National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 346 Earth Element Spells!

The smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth deepened when he heard his loud tone.

"Then let's see if you have the ability."

Xu Changqing smelled provocation. Although the smile on Lin Feng's face was still as calm as before, some provocation could still be heard in his tone.

Xu Changqing opened his hands and chanted something.

A giant magic circle appeared at Lin Feng's feet. In the constantly rotating magic circle, a pattern like a small mountain began to flash with golden light.


Rock chains emerged from the magic circle, like giant pythons, attacking Lin Feng!

Lin Feng leaps to avoid these chains...

These rock chains seem to be able to track the location, and they have been following Lin Feng to imprison him.

Lin Feng's speed was also extremely fast, like the wind, leaving only a phantom in everyone's eyes.

Before he could see exactly where Lin Feng was, the rock chain was tied into a living knot, unable to move.

Xu Changqing saw that the earth spirit bondage he summoned was solved by Lin Feng so casually, and he began to wonder in his heart, what kind of method should he use to obtain it?


More importantly, he has perfectly solved the moves he released with his own speed before he even launched an attack...

It can be seen how powerful this person is...

It is still impossible to figure out what kind of attack he will launch in the next second.

Seeing that Xu Changqing's head was covered with beads of sweat, Lin Feng said with a chuckle. 26 "Actually, it's nothing more than that.

"Let's see the trick."

Immediately, he put the Archangel Sword in his hand into a defensive posture, and the mighty power exploded directly from his Archangel Sword!

A white light directly dispelled the surrounding darkness...

"Holy Light Falls!"

A white halo appeared on Xu Changqing's head.

Xu Changqing looked at the white circle of light on his head, and when he was about to escape, the holy light inside also began to drop...

At this moment, his back is the holy light that envelops him, and there is no place for him to avoid it.

Lin Feng looked at him calmly from the side, and after singing a few times...

Boom boom boom!

Several beams of holy light fell towards Xu Changqing's position during the meeting!

Xu Changqing raised the star chasing iron ax in his hand, and hit the ground hard!

Suddenly, the ground cracked three or four traces...

A huge defensive shield appeared and blocked in front of him!

A few rays of holy light fell on the defensive shield, gradually cracking the marks...

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

It is estimated that this attack of mine can at least reduce his blood volume by half!

Xu Changqing saw that the holy light had already smashed his defensive shield with several cracks, thinking...

If the shield is really crushed by King Meng's attack now, he will definitely not be able to escape from this holy light...

More importantly, his attack power is too strong, if he also launches an attack, he will definitely be backlashed.

Seeing that Xu Changqing is still holding on, Lin Feng can tell from his eyes that he is making other plans.

But, no matter whether he is making the most satisfactory plan now, he has no way to get out of it.


Xu Changqing's defensive shield was shattered!

The holy light hit his head straight...

Everyone looked at this holy light and slowly looked forward to what the final outcome would be...

"You said, this Xu Changqing wouldn't just be killed by Meng Wang's move?"

"I don't think it's possible. After all, Meng Wang seems to be merciful, but I don't know the details, but if this trick can really defeat Xu Changqing, he is nothing more than that......... ..."

That's right, if you really think so and get KO'd, everyone will have lost sight of it a long time ago, and Xu Changqing is very powerful in front of others. If it's that simple, I really doubt his ability... ..”

"I feel that Xu Changqing should still be able to be the King of Meng. After all, his eyes reveal that he wants to win this glory more than anyone else except him. You must know what it means to defeat the King of Meng

"This is indeed yours, but I don't think his ability is enough to defeat Meng Wang. If it is really so easy to defeat, how could she destroy the entire city by herself...... Think about this This combat power is indeed quite terrifying.

Yue Linglong clenched her fists nervously.

She didn't want Meng Wang to really lose as they said.

Judging from the moves against Meng Wang in the previous games, there is a 99.9% chance that Meng Wang will win.

I really hope that Meng Wang's offer of this move can kill him directly!

