National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 322 Zulong's Ultimate Move!

Zu Long still couldn't believe it, and released his unique move towards Lin Feng again!

A powerful black light began to emerge from the Dark Sword.

Lin Feng also erected the Archangel Sword in his hand at this moment!

Get ready to release the move Guardian Angel Counter Slash!

Zulong's face sank, he stepped down, and the dark sword in his hand fell directly from the void to the ground!

The dark attack wave directly destroyed the intact Martial Arts Field, and a crack appeared on the floor..

Lin Feng's pupils narrowed slightly, seeing the murderous aura approaching him, the Archangel Sword in his hand couldn't bear it any longer, and also slashed down from the void!


The entire ground was shaken by their two attacks, and many cracks appeared.


Zulong still didn't resist Lin Feng's move, and he killed 200,000 yuan......

The fiery dragon and water dragon on the side were a little surprised seeing this situation...

They never thought that their captain would be killed by Meng Wang so quickly with 300,000 blood volume...

However, Meng Wang's blood volume still hasn't dropped at all.

Fiery Dragon wanted to go to help his captain Zulong, but was stopped by Li Yuan again.

"Want to go?"

"no way!"


Li Yuan unleashed his Wanjian attack on the fiery dragon!

His eyes were like electricity, and he glanced at the fiery dragon.

The fiery dragon looked at the rain of swords all over the sky, wrapped it in it, and gritted his teeth secretly...

It seems that now we can only defeat you first!

The fiery dragon darkened its eyes, and the double blades in its hands were constantly moving towards the sword rain launched by Li Yuan, releasing...

bang bang bang...

The attacks of the two can be described as resounding in all directions, making a huge noise.

Seeing that all his attacks were blocked by the Fiery Dragon, Li Yuan's eyes darkened...

Li Yuan softly sang a few times...

I saw that the rain of swords in the air began to slowly gather into a huge sword!

Then, the long sword slashed towards the fiery dragon in the air!

The fiery dragon didn't dodge Li Yuan's attack for a while, so he could only try his best to resist the long sword's attack...

Li Yuan saw that the Fiery Dragon was completely suppressed by his own attack, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth...

In an instant, more powerful power was injected into his long sword again!

At this time, the Fiery Dragon couldn't stop Li Yuan's attack even more, and instantly released its own defensive moves!

A huge fireball appeared in front of him, trying to block Li Yuan's attack

Seeing this situation, Li Yuan's eyes sank slightly!

Vigorously strike again!




The blood volume of the fiery dragon has been reduced by more than half!

When Li Yuan was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, when he was about to release his moves again."

The water dragon on the side radiated a powerful attack towards him, Li Yuan was slightly stunned, and began to control the long sword flying in the void in his hand, blocking it in front of him!



Fortunately, for Li Yuan, the water dragon's attack only deducted a thousand of his health.

To him, this thousand blood volume is just scratching the surface...

Murong Shanshan saw that the water dragon at this moment had all eyes on Li Yuan, and instantly approached him!

Unleash the killer skill!

Before the water dragon could react, Murong Shanshan's attack directly killed all his HP!


Seeing that his blood volume was instantly killed by Murong Shanshan's sneak attack, Shuilong heaved a long sigh...

I was very annoyed in my heart, if I had reacted in time, maybe I wouldn't have been defeated by Murong Xiaosan...

However, there is simply no room left in the competition, one wrong step, all wrong.

Zulong saw that the water dragon was defeated, and there were only five people left in the whole team...

It seems that if you want to counterattack this battle, you need to continue to work hard...

Zu Long set his sights on Lin Feng again.

Now we must find a way to kill Mengwang, otherwise, as long as Mengwang is left behind, the fighters will definitely come back!

Suddenly, Zulong once again swung the sword of darkness in his hand!

Lin Feng looked at Zulong in front of him, and frowned slightly. It seemed that he should end this battle quickly.

Immediately, Zulong roared into the air, and saw that he directly entered a berserk state.

In the berserk state, his attack power will definitely be greatly strengthened...

But in the same berserk state, his defensive power will definitely be weakened.


The dark sword in Zulong's hand was flickering with black light.

Lin Feng immediately used the Guardian Angel Cross Cut!

The attack that broke through the clouds flew quickly towards the direction of Zulong!


The dark sword in Zulong's hand also released its skills!

