National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 328: Yue Linglong's Mistake

Everyone clapped their hands!

Yue Linglong had already made preparations, and said coldly with a serious expression.

"Just wait for the food to stop!"

As soon as the words fell, a white long sword appeared in Yue Linglong's hand, which transformed into a white light and shuttled over!

Lin Feng swung the Archangel Sword with his backhand, blocking Zi Linglong's attack!

Yue Linglong landed firmly in front of Lin Feng, and the swords of the two faced each other, eye to eye, without any concession.

Regarding Yue Linglong's attack, Lin Feng also felt that it was really good.

It's just that the speed is quite fast, but well, the combat power is not enough.

Seeing that she couldn't make a sudden attack on Lin Feng, Yue Linglong immediately withdrew the long sword in her hand and stabbed at the place where he had no defense.

Others watched Yue Linglong and Lin Feng fight, and for some reason they always felt like they were watching gods fighting. …

Watching Lin Feng and Yue Linglong fighting, Murong Wuwu always felt sour for no reason...

Lin Feng stepped back, creating a distance between Yue Linglong and Yue Linglong.

As a hidden professional swordsman, Yue Linglong used her hidden professional attack to fight for the first time in a long time.

Normally, she would meet people with the moves of a mage.

Seeing that the current Lin Feng was far behind her, Yue Linglong had to admit that she felt that Lin Feng's reflexes were indeed very powerful.

Lin Fengzhan looked at Yue Linglong motionlessly at the same spot, seeing that she was looking at him all the time, and said quietly.

"Go on, I still want to experience your attack."

As he expected, Yue Linglong violently swung the long sword in her hand in the void!

One after another, the sword energy slashed towards Lin Feng's body 127 quickly!

Lin Feng also waved the sword of the Archangel in his hand, releasing the skill Guardian Angel Ganzi Zhan!


The two attack waves directly eroded the sword energy released by Yue Linglong, and counterattacked her body!

Yue Linglong looked at the attack coming towards her, she dodged to the side like a flying swallow...

Unfortunately, however, the attack still hit her.

Immediately, a murdered empress popped out of her head.


100,000 blood volume just gone...

This makes Yue Linglong very upset......

Lin Feng also just quietly looked at Yue Linglong who was a little angry at the moment...

I saw that Yue Linglong turned into a white ray of light again, spinning around him.

Lin Feng looked at Yue Linglong who seemed to be wrapping herself in the circle, and still took the attack of retreating.

In fact, at this time, if she released the awakening skill, she would have no room to live, and would be instantly killed.

It's just that Lin Feng still wants to take a good look at the outstanding skills of the president of Linglong Pavilion.

Besides, if they are defeated too early, they will lose all their face...

Li Yuan looked at Lin Feng who was still standing firmly on the spot at this moment, observing Linglong around him.

"I knew that this Meng Wang would definitely show mercy."

Murong Wuwu felt even more unhappy when she heard it...

In fact, it can be seen from the side that he is showing mercy!

My heart is getting more and more sour......

It's just that Lin Feng doesn't know anything (cgff) now...

Li Yuan followed Murong Wuwu who was beside him and said which pot was not open and which pot was lifted.

"I think the president of Linglong Pavilion looks pretty good. Do you think watching them fight is like watching gods fight?"

"It seems like they are all embroidered fists."

Murong Wuwu is even more angry!

Pouted angrily, puffed her cheeks, and said!


"I don't think she's good-looking at all!"

"Isn't it just wearing an ancient costume..."

I secretly thought in my heart that I will wear ancient costumes next time, hum! It must look better than her!

Yue Linglong kept trying to find Lin Feng's weakness, but seeing his calm expression, it made her a little distrustful of her moves...

While Lin Feng's gaze was elsewhere, she slammed across Lin Feng's body, and the long sword in her hand also stabbed at his body with her speed.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he was about to stab him, Lin Feng suddenly turned sideways...

At that moment, Yue Linglong suddenly felt disappointed in herself, took the opportunity to turn around, and stab again!

At that moment...

Yue Linglong was unsteady all of a sudden, and threw herself into Lin Feng's arms...

At that moment, her mind was also blank...

She never thought that she would make such a low-level mistake!


Lin Feng looked at Yue Linglong who had bumped into his arms, and frowned slightly...

Her long hair was fluttering, and the soft strands of hair passed through his palm...

