Murong Sisi once again placed her firecracker on her shoulder steadily, and began to look for a dragon, where it is at this moment.

A dragon summoned a golden sword and floated in the void. Suddenly, all around him began to erupt with arrogant and domineering power.


I saw a dragon slashing towards Murong Sisi's position with the sword energy emitted from his hand!

The violent power made Murong Sisi frowned and flew into the void.

The firecracker in his hand was pressed against his shoulder, and with a bang, it radiated power like a stormy sea!

The strength of the two stagnated in the void, and they kept making sudden collision sounds...

Murong Wuwu also looked at Murong Sisi at this time...

From her eyes, I saw the perseverance that I had never had before.

It's been so long, and it's the first time she sees Sisi with such a side......

Seeing that her attack was exactly equal to that of a dragon, Murong Sisi snorted coldly, her eyes raining like rain.

At the moment when a dragon was ready to attack again.

Murong Sisi strikes again!


"Boom boom boom!"

Murong Sisi made a circle in the air.

The attack in the void was blocked by a dragon's attack because of Murong Sisi's abandonment!

Seeing that Murong Sisi was no longer in front of him, Yilong immediately began to look for where Murong Sisi was...

Murong Sisi flashed behind him, and before he found himself, a cannonball shot out from behind him!

A dragon 26 turned around when he heard the sound!

Looking at the shells fired towards him, he just happened to stagger in a thrilling way.

Murong Sisi didn't know when she came behind him again, a mysterious smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

bang bang!


Murong Sisi fired two cannonballs at his back!

A dragon turned its head, but there was no time to dodge the shell!



His blood volume was instantly killed by Murong Sisi's two cannonballs, leaving less than half of his blood volume...

The corner of Murong Sisi's mouth raised a confident smile, and she started to implement all the moves she had just now.

Constantly turning around in circles beside him...

At this time, a dragon has entered a defensive state due to insufficient blood volume...

In the defensive state, his attack power will decrease, but his defense power will be greatly enhanced.

After all, his current blood volume is only a little bit, if he is not in the defensive state, he will definitely not be able to stop Murong Sisi's moves.

Murong Sisi saw that he had actually entered a defensive state, and couldn't help but lightly mocked.

"You don't just have so many abilities, do you?"

"Even if you enter the defensive mode, so what, for me, you are still defeated!"

Murong Sisi waved the firecracker in her hand, with a confident smile on the corner of her mouth, staring at the dragon at the moment.

Yilong was so excited by Murong Sisi's words that his heart was about to explode...

But what can be done?

The only thing I can do now is to endure. Her blood volume is so much higher than her own, and she can only use the delayed tactics, delaying the entire tactics.

Murong Sisi had long since lost interest in the war with him, her eyes were full of disgust, and she projected her unique move!

Violent bomb!

A giant cannonball shot out of her cannonball!

When a dragon wanted to run away, who would have thought that this violent bullet would have the effect of tracking, following him constantly behind him!

But, there is no way, no matter how he dodges and evades, he still cannot escape Murong Sisi's violent bullets!


The violent egg still hit him, making a loud noise, and the entire void seemed to be slightly shaken...


His blood volume was completely killed by Murong Sisi's violent bullets...

There are only five people left in the whole game...

Others didn't expect that a dragon would be defeated so quickly...

The big fierce dragon was slightly startled, and following her movements, the proud fierce dragon also began to jump...

"I never thought that a dragon would be defeated so quickly..."

"It seems that you still need to look at me."

"It's really useless."

The big fierce dragon also took out a huge sniper rifle and pointed it at Murong Sisi at this moment.


Two bullets flew in the direction of Wang Murong Sisi!

Seeing the bullets flying towards her, Murong Sisi immediately made a big somersault towards her back.

Two bullets also just passed by her hairline.

The big fierce dragon snorted, seeing that Murong Sisi seemed to be harder to kill than she imagined, suddenly his eyes fell on Murong Wuwu who was beside him.

Murong Wuwu immediately became vigilant when she saw her gaze on her...

It seems that her battle is still coming...

I thought that this battle shouldn't be my own...

bang bang bang!

The big fierce dragon suddenly turned over and fired three or four bullets at Murong Wuwu at this moment.

