National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 296 Double Dungeon Demon Wings Second Round, Instant Kill!

The venom sprayed by the Yinyu Purple Flame Beast also condensed into ice in the frozen world of Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei, and the speed of corroding the battlefield has also slowed down a lot...

The Yinyu Ziyan Beast and Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast in front of them were directly sealed on the ground by Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin.

Lin Feng immediately seized the present opportunity, and before Ziyan Beast and Chihan Ziyan Beast broke through the ice seal, he quickly got rid of these monsters.

Suddenly, the other heads of Chihan Ziyan Beast broke through the attack of Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei within a second!

I saw that the other seven heads of the Chilling Purple Flame Beast began to emit purple light again!

Boom boom boom!

The entire battlefield, which was bombarded by the purple light it cast, began to crumble...

Looking at the current situation, Lin Feng frowned, it seems that he needs to kill them all at a faster speed...

If you continue to let go of other attacks by this blazing purple flame beast, it is estimated that this martial arts field will collapse soon...

This time the martial arts field is like a mule on a parallel machine, it may collapse at any time

This two-player battle has also increased the difficulty to a certain extent.

If anyone is one step late, or the result of delaying time is being eliminated.

In fact, this is also very good, not only can better stimulate the potential of people.

In an instant, Lin Feng released a move on the head of the Chilling Purple Flame Beast that was constantly radiating skills, Guardian Angel Cross Slash.

In an instant, Lin Feng chopped off one of the heads of the Blazing Purple Flame Beast.


But the 6 heads broke through the frozen world released by the Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei, and they also began to emit purple rays one after another! 26

damn it!

Lin Feng watched the blazing purple flame beast continuously attacking him, so he could only dodge it.

Although its action speed was indeed delayed by Xiao Hei's frozen world, but this was of no use to its other heads.

The glacier at noon on the side also began to show its own unique trick...  

I don't know why the rainy clouds and rainy ghosts on the second floor are much faster than those on the first floor.

Therefore, all the glacier moves in the afternoon have been emptied...

A total of forty Yinyu Yunyun and Yinyu ghosts did not kill even a single one...

This also made her a little suspicious of life...

"how so!"

"Meng moves can't hit them at all!"

"They're much faster than me!"

"Why don't we switch fights? In this case, maybe I can release my moves better, and my attacks are not suitable for hitting this rainy cloud and rainy ghost..."

Lin Feng listened to what she said, and said silently.

"Your attack now is really a good opportunity to step up the tempo."

"If you have a good grasp this time, you will definitely be able to aim more accurately in future battles, whether it is against people or against these monsters."

After listening to what Lin Feng said, Bingchuan in the afternoon remembered his own performance in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, as if he really needed to work harder...

How can you hold others back!


"Then you fight hard!"

"I won't change!"

Lin Feng is also a little speechless, but seeing her perseverance, she is also very pleased...

At least this time she didn't give up such a good opportunity because of a little difficulty......

The Yinyu Ziyan Beast raised its big palm and patted Lin Feng's body!

Lin Feng watched the disgusting palm slapping his body, and felt an inexplicable nausea,

Pause! Starfall is unleashed!

A huge magic circle started to launch a powerful attack towards the Rainy Ziyan Beast and the Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast!

One after another, small rocks began to fall towards the bodies of these monsters with the red and golden light!


Looking at the Yinyu Ziyan Beast that has been shaved off by more than half, I finally felt a little more at ease in my heart...

But both of these monsters are very troublesome existences...

The Chilling Purple Flame Beast began to radiate purple light towards its surroundings again!

Boom boom boom!

The entire battlefield trembled slightly again...

Lin Feng frowned slightly, it seems that he must hurry up...

"Hurry up, or if the entire battlefield collapses, we will be considered a failure."

Noon's Glacier nodded heavily when he heard it, his eyes were full of attention to this dungeon!


A brilliant white lotus bloomed under her body!

The original black pupils turned blue under her summoning technique!

"Awakening skill! Red Flame Ice Lotus Strike!"

Immediately, many red snow lotus flowers began to appear around her, blooming...