When Xu Changqing looked at the holy light that was hitting his head, he finally decided to use his own moves to compete with Lin Feng's moves...

The star chasing iron ax in his hand chopped up the holy light!

The powerful holy light began to attack him continuously, trying to devour him...

Lin Feng chuckled, and it was exactly what he thought. In the end, he still used moves as a way to resist.

If releasing it by himself is the guardian angel's cross cut, maybe his method is also a good way to save himself.

However, the biggest advantage of his own attack is the continuous output.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of holy light slammed down, which greatly strengthened the power of the ray of holy light at the beginning...

Xu Changqing felt the huge pressure and the feeling that he would be swallowed as soon as he relaxed for a second, so he could only grit his teeth and persist.

Another ray of holy light smashed down again!


His star chasing iron ax was directly destroyed by Lin Feng's holy light......

The ax fell straight to the ground...

One of the holy lights hit him!

Red blood floated out of his head...


Xu Changqing's heart is also full of hatred!

Now his blood volume is only a little bit more than half...

"Unexpectedly, it is really the same as others said, the attack power is really strong,"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "It's okay.

"Let's keep playing."

"I'm in a hurry.

Six minutes of his time had already been wasted in this game.

I must also get rid of him within ten minutes, and then go to stand with ten people.

When Xu Changqing heard the words "I'm in a hurry" from Lin Feng, he felt a great sense of strength.

Lin Feng darkened his eyes, and swung the Archangel Sword in his hand again!

There is a great murderous look in the eyes.....

Xu Changqing now has no weapons and has no choice but to fight alone.

"Land Undead!"

In order to avoid Lin Feng's attack, the only way to do it now is to use long-range combat techniques...

Several rock figurines made of rocks appeared on the ground, and they began to walk towards Lin Feng's position.

These little rock people also started spitting out their stones at Lin Feng...

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to such an attack at all, and his eyes were still on Xu Changqing.

"Guardian angel strikes back!"

The sword of the Archangel in his hand also began to gather powerful power in the void!

Everyone saw streaks of white light starting to gather in Lin Feng's sword of the archangel that directly held the sky...

I saw that Lin Feng grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and slashed towards Xu Changqing's waist!

The powerful white light instantly slashed towards the small rock figure walking in front of Lin Feng, and it split into two halves...

Xu Changqing's pupils widened, watching the attack flying towards him, and when he was about to dodge, he realized that it was too late to dodge...

I saw a thought in him, wanting to save a little of his own blood...



This attack passed directly from Xu Changqing's waist, and then hit the ground of the Martial Arts Field...

The ground was directly hit by the attack of 990, and a flower was shot out...

Xu Changqing's blood bar instantly turned gray...

The blood volume was instantly killed...

He didn't even have time to react...


"How is this possible?"

"How could such a powerful force erupt and instantly kill me...

"Why is this happening!"

Xu Changqing was completely puzzled why his last defense had no effect at all...

Lin Feng looked at Xu Changqing who couldn't believe it now, and had nothing to say.

In fact, when his attack was about to arrive this time, the skill he released was still too slow...

So it won't have any effect at all.

Everyone in the audience clapped their hands.

Yue Linglong also had a smug smile on her face...

"I didn't expect Meng Wang to win in the end, but I think Xu Changqing still activated his skills in the end. How could it be useless in the end... I have always heard about his move, to save my own move."

"That's right, sure enough, Meng Wang is the most powerful boss. I thought there would be some unexpected ending this time."

"Actually, I think this battle is really good! At least it won't be as boring as watching other battles where you are killed by one move. Although this Xu Changqing was still defeated in the end

But in general, it can be regarded as not living up to myself. "

"Probably only you think so in your heart. You have to know that in the eyes of the strong, there are only victory and defeat. Victory is victory, and failure is failure. It's that simple.

"Yeah, it's worth watching this battle. I hope there will be such wonderful battles in the future."

Yueling listened to everyone's discussion and said to herself.

"It's fine if you win."

"I thought this guy would fail..."

"I didn't expect to win, not bad..."

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