National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 301 Another Outbreak Of Attack!

After noon's glacier arrived at the time calculated by Lin Feng, he felt very unhappy about this matter, and asked him.

"Why is mine 15 minutes? Why is it so slow? According to the time I usually spend killing monsters, it is impossible for 15 minutes."

Seeing that Wuri Bingchuan didn't believe his order at all, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"When the time comes you will know, when the time comes you will know what I mean.

The monster at this time has also been pulled over by the Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei and the Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiao Ha.

In an instant Lin Feng unleashed his own move, the guardian angel dry word chop.

The sword of the Archangel in his hand sent out a particularly powerful attack wave while waving, and severely hit what he was facing, the Yinyu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast and the Yinyu Ziyan Beast.

Immediately, the Yinyu Ziyan Beast began to explode the cysts on its body again, and continuously sprayed the venom inside towards Lin Feng's location.

Lin Feng had no choice but to keep dodging the venom sprayed out by the head of the monster himself.

All the venom that didn't hit Lin Feng fell on the battlefield one after another, and began to corrode the battlefield.

The Yinyu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast also started to use its own attack, and the purple light was continuously emitted from its mouth, filling the entire air and trying to envelop it.

But it was far behind the speed of Lin Feng and Shuang'er, all of them got out of the way, and the Chilling Ziyan Beast launched 26 purple light attacks.

At noon, Glacier looked up at Lin Feng and Shuang'er Speed, who were fighting in the air at this time.

What a powerful person it takes to be able to use such a powerful trick and speed. If you were an ordinary person, you would have been hit by this big boss long ago. There are several moves.

I don't know how hard I have to work hard to catch up with the current speed of Lin Feng and Shuang'er.

However, their speed has exceeded what they saw, just like a gust of wind.

It seems that I should also learn from Meng Wang to improve my speed.

Seeing his attack, the Yinyu Chihan Ziyan Beast emptied all of it, began to wave its claws, and slammed towards Lin Feng's position fiercely.

Lin Feng swung the Archangel Sword in his hand again to unleash his skills against the huge claws covering his body!

Guardian Angel strikes back!

With a bang, an attack wave slammed into the overwhelming hands of this rainy, blazing cold purple flame beast!


The Yinyu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast made a hissing sound instantly, and entered a berserk state!

The five heads behind him continuously radiated attacks on Lin Feng's body again!

Boom boom boom!

A series of purple rays of light filled the entire void, and the void was slightly shocked by these rays of light.

Lin Feng looked at the light reflected towards him, and rode Shuang'er in this light after another, shuttling back and forth...

The speed is like a gust of wind, instantly!

Before the monster could react, Lin Feng had already disappeared within its line of sight.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Seeing Lin Feng disappearing where he could see, the Yin Yu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast began to search for the other party's position...

Lin Feng came behind the huge Rainy Chilling Ziyan Beast in front of him, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth

Really stupid, I can't even find myself anywhere...

In the meantime, it released its skills!

Guardian Angel Cross!

Two attack waves hit the back of the Yinyu Chihan Ziyan Beast again...

Seeing Lin Feng appearing behind the Yinyu Chihan Ziyan Beast, the Yinyu Purple Flame Beast hit its stomach again, and the venom from the swelling sprayed out towards Lin Feng's body again!

It looks disgusting....

The Yinyu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast has also reflected it, and its prosperous body instantly radiated its own purple cold glow from its body again!


Looking at the cloaked, rainy and blazing cold purple flame beast, Lin Feng found Lin Feng again, and left here with Shuang'er!

Lin Feng's voice disappeared again, and in the eyes of these monsters, these monsters were only beginning to look for traces of Lin Feng.

But they couldn't find Lin Feng for a long time. When Lin Feng reappeared with them, he instantly released his skills again, a thunderous blow!

In the void, the Archangel Sword in Lin Feng's hand began to gather.


A huge bolt of lightning exploded in time and space for a while, and slammed on the bodies of the Yinyu Chihan Ziyan Beast and the Yinyu Ziyan Beast.

