move Frozen World towards the Chilling Purple Flame Beast!

I saw that thin ice cubes began to appear on the ground on the battlefield

Suddenly, the Chilling Purple Flame Beast was frozen in place...

The Blazing Purple Flame Beast was under constant damage from Taiyin Xiaohei...



Lin Feng used his awakening technique, and the holy light fell!

A white light suddenly came from the Archangel Sword in Lin Feng's hand!

A circle full of light hangs down from the bodies of the Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast and the Yinyu Ziyan Beast, one golden light after another...

Contains under one hundred meters of damage!

All the monsters' heads began to show the deducted blood volume...

-105500,-105500,-105500-105500. …

Lasting for five seconds, all the monsters' blood volumes were reduced and almost died in the next second...

Glacier in the afternoon watched the blood being reduced so quickly after all, couldn't help but clapped his hands, and looked at Lin Feng like a little girl...


"Why didn't you use this move earlier! If you had activated it earlier, maybe I wouldn't have to use my move."

Lin Feng listened to what the glacier said in the afternoon, and for some reason, he always felt a little strange..

Why do I always feel like this task is my own...

Seeing that the Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast in front of him had only the last bit of blood left, Glacier in the afternoon summoned an ice cube and threw it at the Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast...


Immediately, the Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast fell to the ground, bursting out many gold coins.

Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier started to count one after another, and the conclusion was 600 gold coins, so "50 cents is exactly 300 gold coins per person.

"Congratulations to both of you who successfully passed the first level of Demon Wings, please continue to the second level."

The two walked up to the teleportation array together, and in an instant, the two of them turned into a white light and disappeared within the first floor.

Noon's Bing Chuan said: "Sure enough, my choice is correct, I don't even have to fight with you as a boss!"

"It is estimated that if we go on like this, we will be able to fight over soon."

Lin Feng nodded, although there is indeed a little helplessness in his heart, but! Generally speaking, what can be done if helplessness......

After all, he was the one who promised her first...

The two came to the Demon Wings on the second floor.

The surrounding ground is still the same as before, except for the battlefield, there is an abyss below, if anyone really accidentally falls, he must start all over again.

Noon Glacier asked curiously.

"Then do we want to change the formation? In this case, we can win faster!"

Lin Feng said silently.

"No, you just take good care of yourself and don't get accidentally recruited by monsters."

Sometimes I'm afraid of pig-like teammates, but I'm really not afraid of those god-like opponents...

When the glacier in the afternoon heard it, it felt like my heart was hurting!


"Why do I feel that you are doubting my ability by saying this, I think my ability is not don't have to be so disgusted!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "This is indeed true...your strength is not bad."

Noon's Bing Chuan heard him praise himself, smiled and said with his hands on his hips.

"Of course! My strength can be regarded as the best!"

Seeing her confident and complacent look, Lin Feng couldn't bear to attack her.

"It's just that I'm too tigery in normal times..."

"If you meet a more powerful opponent, I guess you are useless now..."

When the glacier in the afternoon heard it, he was still in a happy mood, but suddenly fell into the ice valley...

"What is my tiger?"

"I think my IQ is quite high!"

"Don't you even think that if my IQ is not high, I can find this double dungeon!"

Seeing Lin Feng's confident appearance, it turns out that the second-year middle school youths are much happier......

Thinking about how difficult life is, being able to be happy all the time is indeed a very good thing...

"Later, you just have to fight your monster well and keep yourself safe, understand?"

"As the level gets higher and higher, the monsters encountered will definitely become more and more powerful."

Noon's Glacier nodded heavily, and the eyes of the two fell on the teleportation array at this moment.

"Meng Wang...I don't know why I feel a little nervous..." Wu Ri Bingchuan said.

Seeing her frowning and looking very nervous, Lin Feng comforted her.

"You don't have to be nervous. Anyway, I don't dare to do anything. Why are you nervous?"


The second round of monsters came out.

This time, there are exactly the same number of rainy clouds and rainy ghosts as on the first floor.

The only change that has occurred is that the lightning color on Yunyu Yunyun's body has gradually become thicker, and there are three or four more will-o'-the-wisps around Yu Yuyunyun's body...

The body of Yinyu Ziyan Beast has also grown a lot, and the pustules on its body have also become bigger...

It looks even more disgusting. If you look carefully, there are white worms spinning in the pustules on the body of the Yinyu Ziyan Beast...

At noon, Glacier looked at the Yinyu Ziyan Beast, silently covered his mouth, and said with a disgusted face.

"I feel that this monster looks really disgusting...I have never seen such a disgusting animal..."

"Otherwise, the four Yinyu Ziyan Beasts will be handed over to you, and the other soldiers will be handed over to me?"

After finishing speaking, she still didn't forget to show her cuteness to Lin Feng....

Lin Feng had no choice but to say.

"All right, all right, then follow your ideas..."

"You just have to remember to keep yourself safe."

Noon's Glacier made an OK gesture!

The attributes of the monster are also displayed at this moment.

rainy and cloudy

Grade: 65

HP: 32000

rainy ghost

Level: 70

HP: 39000

Rainy Purple Flame Beast

Level: 75

HP: 45000

BOSS·Blazing Purple Flame Beast

Level: 80

HP: 500000

The blood volume of the monster has increased several times...

At noon, Glacier watched the blood volume of these monsters increase several times, and silently swallowed...

"I didn't expect that this is only the second floor... so much blood volume has already increased..."

"Also, the monster this time seems to be much stronger than the monster in the original copy..."

Lin Feng nodded. He didn't expect the glacier to have such common sense this afternoon. It seems that he has really made progress. It is indeed very good!

"That's good, that's good. It's good to have such observation skills. When the fight really starts, especially you and Yun Yunyun, you must pay attention to your own safety."

"They are all ghost-type monsters, and their speed will definitely be much faster than ground-type monsters."

Noon's Glacier nodded heavily!

"Do not worry!"

All the monsters have been assembled.

"Xiaohei, Xiaoha is pulling monsters!" 4.6

Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiao Ha immediately rushed to these monsters and unleashed their skills.

Noon's Glacier and Lin Feng were waiting in the middle of the battle field.

Lin Feng looked at the Yinyu Ziyan Beast walking towards him, and felt very disgusted in his heart...

I really don't know how this monster can be so ugly...

More importantly, it doesn't matter if it's ugly, it still looks disgusting...

Compared with the Rainy Purple Flame Beast, the attack of the Boss Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast is not so disgusting. …

At least it won't corrupt the battlefield...

It seems that I need a quick knife to cut the mess!

The Yinyu Ziyan Beast is still the same as the one on the first floor, and began to hammer its stomach with its hands...

bang bang bang...

Strange noises started coming out of my stomach...

The pustules on its body began to explode, and the venom instantly contaminated the battlefield where it was standing within 20 meters...

A nasty stench rises from the sky...  

Among these venoms, there are some bugs that are moving, looking at it, I feel that all the goosebumps on my body are all up...

"Xiao Hei! Use Frozen World immediately!"

Xiao Hei, Dragon King of Taiyin released his skill to freeze the world, and the thin ice began to spread across the entire battlefield in an instant...

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