National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 335 Slash The Enemy In Half!

Yue Linglong saw Lin Feng's eyes fell on her feet at this moment, and she didn't know why she felt a little inexplicably nervous at this moment...

Thinking of the arm I stepped on just now, my heart was still a little hairy, and my eyes slowly fell to the ground!


She screamed again.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Yue Linglong, seeing that her face was turning blue and purple from fright, he comforted her.

"It's okay, although it does look quite real, but in general, it's all fake."

Yue Linglong let out a muffled snort, seeing that she had stepped on a skull, she said sullenly to Lin Feng who only knew how to make sarcastic remarks.

"Hmph! I can tell by looking at you that you are sarcastic about me every day!"

"It's not that you stepped on it, of course you can keep such a calm look."

"Next time if you really step on it by yourself, I guess you will be like me!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly. I don't know why looking at Yue Linglong now, she always feels a little cute.

Looking at the current time, the second wave of tomb robbers is almost here, and he said slowly.

"The second wave of grave robbers is coming, are you ready?"

"This second wave of tomb robbery recognition is much stronger than you imagined."

Yue Linglong let out a muffled snort with her hands on her hips. "One Thirty"

"Let me tell you that I am also much stronger than you imagined!"

"Isn't it the second wave of grave robbers? I won't be afraid!"

Seeing that Yue Linglong had so much confidence in her, Lin Feng didn't say much...

After all, the second wave of tomb robbers is really not very powerful, and the really powerful ones should be the fifth wave of tomb robbers.

time goes by.....

The second wave of grave robbers strikes.

I saw many tomb robbers coming in from the outside, and the pace of these tomb robbers was much faster.

The number of tomb robbers this time is still the same as the number of the first wave, but all the tomb robbers seem to have some small changes.

Ordinary grave robbers hold a long blade in their hands.

Scar's tomb robber held a short long knife in his hand.

The leader of the tomb robbers' eyes fell on Lin Feng, who carried a huge dragon-slaying knife on his shoulder, and smiled triumphantly.

"Just because you two also want to protect these tombstones?"

"It's just a dream!"

All the attributes related to the second wave of tomb robbers appeared in the eyes of Yue Linglong and Lin Feng.

grave robber

Grade: 85

HP: 107000

Scar Tomb Raider

Grade: 90

HP: 110000

Tomb Raiders Command!

Grade: 95

HP: 150000

The blood volume of these grave robbers has also increased a little.

Yue Linglong looked at these health points with a disdainful smile on her face.

"Just with your little blood volume?"

"Want to fight with me too?"

"It's just a dream!"

After the leader of the tomb robbers heard what he said, he was furious!

Although it is an NPC in the game, this NPC is also different from other NPCs in the game. They can talk to players normally just like real people.

"Little ones, you say that some people look down on us grave robbers, what are the consequences?!"

The knife-scar tomb robber booed, "Of course we chop them up!"

"Shock them now!"

The leader of the grave robbers has spoken!

Both Scar and the tomb robbers started to come towards Lin Feng and Yue Linglong with knives in their hands!

The long knives in their hands hissed in the air as if they were tearing the air apart.

"Then let's continue in the same way."

"half each!"

"You must not come to snatch these little ants of mine.

Yue Linglong said, a crisp voice rang in Lin Feng's ear.

"Don't worry, these little ants will never snatch you."

"You must watch your feet."

Lin Feng still couldn't help wanting to scare Linglong this month, it was always fun to watch her helpless and want to kill herself.

Yue Linglong has already developed her own immunity to Lin Feng who does not open the pot and lifts the pot!

"Hmph, don't worry."

"You must not step on some corpses without paying attention to the bottom of your feet like me.

All the tomb robbers came to Yue Linglong, and the long blades in their hands quickly stabbed in Yue Linglong's direction!

This time their speed and attack moves have also changed a lot from the first wave!

Seeing the blades being stabbed at her body, Yue Linglong couldn't help but frowned, her willow-like waist just passed by their blades.


The long sword in Yue Linglong's hand is not just when it appeared in her hand......

Shine bright!

The long sword passed directly over the bodies of these tomb robbers!

The Scar Grave Robber who attacked Yue Linglong and the head of the grave robber began to see blood!



A blood volume of 100,000 was killed by her simple ray of light like this!

Now the blood volume of Scar and Tomb Raider in front of her is running low.

