National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 341 The Treasure Is In Hand!

After the two stayed in the cabin for two minutes, they found that things were not as simple as they thought...

Lin Feng said: "It is estimated that there should be other switches in this cabin."

"Let's search separately."

When Yue Linglong heard that the corner of Lin Feng's clothes that was tightly holding her tightly loosened at that moment...

Although I was indeed a little scared in my heart, but as the president of Linglong Pavilion, if this matter got out, I would be ashamed!

"Oh well………………"

"I'll look for it on the left, you can look for it on the right."

Lin Feng walked to the right according to his intuition. Although it was dark in front of his eyes, he could still feel that there was something around him...

Two people groping along the wall...

All of a sudden, Lin Feng felt as if he had touched a switch, and after he pressed it, the originally dark log cabin was instantly lit up!

Frightened, Yue Linglong involuntarily took a step back.

The whole cabin is very clean and tidy, but after thinking about it, there is no sign of the treasure...

Yue Linglong frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong...

Why are there no treasures here?"

"Did we go to the wrong place?"

Lin Feng didn't say much, just glanced around...

"Since the task reminds me that the stolen treasure is in the cabin, there is only one cabin within a few miles, so it is impossible to find the wrong one."

"Those grave robbers are very cunning, so the treasure should be hidden.

Yue Linglong pouted her little mouth and thought that everything was a success after finding the cabin....

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it...

These tomb robbers are still hiding so deep!

"Then what should we do?"

"How do we find those treasures now..."

"The task does not give any hints..."

Seeing the disappointment in Yue Linglong's eyes, Lin Feng reached out and patted her on the head and said.

"Don't get lost, maybe those treasures are right under our feet."

Yue Linglong snorted, how could she not understand that this cute king must be making fun of herself again!

"If it was really built under our feet, you probably would have found that treasure long ago..."

"Hey, what time do I have to look for..."

Lin Feng waved his hand, feeling a little innocent in his heart...

Women are indeed the strangest animals in the world...

Just now I was talking about going forward bravely, but I didn't expect it to change all of a sudden.

"You don't want to give up, do you?"

"Now we are only a few minutes away from completing the mission. If you really plan to give up, everything you have paid will be in vain."

"Not only did you fail to get the task reward, but it also took up a lot of your anxious time."

He knew that Yue Linglong was just sulking now.

Using the aggressive method is actually the best choice.

As soon as Yue Linglong heard it, she remembered everything just now, and realized that if she had persisted for so long, if she really gave up in vain, it would really be a waste of time.

I still have to work later, the time to play games is very precious, if I really give up, it will be a great loss!

Lin Feng ignored Yue Linglong who was thinking now, and started to circle around the cabin.

The entire log cabin is not particularly spacious. According to the current situation, it is easiest for those tomb robbers to hide those treasures underground, or in the small river, or on both sides.

Yue Linglong's eyes fell on Linfeng again!

"That's what you said..."

"Since we've come this far, if we look back, what would it be like..."

Lin Feng chuckled lightly, she didn't expect Yue Linglong to think about it so quickly this month.

"Just think about it."

"Now it is estimated that these tomb robbers will hide the treasures in the small river at the gate and under the ground of the cabin.

"Now we are divided into two groups, which one do you choose?"

Yue Linglong thought about it for a while...

Although I don't know how this cute king knows that those treasures will be hidden underground, but if we calculate according to the current situation, we can only trust him.

Otherwise, how could she know...

Seeing that Yue Linglong was still thinking, Lin Feng walked out of the cabin silently.

Although we don't spend much time with her, we can still guess what she will choose.

Girls will choose the one that seems easier.

"Then dig the ground."

"I'll go to the river to have a look."

Yue Linglong blushed, she really didn't expect this cute king to be so aware of what she was thinking...

Lin Feng silently came to the river, and walked leisurely by the river...

The breeze blows his hair gently, and pushes down some weeds by the river

A long white line is also looming among the weeds.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on a long white line, and the corner of his mouth could not help but raise a smug smile.

"I didn't expect these grave robbers to actually hide the treasure in this river."

In fact, if you don't find it carefully, it's impossible to find it. It's the white line hidden in the weeds.

