National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 299 Instant Kill! The Sixth Floor Monster!

Chapter 299 Instant Kill! Sixth Floor Monster!

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile when he heard Wuri's glacier say this.

"What Bai Yueguang, you still have to rely on yourself for many things."

"As I said, not every task can be completed by others with you.

At noon, Glacier let out a muffled snort. Facing the opened teleportation array, he had reached the sixth floor so quickly, and was only three floors away from the ninth floor.

"Now we are three floors away from the ninth floor, I believe we will be able to pass within an hour!"

Lin Feng nodded, but an hour is indeed a bit long. For him, he is completely able to control this time within half an hour.

"Not an hour, within half an hour."

"Didn't you say that you are sleepy~?"

Noon's Glacier let out a sigh of relief, patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said.

"Yeah.....I'm really sleepy..."

"But isn't half an hour not enough time?"

"We have already reached the sixth floor, and didn't you say that the further we go to the later layers, the more powerful it is?"

The corner of Lin Feng's mysterious mouth raised a faint smile, which made the glacier in the afternoon completely unable to understand what the cute king was thinking...

"Could it you have any powerful moves that you haven't shown yet?" Bing Bing asked curiously in the afternoon.

Seeing that the glacier in the afternoon was so curious, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"We'll know when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, the two stood in the teleportation array again, and after Lin Feng chanted softly to the teleportation array for a few seconds, the teleportation array began to emit a blue light, instantly!

The two of them also disappeared in this teleportation array...

Everything just now seemed as if it had never happened, a gust of wind blew by...

Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier appeared in the teleportation array on the sixth floor.

The entire battlefield on the sixth floor has not changed much.

Monsters also began to come out of the teleportation array.

The twenty Yu Yu Yunyun and the twenty Yu Yu Yunyun became much stronger again, especially the thunder and lightning logo on Yun Yu Yunyun's head also turned red.

Twenty Yinyu Ziyan Beasts also came out of the teleportation array.

The places they walked were accompanied by slight ground vibrations...

At noon, Glacier looked at the Yinyuziyan beast covered with cysts all over his body, and couldn't help but complain to Lin Feng.

"I guess this is the last time I've been to this duo looks so disgusting..."

"My trypophobia is committed..."

Lin Feng looked at the Yinyu Ziyan Beast in front of him and didn't have any special feelings...

After all, it's normal for monsters to be ugly...

at last!

A big BOSS with a body like a big bungalow, the Rainy Rain Chilling Ziyan Beast also came out from the teleportation, except for its head on the neck, the other heads also became stronger, constantly behind him Going around...

Glacier at noon looked at this huge boss, the rainy and cold purple flame beast, and couldn't help but shudder...

The air in the entire battlefield has also begun to become white-hot...

The cold air emanating from the Yinyu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast coincided with the dense flames surrounding the battlefield, forming a more powerful impact

The Rainy Chilling Purple Flame Beast roared towards Lin Feng and Noon's Glacier!

Looking at the changes in their attributes, the two frowned slightly.

rainy and cloudy

Level: 70

HP: 76000

rainy ghost

Grade: 72

HP: 74000

Rainy Purple Flame Beast

Level: 75

HP: 87000

BOSS·Blazing Purple Flame Beast

Grade: 78

HP: 2000000

Today's Rainy Chilling Ziyan Beast has already reached two million HP...

Noon's Glacier said: "I didn't expect that the blood volume has risen to two million people now."

"It's only the sixth round now, if it's the ninth round, it's estimated that there will be eight or nine million blood volume?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng replied: "That's not necessarily the case."

"It is estimated that the blood volume will not reach eight or nine million, at most six or seven million.

At noon, Bingchuan saw that Lin Feng was still speaking lightly, as if terrible things could enter his eyes...

It is estimated that if it is an ordinary person, hearing that the blood volume of six or seven million is a huge stick to him, hitting his head hard!

"You said, how long are we going to fight with the six or seven million blood volume?"

"How do I feel, it seems that what kind of blood volume in your eyes is not a problem."

Lin Feng nodded silently, thinking of the monsters he had encountered before, and the monsters he encountered in front of him were all monsters, in fact, it was not much different "There is nothing to be afraid of if it is natural.

Besides, no matter how scared you are, don’t you still have to keep going forward and kill this monster?