The void vibrated, and for a moment, the attacks of the two were mixed together again, and they began to stand facing each other...

The eyes of other people are not attracted to the battle between Zulong and Lin Feng at this moment...

The eyes of Murong Wuwu and the big fierce dragon fell on Zulong and Lin Feng at this time.

Zulong continued to wave the dark sword in his hand, constantly injecting his own strength into his attacks!

Lin Feng snorted coldly, and slashed past.


The attack released by Zulong just now was directly defeated by Lin Feng's move!


Everyone couldn't help but took a deep breath...

For such a powerful Lin Feng in front of them, the others are a little scared...


Zulong gave a loud shout, and in a hurry, had no choice but to unleash the most powerful move!

Billowing black power emerged from his dark sword, turning into a ferocious huge black dragon in the air.

The black dragon roared in the direction of Lin Feng's astonishment!

Seeing this situation, the big fierce dragon raised a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

"This time, your cute king will definitely lose!"

Murong Wuwu said without showing weakness.

"That's not necessarily true, our cute king is so powerful that he can kill your captain's attack directly with three moves.

The big fierce dragon said: "So what."

"This time our captain really went crazy, this is the first time I have seen the captain use such a powerful attack.

"Usually our captain is very gentle."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she looked at Lin Feng with some uneasy eyes.

But considering how powerful he is usually, he probably won't fail......

Murong Shanshan and Murong Erer also frowned, there was a kind of heaviness between their brows...

Li Yuan was observing Lin Feng at the moment, this duel was also the winner or loser of the two of them...

Murong Sisi looked at Lin Feng with a calm expression, and said.

"Why are you all looking at them with eyes as big as copper bells?"

"This battle has already been decided from the very beginning, okay?"

When the big evil dragon heard Murong Sisi say this about his captain, he said unconvinced.

"That's not necessarily the case. Although your captain is indeed very powerful, it doesn't mean that he will always be very powerful. Sometimes it takes luck." "

Murong Sisi didn't bother to pay attention to the big fierce dragon beside her.

Lin Feng looked at the ferocious black dragon in the sky, still maintained a calm and calm look, without any urgency

It seems that everything is so plain in his eyes...

Zulong controlled the black dragon and unleashed a huge attack!

The light emitted from the black dragon's mouth, with a destructive arc, shot straight in the direction of Lin Feng!

Because of the presence of the black dragon, the entire Martial Arts Field is surrounded by black mist, and one can only see a beam of light radiating towards one direction...

Everyone in the auditorium also began to get nervous...

Zulong's forehead was covered with beads of sweat...

"Oops... now I can't see what their current situation is like... you guys will win this battle, the King of Meng will win or the Palace of the Seven Dragons, I feel that the Seven Dragons It seems that the captain of the temple is very powerful."

"I'm still on Mengwang's side, after all, I'm his younger sister fan! My admiration for Mengwang has already surpassed your simple victory and defeat. No matter whether Mengwang wins this time, he will always be my man. god!"

"Why do you feel like you are chasing stars? They are playing games and not asking you to chase stars. I mean, your boyfriend and I are still here. How can you make me feel like this? Although I am indeed inferior to him Meng Wang, but, I have worked hard, okay?"

"Can you two stop abusing dogs, Zhao Qian's) Actually, I understand your girlfriend's thoughts very well. You have to know that women are a group of emotional animals. When they see that kind of domineering man , always like YY some scenes."

"What does it mean that we women are all emotional animals, I think I am quite rational, okay, this time the King Meng will definitely win the duel with the Seven Dragon Palace, no matter how you look at it, I think the King Meng will win It's settled, look at Yin Wangwen's calm look."

"That's right! After what you said, I also found out. Although I really can't see what their current situation is like, but in general, I can still see that it seems that the King of Meng is really He was never in a hurry."

Lin Feng looked at the light that the black dragon radiated towards him, and instantly dodged to the side...

In the black mist, Lin Feng's speed became even more indistinct, which also made Zulong even more unable to attack his position. Where is it...


Zulong became more and more nervous, and his eyes became wary of Chun around him.

Lin Feng directly summoned Shuang'er, rode on Shuang'er's body, quickly circled around Zulong, made a full circle, and directly circled behind him!


Emitting his own skills, the guardian angel counterattacked and slashed!


The black dragon let out a roar in an instant!.

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