National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 342: Become A Gravekeeper!

When Yue Linglong heard this, she immediately became unhappy. She had always been aiming to compete for the first place.

But according to the current situation, as long as there is the Mengwang team, it is impossible at all, so I can only set my sights from the first place to the second place.


He even said that he would be ranked fifth!

The difference between the fifth place and the second place is really too big!

"Why do you think I can only have fifth place?"

"I think I can get second place."

Yue Linglong came to Lin Feng and asked with a displeased face.

Lin Feng looked at Yue Linglong who put her face in front of her and yelled at her, and reached out to touch her tender pink nose.

"I'm telling the truth."

"You will understand in time."

"Okay, since we found the treasure, we should take it back."

As soon as the words fell, Shuang'er was summoned again.

After learning from the past, Yue Linglong sat on Shuang'er's back familiarly, and Lin Feng also sat up,

From being shy at the beginning to now, his mind is full of what he just said that he will be the fifth!

Just very upset!

Lin Feng had no idea what Yue Linglong was thinking right now.

After giving the order, Shuang'er returned to the cemetery with Lin Feng and Yue Linglong.

The old man also waited for a long time under the tree.

After Lin Feng and Yue Linglong got off Shuang'er, they put the collected treasures from their backpacks in front of the old man.

The old man looked at all the treasures collected by Lin Feng and Yue Linglong, his eyes were full of emotion!

"I didn't expect the two of you to be able to retrieve the treasure in such a short period of time!"

"Would you two be willing to be my tomb guards here?"

"I will give you the golden armor necessary for gravekeepers!"

Yue Linglong and Lin Feng glanced at each other.

"What do you think?"

"is it necessary?"

Lin Feng didn't have any thoughts on these matters, and whether he wanted to be the gravekeeper here was completely in a state of randomness.

"If we become tomb guards, we will come back here often to see if the cemetery has been violated by other tomb robbers."

"Do you want it?"

After all, Yue Linglong kept shouting there when she first came, and she never wanted to come to the cemetery again in her life.

However, this golden armor is pretty good.

Yue Linglong also fell into contemplation, remembering the bloody side of every scene just now, if she really became the tomb keeper, she must be in a place where no one shits in Beijing.

Although my heart is indeed a little moved, after all, such a good thing is placed in front of me, how can I not be moved...

"I do!"

Seeing that Yue Linglong said I would, Lin Feng was also happy.

The old man presented two sets of golden armor to Yue Linglong and Lin Feng.

The old man said with a smile,

"Since the two of you are willing to be gravekeepers, let's sign a contract!"

"From now on, you will come back to this cemetery every Friday-Sunday."

"Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the times when there are the most grave robbers."

"If any treasure is robbed by grave robbers, you will be punished by the grave guard contract!"

"Are you two willing?"

Lin Feng knew that this set of golden armor could greatly strengthen the defense ability, if Yue Linglong got it, she would definitely be able to enter the top four in the martial arts arena.

"I would."

Seeing that Yue Linglong still chose to be willing in the end, Lin Feng also nodded without saying anything.

Respect everyone's decision, besides, I've been quite free for the past three days, so nothing will happen if I agree...

"I would too."

The old man presented two sets of golden armor to Lin Feng and Yue Linglong.

At this time, Yue Linglong's mission also shows that the mission is completed!

Mission reward: 500 gold coins!

She gave half of the gold coins to Lin Feng, and the two left the cemetery together.

Yue Linglong calculated the time, but she didn't expect that he really did the calculation and completed the task within half an hour.

The two quit the game together.

In the Friends Liantian frame, Yue Linglong sent a message to Lin Feng saying.

"Then I'll transfer the money directly to you later?"

"You accompany me to complete the task in such a short period of time, don't worry! I will treat you badly."

"This is also the first time we have cooperated, and we hope that we can cooperate frequently in the future."

"Remember to send me WeChat, so that I can contact you as soon as possible.

Lin Feng replied: "Okay."

Send her your WeChat contact information.

With a sound of ding dong, a friend verification pops up in WeChat, after passing the friend verification.

Yue Linglong also sent the money this time to Lin Feng.

A full fifty thousand.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, sent a message and asked.

"Is it wrong?"

Yue Linglong said: "No, the rest is the thank you for teaching me this time.

"thank you."

Now Lin Feng is not as short of money as before. To teach her, I just think that this girl is a talent.

