National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 302 Double Copy! The Mighty Stone Lion!

The glacier at noon began to get anxious......

Take your time, take your time, how slow is it? If this continues, I don't know when I will fully understand my tricks.

And it's not like what year and month will he be able to let him give away his other things.

From this moment, the paper also got her very home now in his eyes, but what can be done.

Many things need to be slowly understood by himself.

No matter how much I say, it is only a useful method when I am learning my own gains.

These methods may not be useful for other moves, just like his stunts are compared with his own decision, his stunts need anger points, but I don't use it myself.

"Now we only have the last floor left. Let's go. After passing this level, when you are free, go to your personal copy and practice. You will know when the time comes."

After hearing his proposal, Noon Glacier had no choice but to nod in agreement, and followed Lin Feng into the last teleportation array.

I saw that the teleportation array began to rotate, and the teleportation array emitted a powerful ray of light, teleporting the two of them to the 8th floor.

The entire battlefield became extremely large, and the surrounding area was extremely wide, which made Lin Feng a little confused about what kind of situation this was.

Why on the contrary, when it reached the last floor, the entire battlefield changed, and instead of becoming worse, it became better.

With a click, the ground began to crack, and a huge stone lion slowly rose from the ground and landed steadily in front of everyone.

In the afternoon, Glacier and Lin Feng looked at the huge stone lion in front of them, and were a little stunned...

"What is this?"

"I haven't encountered it when I played dungeons before..."

Lin Feng looked at the stone lion in front of him. It had a long mouth, as if it was about to spit out something. If he didn't guess wrong, it might be...

Before Lin Feng could speak, all the monsters in the teleportation array also ran out of it.

Ordinary mobs, Yu Yu Yunyun and Yu Yu Ghost made whirring sounds...

The mouth of the elite mob, Yinyu Ziyan, also began to make whirring sounds...

The big boss, Yin Yu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast, followed them and made a whirring sound at the stone lion as if it was singing some spell.

"Be careful with this stone lion. If you guess correctly, it is probably the final boss."

Lin Feng replied slowly, and the glacier in the afternoon pointed to the stone lion in front of him and said in disbelief.

"Are you saying it's just a lion made of stone? Why can't I believe it so much?"

The system reminded at this moment: "Congratulations to the two players who have come to the ninth floor of Demon Wings, this will be your last battle, please work hard, the treasure is right in front of you.

Lin Feng's eyes were also tightly locked on the stone lion in front of him.

If the guess is right, it is estimated that there should be a treasure under the stone lion.

The attributes of monsters appeared in Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier eyes at this moment.

rainy and cloudy

Level: 80


rainy ghost

Grade: 85

HP: 1000000

Rainy Purple Flame Beast

Grade: 92


BOSS- Chilling Purple Flame Beast

Level: 100

HP: 6000000

After seeing the level and blood volume of the boss in the afternoon, Glacier remembered what Lin Feng said just now, but he didn't expect it to be the same as what he said, a total of six million blood stars!

More importantly, the blood volume of other small monsters and elite monsters has been greatly strengthened by more than half!

"How are we going to fight this time?"

"Is that stone lion for our use,"

In the afternoon, Bingchuan asked Lin Feng, completely aware of everything in front of him.

Lin Feng looked at the stone lion and fell into deep thought...

"Let's break through!" The system's voice resounded in all directions.

The stone lion's body began to twist...

All the monsters set their eyes on Lin Feng in front of them and the glacier in the afternoon.


A white ray of light suddenly shot out from the stone lion's mouth, shooting directly at the glacier at noon and Lin Feng's body...

Lin Feng looked at the glacier at noon, which was completely stunned, and immediately released the guardian light array!

The light seemed to condense into a huge stone, falling into the protective light array summoned by Lin Feng...

Unexpectedly, his own blood volume was actually dropped by the light emitted by this stone lion, and his blood volume dropped a little...



It is estimated that if the guardian light array had not been used just now, the blood volume of Wuri Glacier would have been directly halved!

This level is really the rarest of all dungeons...

Seeing that Lin Feng blocked the attack, the BOSS Yinyu Chihan Ziyan beast raised its head to the sky and screamed, and the five heads behind it also launched an attack wave towards Lin Feng!