"Don't think too much. After all, we have met now, and we have already reached the sixth round. I believe you don't want to give up all your previous efforts."

After Wuri Bingchuan heard Lin Feng say this, he thought about it and realized that it was true!

It's already reached the sixth round, and it's only three rounds away from the ninth round.

If my confidence was aroused just because of the boss with such a small amount of blood, wouldn't I be too sorry for all the sacrifices I made just now?

Lin Feng instantly summoned his pets, Lunar Dragon King Dragon King Kid and Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiaoha to pull monsters.

Immediately, Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, ran in front of all the monsters, and immediately released his skills. Frozen Heaven and Earth covered the entire ground with light thin ice, freezing them in place

Lin Feng looked at all the monsters frozen in place, and met Wu Ri's glacier.

Immediately, the glacier at noon knew what Lin Feng thought. After all, if such a good opportunity is missed, it will not be such a good thing to wait until the next time.

Lin Feng instantly released his skill Star Fracture!

The sword of the Archangel burst open again, emitting a golden ray of light, wrapping it in it, and began to continuously smash rocks one after another towards all the monsters inside.



After maintaining it for a full two seconds, Lin Feng once again released his skill Black Dragon Mosha Slash towards the group of monsters!

In less than a short time, black gas gushed out from the sword of the Archangel, instantly enveloping the Sword of the Archangel that was originally emitting white light, emitting layers of black gas

Lin Feng set up the sword of the Archangel in his hand and pointed it at the top of the battlefield.

…… Ask for flowers………

A black ray shot directly at the top of the battle city from the Archangel's sword, turning into a black beam of light.

A huge black golden dragon hovered over the black beam of light, slowly opened its eyes, and let out a roar!

The black golden dragon roared at the pair of monsters in front of him!

With just a roar, all the blood volume of the monster began to emerge.

The black golden dragon in front of him revealed the domineering aura of a king, jumped up from the beam of light, and came to Lin Feng's side.

In the afternoon, Glacier looked at the black golden dragon flying towards Lin Feng with only envy in his eyes. He never thought that he could see someone who could drive a golden dragon.

Standing on the spot, Lin Feng swung the sword of the Archangel in his hand again, slashing fiercely at the monsters in front of him.

I saw the black golden dragon swaying the tail behind him, and the pair of monsters in front of him rushed over.

The roar in its mouth seemed to tear them all in half, and it made people feel like their eardrums were about to be pierced.

A crit hit!~



In an instant, all the monsters' blood volumes were cleared to zero! A lot of equipment exploded on the ground.

Now, only the Yin Yu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast is still alive.

It has to be said that the defense of this cloudy, rainy, cold and purple flame beast is quite strong, but its blood volume is running low.

Noon's glacier looked at the gold coins all over the floor and hadn't reacted yet. How could this be defeated by Meng Wang? How could it be so fast?

"It's not how your attack just now wiped out all the minions and elite monsters so quickly, I haven't even used my moves yet!"

Lin Feng looked at the complaining glacier in the afternoon, and said with a smile.

"Then since you want to use your power, if you die early, you will give birth to a head, and the big boss has very little blood left, so you can kill him.

Noon's glacier silently rolled his eyes. What he said made people feel collapsed.

"Why do I feel like I'm taking advantage of others, I always feel like I'm just a burden.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, looked at the glacier at noon, who was starting to think wildly, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, you are definitely not a burden. Just now, my skills are just to let you go to sleep quickly. Didn't you say that you are sleepy?"

"Hurry up and finish the fight and go to sleep. There will be a ten-man battle tomorrow."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Noon Glacier didn't think much, and directly summoned a huge ice cube.

It ruthlessly smashed on the body of the rainy, blazing cold purple flame beast that was left behind.


In an instant, the blood volume of the cloudy and rainy blazing cold Ziyan beast was counted to 0.

There was a bang from his body, and a lot of gold coins were scattered on the ground.

Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier looked at the gold coins all over the floor and began to count them.

In the end, the two got 4,000 gold coins, which were divided into two halves, and each of them got 2,000 gold coins.

"Sure enough, Mengwang will have meat to eat with you. I guess this time we can also get some credit from you and win the top few in this World's Number One Martial Arts Tournament."

"Fortunately, I have you. If it were someone else, I probably wouldn't know if I was still in this dungeon now, and I would probably have already been defeated in Dikang.

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