National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 329 Instant Kill! Yue Linglong!

Lin Feng saw that the thousands of silver snakes in front of him had entered a state of berserk, and the speed was also very fast...

It is estimated that if it is such a simple bite, it is estimated that it will enter a state of poisoning.

One after another, silver snakes rushed towards him.

Lin Feng dodged vigorously.

Seeing this situation, Yue Linglong frowned slightly, turned her wrist slightly, continued to make an offensive posture, and stabbed at Lin Feng's body.

Facing the attack of Yue Linglong and the silver snake released by her, Lin Feng immediately released his skills, and the guardian angel counterattacked!

A circle of white light burst out from his Archangel Sword!

The skills were suddenly released on the silver snake summoned by Yue Linglong!

Cut and fall!

Many silver snakes were killed by Lin Feng's moves, even the corpses were turned into ashes

Seeing that her little silver snake had been wiped out by Lin Feng's move, Yue Linglong snorted, swung the long sword in her hand, and pointed it straight into the air!

I saw that a huge magic formation appeared in the void, and after Yue Linglong sang a few times, the huge magic formation began to make a huge - sound!

I heard a low growl coming from this array...

An aura of violence spread instantly, and a huge silver snake came out of it!

The body is dozens of meters tall, with a bloody mouth open, and it is scary to look at it aggressively.

Yue Linglong flew to the head of this huge silver snake, and controlled the silver snake, her eyes were full of pride towards Lin Feng.

This is her nirvana!

She didn't believe that this cute king still had some unnatural ability to continue fighting with her without losing any blood!


"This time, I really want to see what ability you have to escape my silver snake attack!"

Lin Feng looked at the huge silver snake in front of him calmly. In fact, when he saw this huge silver snake, he felt like seeing a monster he had beaten.

It's just that Yue Linglong standing on the silver snake looks like a banished fairy, which makes many men in the audience fascinated by her temperament at the moment.

In addition, Yue Linglong herself is very good-looking, and her snow-white skin is even more faintly visible in her red skirt, which arouses people's infinite reverie.

Li Yuan's gaze was also fixed on Yue Linglong at this moment.

"I have to say, the owner of the Linglong Pavilion is really beautiful."

"It's just a pity, no matter how beautiful a person is in front of my brother Meng Wang, it's just a person..."

Yue Linglong let out a soft cry, pointing her long sword at Lin Feng.


"Rip him apart!"

"I can't believe it!"

"Today I have nothing to do with him!"

Driven by her, this huge silver snake quickly bit Lin Feng's body!

The bloody mouth is even more terrifying, as if it can swallow people in the next second...

It is estimated that if it was someone else, it would have been eaten by this huge silver snake...

Lin Feng released the skill Star Fracture!

A large number of small rocks began to hang down from a circle of white light!

Yue Linglong, who originally thought she could get close to Lin Feng and attack him, had no choice but to quickly change her fighting style when facing the attack that Lin Feng unleashed now!

"Quick! Get out of the way!"

"Don't be hit by his skills!"

This silver snake brought Yue Linglong back and forth quickly among the skills released by Lin Feng...

Lin Feng quietly watched the silver snake wagging its tail, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth

Do you really think you can escape?


As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the largest rock fell from the white light!

Yue Linglong didn't react for a while, when she was driving the silver snake to pass these attacks, the rock hit the silver snake directly!


The silver snake was smashed directly from the air by this rock and fell to the floor...


Yue Linglong's blood volume was instantly reduced by another 100,000!

Seeing that her Silver Snake had been defeated by Lin Feng so quickly, Yue Linglong began to think about how she would win the victory...

However, it can be seen from Mengwang's movement just now that his ability is indeed superior to his own...

In fact, she also understands that if King Meng seizes this opportunity to attack her now, she will have no chance to return the phone at all...

However, he was merciful after all.

Lin Feng saw Yue Linglong staring at him at this time, thinking about how to deal with the confrontation with him, and he waited in no hurry... …

This was the first time he met someone who was willing to think in battle, not someone who only knew how to attack.

It's just that Yue Linglong's attack power is too weak this time, if it is a little stronger, maybe it can really hurt herself.

Murong Wuwu and Yue Lingxin on the side can be said to be in a fight...