"How are we going to fight this time!"

"This stone lion is too powerful!"

"There is also a huge BOSS!"

Lin Feng can dodge the attack of the rainy, blazing cold purple flame beast in front of him, but the most difficult problem in front of him is this stone lion...

Judging from its attack just now, although this stone lion does not have a living system, its speed is very fast, and it can predict the attack around it at any time...

If you want to defeat this stone lion now, you must get close to it. Not only are there so many mobs blocking it, but there is also a huge boss that needs to be solved by yourself. It seems that this thing can only be done on the birthday glacier up.

"I now entrust you with an important task."

"At that time, I will lure all these monsters away, and you go to approach this stone lion."

When the glacier in the afternoon heard it, it set its sights on the stone lion...

It is surrounded by many monsters, and there is no point where you can cut in...


"I'm afraid of holding you back..."

Lin Feng said: "Don't be afraid, under that stone lion should be the treasure of your mission. As long as you can cut down the stone lion, your mission should be considered a victory."

"If you don't, you won't be able to stop these monsters by yourself, so choose yourself..."

After listening to the analysis given by Lin Feng, the glacier in the afternoon wondered if he still wanted to cut down the stone lion by himself?

However, the attack it unleashed just now is really too big...

I am not its opponent at all...

"I'd better choose the stone lion..."

"But my speed is really too slow...Do you really believe me?"

Noon's Glacier asked with an unconfident look, fear in his eyes...

The blood volume and damage of these monsters have been greatly increased than usual.

"I trust you."

In an instant, Lin Feng leaped in the air and watched all the monsters below release their buffered awakening skills!


Lin Feng took a defensive posture, erected the Archangel Sword in front of him with his right hand, and a huge white halo appeared on the heads of all the monsters...

After singing a few times...

In the aperture, rays of light began to fall one after another!

two seconds......


The monsters surrounded by the awakening technique have already lost a million blood volume...

All of Yin Yu Yunyun's blood was killed, and gold coins were blasted out one by one.

The blood volume of the ghost of the rain is running out now.....

The stone lion fired an attack in Lin Feng's direction again!

When Lin Feng saw the white light rushing straight towards him like an arrow, Lin Feng dodged backwards in an instant, just dodging the stone lion...


This stone lion suddenly sent out another attack, getting a powerful attack wave from behind him!

Lin Feng reacted again and dodged back again, but the light still brushed past his arm...


The blood volume was reduced by 50 again.

I didn't expect that this stone lion could react so quickly. It seems that the people who studied this stone lion also worked hard...

It is estimated that if it was someone else, it would have been instantly killed by this stone lion...

The BOSS Yinyu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast accelerated its speed with its fists, and ran to Lin Feng's side. The five heads behind it looked very strange, and once again reflected a trick on Lin Feng's body!

The purple light reflected on Lin Feng's body again.

Its huge body looks like a high-rise floor, and it can feel the whole battlefield trembling when it walks around!

Huge (Zhao's Zhao) incomparable purple claws grabbed Lin Feng's body again.

The powerful palm force began to continuously oppress Lin Feng at this moment...

Lin Feng felt the huge palm force between the palms, frowned slightly, and released the patron saint hammer strike!



The golden hammer slammed on the body of the Yinyu Chihan Ziyan Beast who wanted to slap Lin Feng flat!

Feeling the pain, the Yinyu Blazing Cold Purple Flame Beast let out a humming sound toward the sky, and pulled its hand back instantly.

Seeing Lin Feng's moves against so many monsters for himself, Glacier in the afternoon began to look for opportunities...

However, there are still many monsters surrounding the stone lion. When the glacier at noon is about to approach, it will immediately make a sound calling for other partners to gather.

In this case, even if she has certain moves and abilities, there is no way to break through the siege of so many monsters.

"……What should I do……….…"

"I found that as soon as I got close to this stone lion, the rainy purple flame beasts surrounding it would make a whining sound...Ku"

"It seems to be calling my friends..."

Lin Feng silently supported his forehead, seeing that the glacier in the afternoon couldn't find any way to break through, so he spoke slowly.

"Don't panic, I'll come, wait for me to kill these little monsters, seize the opportunity.".

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