According to the current situation, it is the best choice to eliminate one of their team members.

Murong Wuwu looked at the bullets flying towards her eyes, and suddenly panicked...

Lin Feng glanced at Murong Wuwu at the side, and instantly released the protective light array!

White light filled the whole body of all teammates.

Just a centimeter away...

Just right!

The big fierce dragon's bullet hit the protective light array released by Lin Feng.


The damage can be said to have not been hit at all....

Seeing this, the big fierce dragon couldn't help but gritted his teeth...

If her bullets were faster, it would be impossible for her to escape her attack!

Zulong held the dark sword in his hand, and slashed towards Lin Feng!

In his gestures, it seemed as if he wanted to chop the entire martial arts field in half.

Lin Feng swung the Archangel Sword in his hand, a dark sword that blocked the Zulong...

The expression on his face is still the same as at the beginning, calm and calm.

On the contrary, Zulong seemed very urgent.

The sword feathers of the two people continued to squeak and squeak, and there was a sound when they collided...

Zulong also felt the powerful aura of Lin Feng...


Lin Feng unleashes the guardian angel cross cut!

The Archangel Sword in his hand suddenly exploded with a powerful force that directly bounced Zulong's Dark Sword away!

Gently turning the wrist, the sword of the Archangel in his hand is also waving!

A powerful attack was launched in an instant, and the attack wave gathered momentum!

Zulong raised the dark sword in his hand as a resistance...


The power he unleashes is simply too powerful...


Zulong also released its own attack!

He wanted to use his own attack to offset the Guardian Angel Cross Slash released by Lin Feng...


He still thinks too much!

The attack of the two sent out a stronger force, which directly returned to Zulong's body!


One hundred thousand blood was instantly killed.

Lin Feng continued to stand firmly on the spot, looking at Zulong in front of him, the expression on his face did not change at all.

This time, Zu Long also understands how powerful Lin Feng is...

However, this is a competition, there will be winners and losers, even though he knows that his moves and attacks are indeed inferior to Lin Feng, he still wants to fight him with all his strength!

Lin Feng looked at Zulong's eyes at this time, and from the fireworks burning in his eyes, he could tell that it was probably really hot.

But that's okay, it's hard for me to meet a strong opponent like Zulong.

The opponents I have encountered in the past few days are actually a little weaker in terms of attack.

Zulong once again waved the sword of darkness in his hand!

A powerful dark black strike, like a sharp sickle, quickly flew towards Lin Feng!

Lin Feng released the skill, Patron Saint Hammer!

In the void, the light began to condense into a golden hammer, which suddenly hit the sickle-like attack...

The attack of the two of them once again sent out a powerful force!

It directly affected the surrounding water dragons and fiery dragons!


Zulong's blood volume also began to drop continuously...




However, Lin Feng's blood volume is still unshakable, and he has no symptoms of blood loss...


"Why can't the attack kill your HP..."

Zulong has a lot of doubts about Lin Feng's defense!

He didn't dare to think about how there are people in this game, the attack, speed, and defense are all so high!

The audience saw that the battle between Zu Long and Lin Feng had begun to gradually appear at this moment, and there were also discussions.

"An opponent who is like water, with an unshakable blood volume, this sentence is completely describing Meng Wang... For the first time in a long time, I found out that since the first round, Meng Wang's blood is really not touched

"Doesn't that mean on the other hand that the opponent is too weak... Otherwise, how could it be impossible to lose a little bit of his blood volume?"

"Can you not be so direct...Actually, I don't think the opponent is very weak. For example, the president of the Seven Dragon Palace this time is considered a big boss in the eyes of many people, but he is only in front of King Meng. …”

"It's still that Meng Wang is too strong. If the people facing the Seven Dragon Palace this time were people like us, they probably would have worshiped them long ago. It's just that the person they met this time was Meng Wang."

"Meng Wang is simply an existence against the sky. If I had half as much skill as him, I wouldn't be here to watch the game..."

"Don't say it's half points, someone has one-third of the skill, and now I'm going to fight individual battles... That personal battle is really too difficult, because there are so many masters...

"After all, we are too weak, don't make any excuses for yourself."

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