National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 297: Killing With Speed!

Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier came to the teleportation array, and in an instant, the two of them turned into a white light and disappeared here...

The two came to the third floor together.

The glacier at noon said to Lin Feng.

"Actually, since I played the first two floors, I also understand how to fight ghost-type monsters.

"Then let's kill them quickly. I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep."

Lin Feng and Wu Ri's Glacier glanced at each other, and since the challenge just now, they have become more and more tacit with each other [He Mingyou, where are the shortcomings of these monsters.

On the battlefield, the monsters on the third floor are exactly the same as the monsters on the second floor, except that their height has changed a bit, their body shape has also grown a lot, and the number has not changed in any way.

Lin Feng and Wu Ri's Bing Chuan glanced at each other and nodded, and they both understood what each other was thinking in the exchange of eyes.

In an instant, Lin Feng once again summoned his own pets, Lunar Dragon King Xiaohei and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiaoha, to pull monsters!

All the monsters were pulled in front of Lin Feng by Xiao Hei and Xiao Ha.

Immediately, Lin Feng released a move: Holy Light Falls!

A circle of white light burst out suddenly, and holy lights fell from within the circle of light!

bang bang bang!

The damage continued to hit this group of monsters.


At the same time, Noon's Glacier also released a move, and the blue light of Ridao shot straight into Lin Feng's falling holy light!

The two attacks merged with each other, and the white and blue light shone more and more on the battlefield...

The light enveloped all the monsters in it...

Ho Ho Ho Ho...

The roar of the monster filled the surroundings, adding a bit of horror to the already frightening battlefield.

All the monsters are in this light, constantly trying to escape, and huge claws keep appearing at the top of the light.

boom boom boom......

After a few seconds..……….

The monster's voice disappeared without a trace...

When the holy light disappeared, all the monsters left only a lot of gold coins, and everything just seemed as if it never happened...

Lin Feng and Wuri Glacier counted the gold coins that were blown out, divided them in half, and continued to walk to the fourth floor...

In the teleportation array, the two disappeared on the third floor like a ray of white light.

The third and fourth floors are also a dividing line. At this time, flames began to burn around the battlefields of the entire fourth and third floors, which also made it more difficult to pass the level.

Before the third floor, there was still an invisible abyss around. If he really flew out of the battlefield, he might have a chance to come back, but because of the flames, there was still a glimmer of hope. became hopeless.

It seems that this duo dungeon is far more difficult than I imagined.

But this can also better increase everyone's gaming experience.

At noon, Glacier frowned slightly as he looked at the dense flames surrounding him.

"It seems that the difficulty of the fourth floor has been strengthened again, and I don't know what will happen when we break through to the hell mode...

Lin Feng was reminded by the glacier in the afternoon, and he also reacted...

According to the current damage and the current mode, it is already a great change in intensity. It is estimated that if it really comes to hell mode and death mode, all of them will be strengthened several times.

All the monsters came out of the teleportation array again...

The figure is also twice as big as before!

Although it is only doubled, their damage and defense will definitely be greatly improved.

Lin Feng once again asked Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Lunar Yin, and Xiao Ha, the Blood Moon Remnant Wolf, to pull monsters!

In this way, most of the monsters can be gathered together to fight, and the attacks radiated by themselves will definitely not kill one or completely kill one.

Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiao Ha rushed in front of all the monsters and unleashed their skills!


The attacks of the two pets combined, and thin ice began to form on the ground.

All the monsters started to come towards Lin Feng's location at a steady pace, except for the ghost-type Yuyun Yunyun and Yuyu Wraith, whose speed was not slowed down in the air. have all been slowed down.

Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier looked at each other.

"Then we will still be the same as before, hurry up and order them!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng erected the sword of the archangel, and launched the Guardian Angel Cross Slash at the Yinyu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast and the Yinyu Ziyan Beast!


The blood volume of all Yinyu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beasts and Yinyu Ziyan Beasts was instantly reduced to less than half!

Facing the more powerful Yuyun Yunyun and Yuyu Phantom, the glacier at noon had no choice but to silently dodge the lightning attacks emitted by them!

