National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 336 The Mission Is Upgraded Again!

Lin Feng listened to Yue Linglong's praise of herself, and smiled lightly.

"Then what do you think?"

"If I'm not good, how can I get on the leaderboard?"

I thought he would keep a low profile, but I didn't expect him to recognize his ability so much...

Yue Linglong snorted, although she said that her abilities were indeed not superior to his, but she was not very weak, okay...

I don’t know why I always feel like following him, as if I really have a feeling that I’m weak...

Maybe it's really my own illusion...

"Slightly slightly!"

"You still give yourself less money."

"When I become stronger than you in the future, I will despise you every day!"

When Lin Feng heard it, she felt that her ideal was indeed very good.

But if you want to force yourself to be great, it is probably impossible in this life......

"Then when do you think you will be better than me?"

Yue Linglong thought about it for a while, planning secretly in her heart.

If I follow the current progress, I only need to finish the recent work, and the rest of the week will be a rest time, and I will use all the rest time to let him teach me, and if I study hard... …

It should, should be able to surpass him soon!

But I always feel that my goal seems to be a bit delusional.....

I'd better set the goal of surpassing him within half a year!

"I think that as long as I study with you day and night, I should be able to surpass you within half a year.

Lin Feng also nodded approvingly for Yue Linglong's standard!

"Not bad!"

"It is indeed a very good thing to have such a pursuit."


Yue Linglong asked: "But, but what?"

Lin Feng only felt that Yue Linglong was a little stupid this time...

It's not like I can't upgrade...

But I still can't beat her, it's good that she has such a big pursuit, at least her pursuit is the biggest compared to the people I have made.

"It's nothing, I just look forward to your day."

Yue Linglong smiled even more proudly when she heard that.

"Okay, then you can look forward to it."

"I will definitely let you see me shining.

"No. 1 on the leaderboard is me!"

Lin Feng looked at Yue Linglong who was starting to dream and said, he still couldn't bear to hit her.

When he left the Martial Arts Field, he actually checked all of Yue Linglong's records.

Ranked fifth, it's still considered passable.

"This World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, if you can get the second place, I will reward you.

When Yue Linglong heard it, she felt like her blood was boiling!


"are you sure?"

"You can't lie to me!"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Do not worry."

"When have I ever lied to someone?"

"Okay, get ready, don't daydream, your current task is to complete this task well, and then go to your class.

Then, he can also relax.

It just so happened that Murong Wu was coming to her home for a dance party, so she probably still wanted to have a meal.

The third wave of tomb robbers had also run into the cemetery from outside the door.

The tomb robbers this time have also undergone more powerful changes from the second wave of tomb robbers.

They were wearing golden armor, emitting a happy light in the night.

When the old man saw the golden armor worn by these tomb robbers, he immediately said to Lin Feng and Yue Linglong.

"These grave robbers are wearing treasures from our cemetery!"

"Please don't break these golden armors, the two grave guards."

At this time, the task has also changed!

Added a sentence, if the golden armor is broken and exploded, the mission will fail directly!

Lin Feng and Yue Linglong looked at each other.

Sure enough, with the escalation of the task, the difficulty also increased.

After all, he is killing this man, so it would be easy to damage these golden armors...

"It seems that the difficulty has really increased this time. It seems impossible not to destroy these golden armors at all."

Yue Linglong said, with an involuntary look of worry.

She didn't want her mission to be abandoned halfway like this, and just happened to be defeated by these little grave robbers!

"Is there any way you can keep me from destroying these golden armors?"

"I feel that any attack I have now will definitely hit this golden armor."

Lin Feng looked at the worried Yue Linglong. In fact, the difficulty of such a task can also improve the player's control over the moves.

"It's really quite a challenge for you."

"However, if you can use your moves more accurately in other attack positions, it can be regarded as an improvement in the control of your moves."

Yue Linglong pouted her lips, seeing that Lin Feng still had such a peaceful appearance and didn't have the slightest worry at all, she felt a little unhappy in her heart for a moment.

"Why don't you worry that your moves will blow up these golden armors!"

"Why am I always worried that I will blow up these golden armors!"