Silently raised the Archangel Sword in his hand, and picked up the white line.


I saw the five treasures were brought back to the shore by Lin Feng from the river.

It's just that, because this treasure has been hidden in the river, it is covered with river mud and smells bad.

It looks like a pile of discarded garbage...

This is really difficult for myself.....

At this time, there was a loud shout in the cabin!

"I've dug this deep!"

"Why haven't I seen the treasure yet!"

"Meng Wang! Are you lying to me!"

Lin Feng listened to her cry, and a ghostly idea flashed through his mind...

Returned to the log cabin from the outside.

A big hole appeared in front of him, seeing how Yue Linglong was digging the hole with the long sword in her hand, "It seems that she is really planning to dig this small wooden house to the landlord...

I don't know why I always feel that the current Yue Linglong is a bit clumsy, but she is still quite cute.

After chuckling, he continued to look at Yue Linglong who was digging a hole.

After hearing the laughter, Yue Linglong was also exhausted, and sat in the pit beside her, looking at Lin Feng with her little eyes for help.

"Meng Wang..."

"I'm exhausted..."

"Otherwise, let's change!"

"I've been digging for so long, when will I see the treasure!"

When Lin Feng heard it, he thought that those treasures are now covered with river mud, and they are like broken copper and rotten iron.

If you want to complete the task, you still need to clean up the river mud covering it......


"are you sure?"

"Are you sure you want to switch with me?"

Yue Linglong looked at this treasure that had not been found for a long time, maybe she really had a grudge against the cabin!

It would be better to change the place......


"Don't worry, after changing this time, I won't change again."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and nodded.

"I have found the treasure, now you just need to find a way to get rid of the dirt on it."

When Yue Linglong heard it, her eyes were filled with joy, she never expected that he would find it so quickly!


"Do not worry!"

"I'm least afraid of being dirty!"

After finishing speaking, he watched her run out of the cabin in a hurry as if she had been beaten with chicken blood.

Lin Feng came to the pit she dug, and began to swing the Archangel Sword in his hand, releasing the skill Guardian Angel Cross Slash!



Echoing around...

It was originally a shallow hole, but it was really dug three feet into the ground by Lin Feng's move in an instant!

I saw that in the deepest part, the remaining five treasures all emitted golden light inside.

Lin Feng took out these treasures and left the cabin.

Yue Linglong looked at the trash-like treasure on the ground, her entire face was filled with disgust.


"What should I do with this!"

"How can it be so dirty..."

Lin Feng looked at her complaining and thinking at the same time, with smiles in her eyes. 773

I don't know what this girl will do to clean up this dirty treasure.

Yue Linglong suddenly remembered when Lin Feng came in suddenly just now...

Suspicious eyes fell on Lin Feng.

She now feels that he came in because he disliked these treasures, so he deliberately made things difficult for her and changed places with her!

I thought there was really such a good thing, he would let it to me......

It really is insidious!

"you do this delibrately!"

Lin Feng looked at Yue Linglong who was staring at him with puffed cheeks.

I didn't expect this girl to be so stupid!

It is also rare to know that it was on purpose.

"You have to change it with me yourself."

"I've asked you twice, it's not my fault."

Now Yue Linglong had suffered from being dumb, she could only lower her head silently, blushing and looking at this pile of treasures.

Lin Feng also didn't seem to want to help her at all, watching her distressed.

Looking at the time, there are still five minutes before Murong Wuwu arrives at her home, and it doesn't stop.

Yue Linglong thought for a minute, then had an idea, took out a sackcloth from her backpack, and began to wipe these treasures.

She really didn't expect that the sackcloth she was going to sell would have such a great effect!

Lin Feng nodded approvingly.

This girl is smart.

After wiping, Yue Linglong looked at the pair of treasures emitting yellow light, and proudly picked them up.

"You see!"

"I told you all."

"I got it right in no time."

Lin Feng said: "It's pretty smart this time."

"If you are smart all the time, I believe that in this Martial Arts Conference, your Linglong Pavilion should be ranked around fifth, and you are expected to reach the second place."

Sometimes in the game, tactics can also make people counterattack and turn against the wind.

However, such opportunities are relatively rare. .

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