This time, Murong Wuwu has fully demonstrated her own strength, Yue Lingxin has always thought that Murong Wuwu's ability must be inferior to her own...

I didn't expect that I could match myself!

Murong Wuwu made a move with both hands, and leaped into the middle of the huge magic circle. In the magic circle, a huge water dragon flew out of it!

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan were a little surprised when they saw the current Murong Wuwu's attacking state and entered a berserk state...

Because according to Murong Wuwu's moves and usual Murong Wuwu's state, it is very difficult to quickly enter a berserk state in a battle.

"It seems that Xiao Wu has really made great progress this time." Murong Shanshan couldn't help but praise.

Murong Er Er also nodded in praise.

"Indeed, it's rare to see Xiao Wu enter a berserk state so quickly.

"Usually, she tends to be passive in battle, but I didn't expect that she was completely active this time.

Murong Wuwu controlled the water dragon she had summoned, her eyes were full of fire, and she pointed at Yue Lingxin in front of her.


"Let me beat her!"

Yue Lingxin was also ashamed, facing Murong Wuwu who had entered a berserk state so quickly, she was still a little uncertain about the countermeasures.

He also started throwing golden balls of light one after another towards Murong Wuwu's position!

Long-range attacks are really nothing to Murong Wuwu.

Murong Wuwu made a slight move with both hands, the water dragon slammed towards the position of Yue Lingxin, shooting a blue mysterious light!


Directly hit the position of Yueling's heart!

Yue Lingxin looked at the light that was shooting towards her and avoided it!


This blue mysterious light flashed from her back!

……ask for flowers……

There were still red letters on her head.


The attack power of Murong Wuwu who has entered the berserk state has also increased significantly!

Although it didn't completely hit Yue Lingxin with all the attack damage, but this little bit killed her 100,000 HP!

Yue Lingxin snorted, looking at Murong Wuwu at this moment, when she was about to launch her own attack, she didn't expect that Murong Wuwu would not give her any chance to attack at all!

It's all about pressing her down!

The water dragon continuously shoots blue water bombs wrapped in light toward Yue Lingxin's position!

bang bang bang!

bang bang bang bang!

Yue Lingxin had no choice but to desperately shoot out her golden ball of light and the water bombs shot out by Murong Wuwu, attacking each other...


There are too many water bombs emitted by Murong Wuwu at once!

In the entire void, all places that can be avoided are surrounded by her water bombs!


She still didn't escape Murong Wuwu's water bomb attack!

The amount of blood that had been killed reappeared on his head.



A whole 120,000 blood volume was killed by Murong Wuwu just like that!

Now her remaining blood volume is only half.

Murong Sisi watched and couldn't help smiling.

"Sure enough, Xiao Wu's Fang needs to be stimulated by men.

"Not bad right!"

"I've said it all, Xiao Wu is great.

Murong Er heard Murong Sisi's sarcastic remarks, and said softly.

"Little Four, what is called needs to be stimulated by men..."

"It's obvious that Wuwu itself is very strong, but it's only really released today...

In fact, she knows that the current Murong Wuwu is so strong, it is purely because she is angry...jealous...

Murong Wuwu's eyes were still fixed on Yue Lingxin at this time, and her eyes were quite different from usual.

"Watch me destroy you directly!"

After Murong Wuwu sang, she showed her unique trick!

The water dragon instantly fired five or six streaks of blue mysterious light, attacking Yue Lingxin's body!

Yue Lingxin looked at these five or six rays of light, it was completely the rhythm of imprisoning herself!

The blue glare reflected by my water dragon constantly emits my own moves!

The golden ball of light kept hitting the mysterious light, but for some reason, it was of no use at all...


A ray of mysterious light passed through her body!


Blood volume cleared!

Murong Wuwu, who was now in a berserk state, saw that Yue Lingxin was killed by herself, her eyes continued to turn to other people.

Yue Lingxin didn't even react...

"This... What the hell is going on here?"

"I was killed so quickly?!"

Murong Sisi applauded!

"Not bad! Not bad! Xiao Wu, you are the best!"

Lin Feng also looked in the direction of Murong Wuwu, seeing that her eyes were full of anger, it seemed that this girl was provoked.

Otherwise, it is impossible to enter the berserk state so quickly.

However, this time can be regarded as her real release of her ability.

Yue Linglong also reacted, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes... Nine....

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