"It seems that there is a feeling of unfairness at all!"

Listening to Yue Linglong's complaints, Lin Feng spoke silently.

"No way, my move control is better than yours."

"Besides, we are grasshoppers in a boat now, why should we care too much about these things?"

Listen, Yue Linglong. Lin Feng said so, although he really doesn't want to admit that his attack ability and all aspects are better than hers...

However, I still have to admit that....

"Okay, okay."

"Then I don't want to be a soy saucer on the sidelines, or you can teach me a few tricks temporarily so that I can control my moves more precisely?"

After speaking, Yue Linglong looked at Lin Feng with wide innocent eyes.

Lin Feng also had no choice but to nod silently.

"Now you just need to move the attack a little closer, and then aim at a position, and don't randomly place it."

When Yue Linglong heard it, although she didn't understand, since King Meng had taught her, she definitely wanted to give it a try.

The leader of the tomb robbers also came in front of Lin Feng wearing a golden armor, with a neat aura on his body.

"I advise you two to give up this cemetery as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, we'll leave your bones alone!"

When Yue Linglong heard this, she thought it was very ridiculous.

"Just you bastard?"

"Do you want me to have no bones left?"

"You dream!"

When the leader of the tomb robbers heard this, he was immediately enraged by Yue Linglong!

"Good job, gravekeeper!"

"This time I will let you see what is truly amazing!"

All the attributes of the raiding tomb robbers appeared in the eyes of Lin Feng and Yue Linglong.

grave robber

Grade: 90

HP: 170000

Scar Tomb Raider

Grade: 93

HP: 190000

Tomb Raiders Command!

Grade: 95

HP: 210000

This time, the level of the tomb robber did not increase much, but increased instead.

In addition, this time they are still protected by golden armor, which greatly strengthens their own defense ability.

If you want to kill these tomb robbers without damaging the armor, the only way to kill them is to start from their necks.

"This time the golden armor they wore was not protected except for the neck."


Lin Feng didn't make his words too clear.

Yue Linglong's gaze also noticed their only exposed neck...

I remembered the bloody side of every scene just now.

Even buy Karma!



Seeing Yue Linglong's hesitation, Lin Feng said as if he couldn't do anything cruel.

"It would be nice if you closed your eyes when finding the right position."

"If you are afraid, you can do it like this, but you must be 100% sure.

Yue Linglong nodded heavily!

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in this world......

Nothing is as simple as I imagined.


"I think I can do it this time!"

Lin Feng and Yue Linglong were completely ignorant of the facts.

The forum at this moment has long been filled with posts posted by Lin Feng in Lin Feng's arms when Lin Feng had just dueled with Yue Linglong in the martial arts field.

Everyone looked at this post and just added it in disbelief.

First floor: "My God! What did I miss? I should have gone to watch the game. I didn't expect that I didn't see such a beautiful side. Can anyone tell me what happened after that? What happened after that?"

The second floor: "You guys are really good at gossip! But what I have to say is that the strength of the president of Linglong Pavilion, Yue Linglong, is quite amazing. Don't you guys feel this way? I thought those gossip is fake."

The third floor: "The strength is not bad, but in the competition just now, I paid attention to other people's looks when comparing. I feel that the president of Linglong Pavilion is really good-looking as everyone said. I don't know why I always feel that she Looks like a star?"

The fourth floor: "After you said it, I seem to think it is true! But that star is usually so busy that it is impossible for him to have any time to play games, and the level and attack power of the president of Linglong Pavilion are so high. Gao, it shouldn't be alone."

The fifth floor: "That's right! It will take time to upgrade, maybe it's because of the face, this star is an idol I have always liked, and she really doesn't seem to have any scandals!"

The sixth floor: "Yes, yes, yes! This is indeed! There is really no scandal at all. After all, she is in the entertainment industry, and it is unexpected that she can do this. And black fans Not many."

Seventh Floor: "Who are you talking about as a celebrity? I feel like I can't keep up with your website, and I don't even know who you're talking about... Is it because I'm too behind the times?"

Eighth Floor: "That's true. I usually pay more attention to the news in the entertainment industry. This girl can be regarded as a very clean girl."

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