National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 298 Arriving At The Sixth Floor!

The teleportation array was opened at this time, and the two came to the teleportation array together, only to see that the two of them turned into a white light, disappeared on the 4th floor and went to the 5th floor.

At this moment, the fireworks around the 5th floor are more shining and scorching hot.

The entire 5th floor is like a flaming mountain, so that Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier, the blood volume of the two is continuously decreasing, but the blood volume that has been reduced is really not a lot.




Lin Feng frowned slightly, although he said that the blood volume was not very scary, but if he stayed for a long time, the continuous damage would probably get higher and higher.

So it is necessary to fight quickly, and with the strengthening of this level, I believe that the subsequent levels will become more and more difficult.

"We have to solve this one quickly, otherwise we will probably stop here."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Bingchuan in the afternoon also noticed his own blood.

It is constantly pushing back, although it is said that there are not many retreats.

But if it continues like this, there is no battle yet, and it is probably already cold.

All the monsters came out of the teleportation array.

Although the monster's size didn't change very much this time, the flames began to burn on its body.

In the afternoon, Glacier and Lin Feng glanced at each other.

"It seems that this time the monster will be bigger than last time, you need to pay attention." Lin Feng reminded.

In the afternoon, Glacier nodded silently and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, everything is on me, I will definitely not let you catch me like in the last battle, this time I must go all out.

"Let you take a good look at how powerful my moves are. What I did just now was just my mistake."

Lin Feng was looking forward to it, looking at the glacier on his birthday.

"Line 210, then it is as you said, I would like to see how long you can defeat Yin Yu Yunyun and Yu Yu Phantom this time."

After speaking, Lin Feng summoned his pets Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiaoha again to pull monsters.

I saw Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf trumpet pulling the Yinyu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast and Yinyu Ziyan Beast to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng once again released the Hammer of the Patron Saint, a golden light in the void condensed into a huge hammer, and beat down hard on the body of the light in front of him.

In an instant, the monster stopped in place and entered a state of dizziness.


With one blow, the monster's blood volume has been reduced by half.

Except that the blood volume of the big boss Yin Yu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast is only slightly reduced, but the others are completely cut.

The Yinyu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast once again fired a purple light attack towards Lin Feng's position.

The moment he wanted to hit Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng just dodged again and just hit the air.

The Yinyu Ziyan Beast saw that all the attacks of its big boss had been emptied, and it also began to explode the venom in its cyst, contaminating the entire battlefield, and the stench was suffocating.

"It's disgusting."

Glacier at noon looked at the disgusting monster Lin Feng was facing, and felt a little lucky in his heart.

If I encountered such a disgusting monster, I guess the whole person would collapse.

And now the entire battlefield is so stinky by its venom, it makes people smell like leaves.

"There is no way. Its venom can rot (cgcf) the battlefield. If we don't speed up quickly, the two injuries will continue to be very disadvantageous to us."

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng released the skill Star Fragmentation again.

I saw a circle of golden light floating in the air one after another small rocks.

Accompanied by the golden light, it began to continuously fall on these monsters.

All the monsters were surrounded by the road, and there was a hissing roar in the golden light.




All the little monsters were defeated by Lin Feng's star crash, but now they are facing the elite monsters and the rainy, cold, and purple flame beasts.

Seeing that his mobs had also been killed by Lin Feng's skills, Bingchuan in the afternoon came to Lin Feng's side.

"Why did you kill all of my mobs? Are you trying to snatch all my gold coins?

Lin Feng listened to the young girl's questioning to him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he spoke slowly.

"Why do you think of me like this, I am so inhumane, would I want to snatch your gold coins?"

"I just saw that you fought too hard, so I just helped you, and besides, I know that the attack covers a wide range.

"Now we have to turn our attention away from these mobs first, and mainly focus on this big boss, understand?"

Noon's Glacier heard what you said, and nodded silently. After all, all the little monsters have been killed by him now, so where else can we focus if we don't focus on this boss?

"Then let's attack him directly by surrounding him. This will also weaken his whole thinking and concentration."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words of Bing Chuan at Noon Ri, and immediately came behind him.

Along with the glacier at noon, it released its own skills at the same time, and it continued to damage him to a certain extent.

Lin Feng displayed his own skills at the same time, Guardian Angel Cross Slash and Guardian Angel Counter Slash, both using the Guardian Light Array as defensive protection.

The cloudy, rainy, blazing cold purple flame beast continued to launch, continuously emitting powerful attacks, and continued to operate.

The continuous bombardment of the two of them caused all their injuries, and they immediately entered a manic state, which also increased their attack power a lot.

Noon's Glacier dodged the monster's attack from the chain lock method, and at the same time radiated his own attack more or less in order to weaken his blood volume.

"Since it is too difficult, this is the most powerful boss I have ever seen, and the damage is so high."

Lin Feng was very satisfied, and said lightly.

"Let you go to brush more dungeons at ordinary times, but you don't."

Covering its head behind the monster, it also began to continuously emit purple light towards Lin Feng, but all of them were flashed by Lin Feng

This is also amazing, and it is still hiding enough, in the eyes of the glacier in the afternoon.

"Why so fast!"

"It's just one attack, and it's enough for me. Oh my god, how did you do it with five attacks?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and immediately he released his skill towards the monster in front of him again, which can protect the angel to counterattack.

All the damage hit the monster's body fiercely, and the blood volume that was still full was really weakened by more than half in a short time.

The monster had already entered a berserk state. After Lin Feng's blood volume was weakened by half, the berserk state gradually disappeared.



Noon's Glacier applauded Lin Feng's attack just now.

"This is too strong, if you can help to make the emphasized attack earlier, I won't be chased by him with the attack."

"Why can't I use my ultimate move? It feels like I don't have any anger points, and I can also detect my own anger points now. What if I haven't even accumulated half of my anger points yet?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. After all, sometimes wooden things can rise directly, just like the attack you just used, maybe it hasn't come yet." Lin Feng comforted.

In an instant, he set up the sword of the archangel in his hand again, and landed his final blow on the monster in front of him, the guardian angel's cross cut.

It was another two critical blows, hitting the monster's body, and his blood volume was cut by more than half, and it was weakened to 0.



I didn't expect that the 5th floor would pass so easily.

This also made Noon Glacier look at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"This is too powerful, my God."

"Just like that, I killed a big boss. If you can tell me so quickly, I won't have to be chased by that big boss just now."

Noon Ri Bingchuan couldn't help complaining to Lin Feng, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"If you don't get chased, how do you know that every boss in the future must be taken seriously, otherwise you will be the same as before."

The two began to count all the gold coins that the boss exploded. After counting, there were a total of 2,000 gold coins, and the two of them shared half of each, 1,000 gold coins each.

Seeing that he had harvested so many gold coins in the afternoon, Glacier said with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, after you have meat to eat, I will do any task and pull you here, not only will it make me faster, this will not only allow me to complete the task faster, but also get so many gold coins .”

Lin Feng looked at the glacier in the midday sun that was inexplicably falling into his fantasy at this moment, and said.

"It's a dream, you need to break through many levels in the future, understand?"

"This time it's not because I just don't want to fight individual battles, but I just accompany you. If you change it to one time, 6 people fight in a group battle, what should you do with your mission?"

Noon's Bingchuan slapped Lin Feng in the face when he heard a disagreement, silently rolled his eyes and said.

"Can you not hit me so directly? I just thought, it's good to think about it. Maybe you have become the white moonlight in my heart that I have been holding on to."

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