He cast a slanting glance at Lin Feng who was at the side with his squeaky little eyes, but still couldn't help asking him for credit.

"How? Do you think I'm much stronger than you imagined?"

"These little tomb robbers are nothing but ants to me."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and didn't say much.

The sword of the Archangel in his hand was also at the moment when these scarred tomb robbers and grave robbers rushed towards him!

Take a sword and cut them across the waist!




The blood volume of Scar's tomb robber and the blood of the tomb robber are not cleared by the whole family!

At this time, the corpse was bleeding blood in the cemetery, and Yue Linglong who was standing beside her took a deep breath...

Although this is in the game, the current game effect is really good......

It's like a live broadcast cut in half.....

The picture can be described as extremely bloody and violent!

Sure enough, Meng Wang was much more ruthless than anyone else when he really made a move.

Seeing Yue Linglong staring at her, Lin Feng didn't notice at all that although the Tomb Robber and the Scar Grave Robber on her side had little HP left, they still had a certain amount of damage.


The longblade of Scar's Tomb Raider is up in the air!

When swinging down!

Lin Feng flashed directly behind the scarred grave robber and the grave robber!

The sword of the Archangel in their hands fell from their waists again!

Didn't leave them such a little bit of life...

Yue Linglong reacted and saw the blood of the scarred tomb robbers and grave robbers under her directly soaked, the territory she was standing on...

A head rolled over from the side, Linglong was so frightened that she couldn't help but took a deep breath

The eyeballs on her head were wide open staring at Yue Linglong, her thoughts were extremely terrifying......

"Oh my God.…………"

"Why is this game producer so bloody..."

"Why do you want to restore all these details in all aspects?"

Lin Feng looked at Yue Linglong who complained softly, and couldn't help smiling.

"These details are designed just for you."

"Actually, it's okay, it's not so true. Have you ever seen people shed so much blood?"

When Yue Linglong heard it, her eyes couldn't help but look at her feet...

"Can you stop talking!"

"Now there is only one leader of the grave robbers left, as long as we get rid of him, we can proceed to the third wave!"

Lin Feng nodded, and set his eyes on the head of the leader of the tomb robbers.

To eradicate him is simply a trivial matter.

Just when Yue Linglong was about to speak, Lin Feng approached the leader of the tomb robbers with the sword of an archangel!

Seeing that all his subordinates were wiped out by Lin Feng and Yue Linglong, the leader of the tomb robbers roared into the air!


Several crows were frightened by his roar and flew away from the branches...

The leader of the tomb robbers lifted the dragon-slaying knife slung behind his back, and slashed at Lin Feng's head!


Lin Feng hurriedly took a step aside, and the leader of the tomb robber's dragon-slaying knife was directly emptied!


Yue Linglong saw that Lin Feng was fighting with the leader of the tomb robbers. In fact, she originally wanted him to give up the leader to her.

But seeing Lin Feng's move to deal with the leader, he didn't say much so quickly......

It is estimated that if it is myself, it will be delayed by a few minutes.

Now time is money!

Tomb Robber Life's own dragon-slaying knife was slashed crookedly. I was stunned for a moment, and when I realized it!

Lin Feng unleashed his skill, guardian angel cross cut!


Two powerful attack waves directly and viciously attacked the leader of the tomb robber!


The original full blood volume was wiped out by Lin Feng!

The 2.7 head of the leader of the tomb robbers fell off his body and fell in front of Yue Linglong!

Yue Linglong immediately ran to the side, today she can be said to be full of shadows in her heart.

"Oh my God!"

"Can't you stop beating other NPCs like this?"

"If I have a nightmare at night, I won't play with you!"

Lin Feng listened to Yue Linglong's complaints and laughed.

"There's no way the NPC we're fighting this time is really a little weaker."

"The head fell off as if it was made of dough, which is no wonder to me.

Yue Linglong felt helpless at Lin Feng's words...

"Okay, okay, whatever you say...

Silently looking at the current time, I didn't expect that only ten minutes had passed...

There is still more than an hour before I am going to work!

In normal times, it would take half an hour to fight a wave of people...

It seems that this time I found King Meng to complete the task of protecting the tombstone with me, and I really found the right one.

Really great!

This guy's ability is really good......

If I can learn more from him in the future, I guess I will become a very powerful master soon!

"I have to say, your moves are really powerful."

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