Yue Linglong couldn't help but blinked her slightly surprised eyes, her face was instantly flushed with pink, her eyes met Lin Feng's for a second, and she instantly separated herself from his embrace... ...

Lin Feng knew that she was shy.

If she had seized the opportunity just now, she would have been killed in seconds.

It's just that, the things Lin Feng was thinking about in his head are completely different from the people who are now surprised, thinking about things in his head...

The straight man of steel, really is the straight man of steel......

Li Yuan seemed to be a melon-eating crowd, and said with a smile on his face.

"I've said it all, today's Meng Wang Peach Blossom is here."

"This is a scene that is difficult to encounter on the battlefield."

Murong Wuwu stomped on Li Yuan's foot angrily, her eyes were filled with hatred towards Yue Linglong!

I didn't expect that another woman would accidentally throw herself into Lin Feng's arms

The people in Linglong Pavilion should all be damned!

Everyone couldn't help but took a deep breath in surprise!

Although it is normal for some accidents to happen on the battlefield...

But, seeing that it was Meng Wang and Yue Linglong this time, I couldn't help but eat it!

"Wow... this is the most beautiful accident I have ever seen, it is even more beautiful than the plot of a TV series, those who didn't know thought it was planned.

"Hmph! What do you mean this plot is beautiful? Yue Linglong just made a mistake for a while. You all grasp this matter in every one of them...... Can you watch the game well...... "

"I saw the two of them like this, but I still couldn't help but want to eat their melons! It's not me, I really feel that watching the two of them fight is like watching gods fight. Fighting with other girls is a completely different feeling."

"I agree with this! Totally agree! This is completely different, okay? I feel that the clothes worn by this girl are fighting with the cute king, and there is an inexplicable sense of CP? Forget it, I'd better eat melons rationally!"

"Meng Wang is my idol! Hmph, although this Yue Linglong is really pretty, but... I think Meng Wang looks like a straight man of steel, where did he come from?

"This makes us Mengwang fans feel a sense of resentment in our hearts! Hey! If only I could fight against Mengwang... I also want to be like this Yue Linglong !"

There seems to be a black resentment exuding from Murong Wuwu now.

Murong Sisi looked at the resentment in Murong Wuwu's body at this moment, raised her eyebrows and said.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you jealous?"

"Then quickly destroy these Linglong Pavilion people!"

Murong Wuwu's eyes fell on the other Linglong Pavilion opponents in front of her.


Yue Lingxin was also extremely surprised that her president would make such a low-level mistake?

I saw that Murong Wuwu was driving, and the water column between her hands was attacking in the direction of Yue Lingxin!

Yue Lingxin reacted in time, and immediately opened the distance!

The battle between the two is on the verge of breaking out!

Murong Sisi was admiring Murong Wuwu who was being irritated at this time, and couldn't help clapping her hands!

"Xiao Wu, you are the best!"

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan's eyes also fell on Murong Wuwu who was fighting with Yue Lingxin at the moment.

They also did not expect that Murong Wuwu would attack Yue Lingxin first.

In Linglong Pavilion, Yue Lingxin's attack power and rank ranks second.

Murong Shanshan couldn't help herself because she was afraid that her younger sister would not be able to beat Yue Lingxin, and when she wanted to help, Murong Er'er stopped her.

"Don't, let Wuwu do it by herself."

"Sometimes, you have to face people who are higher than yourself, otherwise, you will grow slower.

As her older sister, although she said that she really didn't want Murong Wuwu to be hurt...

But, I still hope that she can become more and more powerful, so that if one day she is not by her side, she can still protect herself.

Seeing that Murong Er'er stopped her, Murong Shanshan didn't understand...

Because usually Murong Er'er loves her younger sister the most, and is most afraid of them getting hurt, but today she will stop her......

At this moment, Lin Feng and Yue Linglong are still facing each other...

Yue Linglong unleashes her moves!

I saw that a sun snake emerged from her long sword, spread over the long sword in her hand, and spit snake letters towards Lin Feng.

This is the sword spirit of this long sword.

After Yue Linglong sang a few times, the originally black eyes of the silver snake on her long sword turned blood red!

In an instant, it radiated its ever-changing silver snake in the direction of Lin Feng!

In front of Lin Feng, the silver snake opened its mouth wide, and transformed into thousands of silver snakes, biting Lin Feng's body!

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