I saw that the two of them were constantly flickering in the huge lightning wrapped around them, and the light of their big eyes flashed out.

Roars filled the entire battlefield.

The glacier at noon turned around and looked at the monster wrapped in the huge lightning, with admiration in his eyes.

Could it be that I said too much in those 5 minutes? Could it be that it was only three or four minutes?

Noon's Glacier still didn't come to his senses, she simply didn't believe that anyone's tricks could bring out such a powerful attack and combat power.

What's going on? Why can the damage be so high? If the damage continues at this level, it is estimated that there is no opponent who knows him at all.

A cold light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, Lin Feng swung the Archangel Sword in his hand, and aimed at the monster struck by lightning, instantly blamed my blood volume to zero

At noon, the glacier looked at the time and only two minutes had passed, which was one minute less than what he had estimated. How did he do it? Is this cute king a human being?

"How did you do it? Why? Why is it so powerful..."

Lin Feng saw that the group of monsters had been killed by him, and set his eyes on the glacier who was looking up at Noon Ri, seeing that the monsters he was facing were still a large group

Said silently.

"If you don't concentrate on defeating the monsters in front of you now, they will attack you. At that time, our efforts will really be in vain."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Bingchuan in the afternoon realized that he was still fighting and came back to his senses.

Looking at the large group of monsters behind him, he hadn't solved it yet, and he didn't know whether he had the ability to solve this group of monsters after taking a breath.

Lin Feng came to Noon's Glacier and asked.

"How do you need my help? If you need my help, just tell me directly, and I will definitely help you.

Seeing that Lin Feng wanted to help him, Bingchuan refused at noon.

"No, let me do it, I don't believe I can't defeat these monsters."

"My God, how did those monsters before me kill themselves?"

In the hands of the glacier in the afternoon, many ice cubes were condensed, and many ice cubes were sent towards the elite monsters ahead.

All the elite levels had no time to dodge, and the ice cubes in the hands of Zai Ri's glacier smashed on these monsters one after another...

But what people didn't expect was that the blood volume of this group of elite monsters actually dropped not much, just a little bit.

It is about to make the glacier in the afternoon doubt life even more.

I know what kind of situation you are in, why is the attack so weak?

"No, this is not my ability at all, why can't I deal a certain amount of damage, is there something wrong with me!"

For a while, Noon's Glacier also joined the show. He just looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng frowned slightly as he looked at Noon's Glacier, who was starting to get anxious. Will be struggling with his own attack.

In an instant, a ray of light burst out from Lin Feng's body, chopping down on the elite monsters.


The 043.8 million attack on Shanghai directly lost the HP of all elite monsters.

In the glacier at noon, seeing these monsters erupting again and producing a lot of gold coins, I already had no desire for these monsters in my heart.

"Why can't my attack come out now? Is there something wrong with me?

Noon's Glacier looked at Lin Feng anxiously, she didn't want to remember that something really went wrong.

Lin Feng comforted: "You just haven't fully mastered your skills, so you don't know that there are some skills, but in fact, you haven't fully dealt his damage.

"It's normal for people to make mistakes, and you need to figure out your moves now, so that you will have a higher improvement in fighting monsters in the future.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Bingchuan heaved a long sigh. Alas, it seems that he really has more than just a little bit to catch up with him. What do you think?

"Then my most important question now is really the moves? Just now I saw that your speed is also very fast [How did you do it? Your attack and defense speed are very fast.

While talking, blinking curiously, Lin Feng looked at her with a curious look and said with a smile.

"Your most important problem now is the problem of moves. When you solve the problem of moves, I will teach you some other things."

After hearing the name of Wu Ri, he nodded his head. In fact, he still didn't understand why his moves couldn't unleash his entire attack.

In fact, I have some insights into these soldiers.

"Then let me ask you what stage do you think my current moves belong to, and how can I quickly comprehend every detail of these moves."

Lin Feng shook his head. His own moves, he also came up with his own perception, everyone's moves are different, so the things that everyone needs to understand are not clear.

"It's okay, take your time, you will understand later."

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