"Oh my god! Mengwang...I found that I can't cut these rainy clouds and rainy ghosts at all. Their speed is so fast that I have an illusion."

Lin Feng looked at the glacier at noon today, with a look of lovelessness, and she had already absorbed the experience in the previous few battles, which she did not expect.

Up to now, he still didn't even absorb any experience, and silently swung the Archangel Sword in his hand again.

Towards these rainy clouds and rainy ghosts released the skill guardian angel to counterattack.


Immediately, all the rainy clouds and rainy ghosts were killed by the counterattack of Lin Feng, the great guardian angel.

On the side, Noon Bing Bing looked at Lin Feng with a face full of admiration, his eyes were full of admiration for him, and he looked like a little fan girl, and couldn't help clapping his hands, and said to Lin Feng.

"If I had known that you were so powerful, I would have let you fight all the monsters just now, but if I really gave them all up, wouldn't we have no rewards at all?"

Lin Feng looked at the little girl who was still thinking of being lazy at this moment, with a little bit of helplessness in her eyes.

But what can be done, after all, her temperament is like this, and as her partner, how can she dislike her partner.

The glacier at noon saw that Lin Feng had already defeated all the Yinyu Yunyun and Yinyu Ghost, and now only the Yinyu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast and the Yinyu Ziyan Beast were left. Now their blood is only 10,000. A little more blood.

This is also a great opportunity for himself, Yemen stood in front of Lin Feng and said.

"Leave these monsters to me, I can kill them in one move."

Lin Feng silently nodded and replied.

"Okay, then you just miss them, I want to see if your move can take all their blood."

When Bingchuan heard Lin Feng's words, he silently put his hands on his hips and said angrily.

"You just don't believe in my skills. How could I even kill monsters with a blood volume of just over 100,000?"

"My skills are very good. Although there may still be a certain gap compared with yours, I think my skills can still be used."

After talking about the glacier at noon, it launched an attack towards the Yinyu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast and the Yinyu Ziyan Beast that were walking towards them.

Lin Feng stood aside silently watching the glacier at noon.

A blue light began to fall out of the monster's body, but in the end, the blood volume of all the monsters was only reduced by more than 90,000, and there were still more than 10,000 blood volume left. There is a little doubt.

"How did this happen? Why did this happen!"

"I didn't expect that my attack would not take away 100,000 of their blood volume, but just tens of thousands of their blood volume. My God, this is really a blow to me, ah, my heart hurts so much."

Lin Feng looked at the glacier in the afternoon with a distressed look on his face, and couldn't help chuckling.

"I told you, you must seize the best opportunity to release the attack, so that you can hit a critical strike. This time, if you didn't hit a critical strike, of course you can't completely reduce their blood volume."

As soon as the words fell, he raised the Archangel Sword in his hand again, and directly gave these monsters the last normal attack moment, but their attacks were all reduced to zero.

Before Noon's Glacier could react, his monster had already been killed by Lin Feng, and he pouted sullenly.

"Why did you kill me for the last exposure, obviously I can."

(Good promise) Lin Feng said with a smile.

"It's okay, but it's only on the 4th floor and there are several floors below."

This sentence also made the glacier at Noonday feel a little collapsed, after all, the monsters on this layer have become so fast.

Not to mention the ones below, no wonder it is estimated that the speed must be super god-like, what should I do?

If I can't even defeat the monster, I despise myself.

"Okay, starting from the next level, I don't need your help, I don't believe I can't defeat them."

Bing Chuan boasted harsh words in the afternoon, and Dao Mingfeng nodded as he looked at her unwavering gaze, since this little girl felt that he had the ability to defeat them, he certainly couldn't pour cold water on her.

But according to her current strength, she is actually able to kill these mobs in one move [Zhong is because she doesn't know how to fully use her moves.

Therefore, when releasing moves, you can't completely inflict damage on yourself, and put them all on the mobs, there will be some distraction.

So if it can't be done, kill these mobs, unless you encounter a lower level person with fewer people. Once you encounter a person with more health and stronger defense, her attack will be easily immune.

But the problem of laughing and making troubles still needs to be explored slowly by herself. .

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