National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 32 The Major Rankings Appear, And The First Place In The Double Rankings!

First of all, the game's exchange has updated some rules.

1. Players can choose to hide their names when trading on exchanges in the future.

2. Players in a team can enter the exchange together.

Then came the major lists.

List setting: At present, seven lists are opened: level list, weapon gang, protective gear list, accessories list, pet list, popularity list, fighting god list, and so on.

And the seven lists only open the regional list, such as the China level list, the China weapon list... Currently, each country's game is ranked separately.

1. Level list: As the name suggests, it is the level list of players in the game, and only the top 100 are displayed.

2. Weapon list: The weapons appearing in the game are ranked by the game system from high to low, and only the top 100 are displayed.

3. Protective gear list: The protective gear that appears in the game is ranked by the game system from high to low, and only the top 100 are displayed.

4. Jewelry list: The accessories that appear in the game are ranked by the game system from high to low, and only the top 100 are displayed.

5. Pet list: The pets appearing in the game are ranked by the game system from high to low, and only the top 100 are displayed.

6. Fighting God Ranking: Also known as the PK Ranking, the main city opens a duel field, and players over level 10 can enter freely, and then open a room to fight. Winners get victory points, and failures subtract b win points. Rankings are based on win points, only Displays the top 1000 players. The top 1,000 players on the God of Fighting Ranking will be rewarded every week. The higher the ranking, the higher the reward.

7. Popularity list: The names of players appearing in the top six lists will be listed by the system, and each player has a popularity ticket every day, and can freely vote for one of these players. The number of popular votes, so as to rank the top 100.

Lin Feng is not interested in the first five and the seventh list, he is very interested in the sixth. Of course, it's not that he has confidence in his PK skills, but that there are rewards!

As long as it is beneficial, Lin Feng is very interested.

After looking at the forum, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to the ghost incident in Longyuan City.

It's a normal reaction in the early stage of the game to brush so much in a day.

The game warehouse may arrive in the afternoon, and then Lin Feng put on the game helmet and entered the game.

At this time, he has left hell and appeared in the wild. At this time, a bunch of game prompts sounded.

"Player Meng Wang, level 29, has become the first in China's ranking list, do you want to display his name?"

"Player Meng Wang's epic-level Bright Guardian Star Ring has become the first in China's jewelry list. Does it show your name?"

"Player Mengwang Gold-ranked Giant Bear Suit has become the third place in China's protective gear list. Does it show your name?"

"Player Meng Wang, Gold Rank Giant Bear Sword, became the fifth in China's weapons list, do you want to display your name?"

"Don't show them all." Lin Feng responded directly.

If he wants to become famous, it will be shown when the world announces it. But at the moment, he doesn't want to show his face too much. It's better to make a fortune in a low-key manner. If he is too high-profile, he may be followed by a group of people if he wants to brush the boss in the future. Then the game experience will be extremely poor.

Afterwards, Lin Feng jumped out of the various lists and began to watch.

"It seems that there are still many players who have different opportunities. Both the weapon list and the protective gear list are better than me. And someone on the pet list has a rare pet baby. Although I have a guardian beast that is rare, but I don't have a baby yet. Find a chance to pop a pet egg."

In the second world, apart from professions such as summoner or hunter, there are too many pets. Normal players can only have one pet and one mount. And ordinary players can't catch them, they can only get pet eggs by fighting monsters or trading them from players.

Summoners and hunters have the ability to capture pets. Lin Feng's death contract can capture servants, but currently he cannot capture pets, and he is still a little disappointed.

"How about I also find a chance to learn a catching skill, and then capture a bunch of pet eggs, and then sell them for money? This idea is good." Lin Feng pinched his chin.

Then Lin Feng ran to the main city...

When Lin Feng is not selected, those who have him on the level list and accessories list are all in a row? ? ? ? ? ? , when he chose not to disclose it, he became XX.

As a result, there were seven lists. Excluding the popularity list, which was not taken seriously at the beginning, almost all the players on the list revealed their names. Naturally, XX is particularly conspicuous.

"Look at the list, and there is an update. The rank list and the accessories list are both XX, and the weapon list and the protective gear list also have an XX. Is this a person?"

"It feels like, because the question mark means that the player has not yet entered the game, and has not yet chosen whether to reveal the player's name, while XX means that the player is actively hiding. Simultaneous operation, it is one person."

"I'm going, the list has changed, the number one in the rank list actually hides his name! This is a great opportunity to be famous, and he even hides his name! What does this person think?"


The discussions among the players were very lively, and they all began to guess who XX was. After Lin Feng ran back to the main city, he ran directly to the duel arena.

Each main city has four duel fields, which are divided into east, west, north, and south. It looks like a relatively large building from the outside.

After Lin Feng entered the duel field in the north of the city, he came to a very spacious square in an instant. It was so big that he couldn't see the sides. It felt like hundreds of thousands or millions of people were here, and it wouldn't be too crowded.

"It's more like an independent copy, quite spacious!" Lin Feng looked around.

Maybe it just appeared, so many players came to the square because they were curious. Looking around, Lin Feng felt that there were tens of thousands of people.

At this time, images and words popped up in front of him.

1. Watch the battle: You can choose the battle field you want to watch and watch the battle. (You can only enter the battle arena where you can watch the battle. If it is set not to watch the battle, you cannot enter.)

2. Battle: There are two types, single player battle and multiplayer battle. If you die in the battle field, you will not lose the level. After you exit, the status will be full.

Single-player battles: battles at the same level, battles between levels, and chaotic battles.

Same-level battle: Players of the same level fight against each other, and the victor wins 1 victory point.

Level range battle: points 10-20, 20-30, 30-40... 90-100. High level beats low level, winning point 0.5, low level beats high level, winning point 2.

Chaos Battle: There is no level limit, if a high level beats a low level, the victory point is 0.2, if a low level defeats a high level, the victory point is 2 within 5 levels, if it exceeds 5 levels, the victory point is 4.

Multiplayer battles: groups of two, groups of five, groups of ten. Divided into same-level battles, level-range battles, and chaotic battles.

Same-level battle: Players of the same level fight against each other, kill all opponents, and the victor wins 1 victory point.

Level range battle: points 10-20, 20-30, 30-40... 90-100. Kill all opponents, if a high level defeats a low level, the victory point is 0.5, if a low level defeats a high level, the victory point is 2.

Chaos Battle: Regardless of the level limit, kill all opponents, a high level defeats a low level, the victory point is 0.2, a low level defeats a high level, the victory point is 2 within 5 levels, more than 5 levels, the victory point is 4.

After reading these, Lin Feng chose to fight.

Then, a battle method popped up in front of his eyes.

"Chaotic battle." Lin Feng selected.

There's no way, he also wants to play against each other, but at level 29, he is currently number one on the level list. There is really no one as high as him. Even in interval battles, there are very few players with more than level 20 in the current game.

"Ding, the match was successful."

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng disappeared in the square

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