These blood-red snow lotus flowers actually emitted streaks of red light, piercing straight into the bodies of these monsters!

Lin Feng seized this opportunity and immediately used the guardian angel to fight back!

A powerful attack wave followed the noon glacier and slammed down on these monsters!

Brush, brush, brush!


In the red glow, all the monsters were attacked by Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier, and all of them were eradicated!

Looking at the monster that fell on the ground and continuously blasted out many gold coins, the birthday glacier said with a smile.

"How about it?!"

"Do you think my trick is particularly powerful!"

Lin Feng nodded, remembering that she rarely used this trick when fighting, and asked.

"I see that you don't necessarily use this trick when you usually fight."

The glacier in the afternoon sighed and spoke slowly.

"If only it were that simple..."

"I don't know why, it seems that I can only release my anger when it reaches a certain level..."

"It's also strange... What do you think about this?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, for her trick that requires enough anger to be released, he has no future...

Maybe the only thing I can really do is to make her more angry, so that I can accumulate a little more anger...

However, having so many births in a girl's family is not good for her health, and more importantly, seeing her smiling all day is rarely sad at all...

"You said my moves, you don't want me to be more angry, right? But I really rarely get angry... What can I do?"

Lin Feng replied with a long sigh.

"In this case, I really don't have any way to help you better."

"Maybe there are some things that you need to adjust yourself. At critical times, you can radiate your anger into your own attacks."

Listening to Lin Feng's narration in the afternoon, Bingchuan felt that he was at a loss...

"I still don't understand..."

"Use your anger in moves at critical moments, if only I lost my temper so easily..."

After the two of them counted all the gold coins that the monsters exploded, they continued to walk to the third floor...

"Remember, it's the third floor now, and there are seven floors in total. The monsters on the third floor will definitely be much stronger than those on the second and first floors, remember?"

Noon's Glacier nodded heavily!

Listening to Meng Wang telling me, my heart is full of security!

"Don't worry! I will definitely not underestimate the enemy..."

"Tell me, it would be great if my moves could be kept until the seventh floor..."

"I felt that when I released the move just now, it was amazing!"

Lin Feng remembered when she released the move, and had to say, it was indeed a skill that didn't match her at all.

"After all, it's your unique move, so it must be powerful."

While talking, the glacier in the afternoon couldn't help sighing again...

"It's a pity, this skill of mine is activated by chance..."

"It would be great if it could be activated at any time."

Lin Feng looked at her with a pity look, and couldn't help 917's smile.

"If you can really activate your own unique moves at any time, wouldn't you be number one in the world?"

"The degree of mastery of this move depends on oneself, so... get it?"

Noon's Glacier nodded silently...

"Now that I'm going to the third floor, I feel more nervous....

"What do you think the seventh floor will be like..."

"When the time comes, will the BOSS we encounter really be as powerful as this..."

"Do you think we can pass these levels? Why do I feel a little difficult.

Lin Feng saw that the glacier at noon had started to get agitated at this time, and comforted him again.

"I've said it all, every day has me."

"No matter what, I will take you there, take you to complete this character, and let you get the treasure.

Glacier looked at Lin Feng at noon, his fragile heart was completely moved by what Lin Feng said, and stared at Lin Feng with teary eyes...

"I'm really touched..."

"Since you said that, if I encounter a task that I think I can't get through in the future, I will pull you in!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly, he didn't know why, but he always felt that he had cheated himself

But looking at her soft and waxy appearance, she is also very soft-hearted.

"Okay, if you really have a task that you feel is completely impossible, I will accompany you."

In the afternoon, Bingchuan looked at Lin Feng with a smile, and suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked.

"By the way, Meng Wang, why don't you go to fight a personal battle well?"

"How do you have time to accompany me to do tasks?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the glacier at noon without saying a word.

In fact, in the end, he just felt a little boring. Recently, he has been fighting all kinds of battles in the world's number one martial arts tournament...

Everyone will feel tired and need to change the taste

"Congratulations to both of you for successfully passing the second floor. Please go to the third floor. Please continue to work hard, both of you."

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