"You paid so much this time, next time you come to me, I will teach you for free."

Yue Linglong sent back: "Okay."

"Thank you."

"Then I'm going to brush up on martial arts competitions and wild monsters."

"Next time! Next time I must fight you again, never admit defeat!"

Lin Feng replied "Yes" and went offline.

The doorbell rang just at this moment.

It was really as he had calculated, Murong Wuwu arrived just after finishing the game mission.

Opening the door, Murong Wuwu walked in with a lot of vegetables in her arms, with a sweet smile on her face and small beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Today I bought you some good food ahead of time!"

"Do you think that I have surpassed my level by rubbing food!"

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile.

"You also know that you have reached the level by rubbing money?"

"It's also rare to have self-knowledge."

Murong Wuwu snorted.

"certainly not!"

"I actually know that if you play games all the time, you must have very little time to have a good meal.

"That's why I came here to eat. If this is the case, you must be reluctant to abandon me alone, so you have to cook for me silently."

"Am I very smart! I am also thinking about your body."

While talking, the smile on Murong Wuwu's face became sweeter and sweeter, and it even touched other people's heartstrings.

Lin Feng looked at her smile and felt warm in his heart.

At least Murong Wuwu is the girl with whom she has the best relationship with her, she is not bad looking.

As a normal man, it is normal to have a warm feeling in my heart.

"Then what do you want for lunch today?"

Murong Wuwu thought for a while, seeing that she bought so many dishes, for me who is not picky about any cuisine, I can actually eat anything...

"I also can."

"As long as it is delicious, for me, I am happy to eat."

Such a casual Murong Wuwu, Lin Feng silently sighed...

Rather than being so casual, he actually wanted Murong Wuwu to directly say what he wanted the most.

"Okay, then I'll do it casually first."

She took out all the ingredients she had prepared, and it took another big pile to cover the table, but there were only two of them...

"……how is it going?"

"Do you think the dishes I bought this time are all good?"

"The aunt in the vegetable market said that these are the freshest."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, these vegetables look pretty good, this girl, her vegetable shopping skills are getting better and better.

"That's right, it's good that you haven't been cheated by anyone."

"How much did you pay for these dishes?"

Murong Wuwu was so praised by Lin Feng, her body exuded a radiant brilliance.

"of course!"

"It seems that I'm not the type to be easily deceived, okay?"

"Actually, it didn't cost much, I just bought it for 300 yuan.

"It's pretty cheap."

Lin Feng glanced at the vegetables on the table, he could buy them all for at most two hundred yuan...

Three hundred yuan is indeed a lot more expensive.

It seems that this girl has been tricked...

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, Murong Wuwu's smile became more and more proud!

It is estimated that he thought he was too good, so he didn't say a word.

She really is a girl who knows how to live a good life!

"Actually, you don't have to be too moved."

"These are small things."

"If you really feel sorry for it, you can cook more delicious food."

Lin Feng smiled faintly, seeing her so narcissistic, said.

"Moved, touched, very touched."

"Now you go to the table and do it, just squeeze the juice."

"Leave the rest of the cooking to me."

After hearing this, Murong Wu (Wang Ma's) Wu understood what Lin Feng meant after a while, and said with a little pouting.

"I didn't expect you to despise me so much!"

"Didn't I just mess up your kitchen a little bit!"

"But it's okay if the result is good!"

Lin Feng thought of the cake she made, and had to say, the taste is indeed not bad, but the inside is still a little undercooked.

Since it was her first time making a cake, I definitely couldn't hit her casually.

"Your cake is not bad."

"Keep working hard in the future."

"However, it will be better if you bake it longer in the future."

"Today, let's just eat some ordinary home-cooked food."

Murong Wuwu's mind is now full of Lin Feng's compliments on her, and her face is flushed like a small apple, making people feel like wanting to bite her on the face.

"Okay, then I'll go to squeeze the fruit."

After speaking, Murong Wuwu happily brought the fruit to the juicer and began to squeeze the juice.

Lin Feng also started to clean up the vegetables she bought silently.

Seeing that she bought so many dishes today, I can make a few more by myself. In fact, if these dishes are left alone, they will go bad...

"By the way, what are you cooking for me today?"

Murong Wuwu asked again.

Lin Feng thought for a while, opened the menu, and checked it. .

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