National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 33 The Cavaliers In The Chaotic Battlefield

"Shua!" Lin Feng appeared in a battle field.

"Life and death platform: Killing the opponent, or knocking the opponent off the life and death platform, is considered a victory."

"The player "Rage to the Pot" is level 20, 9 levels lower than you, and the victory point is 0.2 when he defeats the player." (This character is provided by the reader friend "Naruto Pirate Synthesis Online Game")

"It's helpless, that's the only way to go." Lin Feng looked around at the scene.

The platform of life and death is roughly 100 meters in diameter, and below it is the abyss. Players will die if they fall. At this time, Lin Feng and Nufa Chongguo gathered about fifty meters away, standing in the stage of life and death.

"Brother, your level is really terrifying! I'm level 20, which is already considered a high level in Longyuan City, but you are actually higher than me. The strangest thing is that I have had more than ten PK matches today, and it's the first time I see you. Those who don’t know the name and level are weird and have some tricks.” Furious and not in a hurry to start the fight, he said with a smile.

Wearing armor and carrying a long-handled battle ax, he looked very strong.

The Light Guardian Star Ring (growth type) has an ability to control and hide all data such as player name and level, so that it cannot be seen clearly by any identification technique.

Lin Feng had never used the ability of this ring before, mainly because the level was not high enough, and there was nothing to hide.

But now that the level list appeared, he became the number one in the level list, and the list was hidden, so naturally his name and other attributes were hidden.

"I'm level 21, just a little higher than you." Lin Feng smiled.

"I don't believe it. But if I'm higher level than me, I'm considered a master. I'm a hidden profession, a berserk warrior. If I have a chance, I can form a team to fight the boss." Furiously, he continued.

"I'm a hidden professional paladin." Lin Feng said, "I'm high-level, so you should do it first."

"Bold enough, here we come!"

After finishing speaking, a layer of bloody light floated all over his body in anger, and then rushed towards Lin Feng ferociously.

And Lin Feng walked forward holding a large shield.

When the two sides met ten meters away, the speed of the anger suddenly soared, and the long-handled battle ax swung forward, hitting Lin Feng's shield with a bang. Lin Feng's body fell back five or six meters.



Furious and stunned, he asked himself that the damage was still quite high, more than 200 physical attacks, plus the 400% increase of his strongest attack skills, unexpectedly, missed!

"Goodbye." Lin Feng smiled.

Guard Shockwave!

"Boom!" Lin Feng made a bump.


The blood volume instantly cleared to zero when he was furious, and he was instantly killed!

[Guardian Shockwave Lv3] consumes 60 mana, protects itself from all states with a shield, then sprints rapidly, hits the first target to cause 800% magic attack, and stuns the target for 3 seconds, the attack distance is 20 meters, and the cooldown is 70 seconds.

His current magic attack is 360, and his skills are increased by 8 times, and then the light form, the guardian star ring of light and the son of light are passively enhanced to 3.3 times. If they are fully played, they can cause more than 9500 damage, absolutely terrifying damage.

Apprentice Reaper's appearance is too gloomy, and this is also Lin Feng's hole card, so far he doesn't want to show it. Anyway, players generally have low blood volume, and the Guardian of Light is super single-attack, which is more suitable.

So... this angry and bitter person was instantly killed.

"Kill the player and get angry, win the battle and get 0.2 victory points. Do you want to continue to the next game?"

"Yes." Lin Feng agreed, and said at the same time: "It is forbidden to watch the battle."

In this game, as long as one of the two sides of the battle does not agree to watch the battle, no player can watch their battle process. After Lin Feng found out the fact that he could beat people, he felt hesitant. If he watched the battle, he would soon be in unnecessary trouble.


"Shua!" A white light flashed, and he stood still in a daze, furious: "Level 21? Paladin? And then a shield shot me to death!? Damn it, you're a liar! Although I don't know Paladin, But isn’t the knight high in defense? How could he kill me with a single shield! No, I want to watch that guy’s future battles.”

Then... He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know the name of his opponent in the last match!

"Play a few more games, and you will definitely meet."

With a flash of white light, the anger disappeared, and the battle went again.

second round.

"Flower Grassland: Kill the opponent or lose the least amount of blood, and the time is up in 5 minutes, it is considered a victory."

"Player "Silver Lover" is level 15, 14 levels lower than you, defeating the player, victory point 0.2."

Shuangfa appeared on the green grassland at the same time, Lin Feng smiled and said: "Although I want to chat for a few words before calling, but I'm in a hurry."

"Your level is high, and you may not be able to win!"



The player hadn't finished speaking yet, but when Lin Feng was within 20 meters of him, he cast a guardian shock wave and killed him!

"Kill the player Silver Lover, win the battle, get 0.2 victory points, do you want to continue to the next game?"


third game

start playing...

"Kill the player "Azure", the battle is won, and 0.2 victory points are obtained. Do you want to continue to the next game?"


fourth game

start playing...

"Kill the player "Magic Circle Fight", the battle wins..."

fifth game

"Kill the player...


About two hours later, Lin Feng has already experienced 1,100 games, and his victory points reached 240 points. At this time, the game prompt sounded: "Enter the top 100 God of Fighting Rankings, do you reveal the player's name?"


At this time, the Fighting God Ranking was updated, and XX appeared in the 100th place.

Another hour later, Lin Feng has entered the top fifty.

At this time, in the duel field of Longyuan City, the number of players entering the [Single Player Chaos Battle] mode began to decrease, and the time it took for Lin Feng to match players became longer.

Originally, it was only a few seconds, but now he has to wait at least 10 seconds, and the start is still prolonged, which makes him a little distressed.

But what he didn't know was that at this time, most players in the duel field of Longyuan City began to discuss it, and even outside the duel field, discussions were everywhere in the main city.

"Have you heard? A knight has reserved the single-player and chaotic battle mode. If you are going to the duel arena, don't choose that mode. If you go, you will get food."

"What's the meaning?"

"There is a knight with a shield in the single-player and chaotic battle mode. Anyone who encounters him will be instantly killed."

"Isn't this normal?"

"Normal fart! If you go to level 13, you will be seconds, if you go to level 16, you will be seconds, and if you go to level 21, you will also be seconds. According to the news that is coming out now, in Longyuan City, the highest level is 23, and the lowest level is 10. There are thousands of people who choose this mode, and they are all defeated by the same knight."

"Damn it, it's so scary?"

"The current situation is that as long as you go to single-player and chaotic battles, no matter how high your level is or how powerful you are, if your level is not as high as his, you will be instantly killed by him. Now everyone dare not choose that mode."


"Gossip, the current number of knights who have been killed in seconds has increased to 1745."

"Blindly speaking, there was another person who didn't know the news just now, and was killed, 1746."

"Fauqiu! Just now, a 23-level master said that he wanted to challenge the Second Flow Knight, and then he went, and then matched five times, and finally met the knight, and then... was killed by Instant Kill! It should be 1747."


"The stage of life and death..."

"Player "Ancestor Dragon" is level 25, 4 levels lower than you. If you beat the player, the winning point is 0.2."

This time, Lin Feng matched for 3 minutes, and finally got another one, but he was slightly surprised when he saw the name.

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