National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 347 Winning The Solo Championship!

Xu Changqing calmed down after standing on the martial arts field for a few minutes.

After all, if you lose, you lose, and there is nothing to say...

"Congratulations to King Meng for winning the twelfth round of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament."

"May I ask if Meng Wang still needs to continue the game?"


Lin Feng said.

When he turned around and was about to leave the martial arts field.

Xu Changqing asked behind his back.

"Excuse me... May I ask a question?"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said behind his back.

"Just now your move was a bit late, so it didn't have any effect at all."

"We'll have to calculate the time later."

After speaking, Lin Feng turned into a white light and disappeared in the martial arts arena.

Xu Changqing stood on the spot, thinking about what Lin Feng said in his mind...

He didn't expect that the reason why he was directly killed by him in the end was because the move was not activated...

Seeing that Lin Feng had quit the martial arts field, Yue Linglong also withdrew...

At this moment, Lin Feng is checking the leaderboard...

Seeing that his victory point finally maintained a certain distance from the second place, he felt relieved.

Continue to check again, the two-person battle and the six-player battle in the Martial Arts Field.

The rankings are all at the first place, and the second place is still keeping a long distance from me. I also feel that I can quickly complete the ten-person stand for the time being.

In the chat box, a series of messages were sent.

After clicking on it, I saw Yue Linglong's window flickering.

"You are really amazing!"

"I thought you would lose the game just now."

Lin Feng replied: "What do you think?"

"Do you think I might lose?"

"Aren't you going to work? Why haven't you gone yet?"

Yue Linglong looked at the time, she didn't expect that her working hours were overtime!

"I'll go! If you don't remind me, I'll forget about it."

"Keep going, goodbye!"

After receiving her last message, she went offline.

Originally, Lin Feng wanted high-blooded players as support...

But think about it, the most important thing in this battle is output!

As long as the output is high enough, everyone has enough blood.

The classmate Murong Shanshan brought, Diablo Mingye, decided to take the last spot.

According to Murong Shanshan, her attack power is very high.

Why does this name sound a bit masculine?

However, there is no time to continue to entangle whether it is a man or a woman...

At this moment, the other nine people participating in the ten-person station also sent messages to Lin Feng at the same time, and also created a group chat with ten people at the same time.

Murong Xiaowu said: "Mengwang, Mengwang? Didn't you say that the ten-person stand is going to start now? Where are the people?"

Continuously said: "I've been here, I didn't even eat, I just waited for you, you are too lazy!"

Murong Xiaosi said: "My friends are still going to drink afternoon tea. If I hadn't promised you to go to war this afternoon, I would also like to drink afternoon tea!"

Murong Xiaosan said: "Don't think about it, afternoon tea can be eaten at any time, you still have more important tasks to do now, the task of afternoon tea is over, I invite you to eat`

Murong Xiaoer said: "The ten-person stand mainly looks at the group, which is much more difficult than the six-person stand. Everyone must pay attention to cooperation, understand?"

Qingqingcaoyuan said: "Indeed, all of us will work hard for this ten-person stand!"

Yalishan Avenue: "Where is the cute king? Where are the people? You can't still fight wild monsters there at this time?"

Ximen Donggua said: "Probably not, after all the president is the most punctual person, there is still one minute left.

Darkness Mingye said: "I hope to have a happy cooperation with you."

Seeing that everyone was ready, Lin Feng also sent a message.

"Everyone, get ready, I will wait for you at the entrance of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference."

The remaining nine people also came to the entrance of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference to meet Lin Feng at the same time.

Seven women and two men walked towards the entrance of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference...

The heroic appearance of the four Murong sisters and Ye Qingqing is needless to describe, both male and female players stared at them.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on his wife, Li Yuan was full of jealousy...

I didn't expect so many people to look at my daughter-in-law...


better pull it over

While thinking, he directly pulled Ye Qingqing to his side.

This is how you can prove that your daughter-in-law is married!

Famous flowers have masters!

Among them, it is Murong Shanshan's classmate An Hei Ming Ye who catches Lin Feng's eyes.

I thought he would be a man, but I didn't expect that he was actually a woman wearing black leather boots, combing a high ponytail, and carrying a cannon on her back.

The black waistcoat shows her figure with bumps and bumps, which makes people's heart skip a beat...

Compared with Murong Shanshan's, that face looked much colder, a pair of Danfeng eyes reflected a frightening coldness.

Murong Shanshan pulled Diablo Mingye to her side, and introduced to Lin Feng.

"This is my classmate, Dark Night, isn't it good?"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and praised.

"It's really good."

"Are all nine of you ready to attack the station of ten?"

Ximen Donggua said: "Don't worry, President!"

"I will definitely do my best to win this time."

"I will never let you down!"

Lin Feng looked at Ximen Donggua, who had firm eyes, and nodded.

"come on."

Yali Shanda snorted.

"Don't worry, I will work hard for the benefit of the team."

Diablo Mingye didn't say much, and looked at Lin Feng with his eyes.

I have to say, Lin Feng's appearance is definitely something that cannot be said much, the kind that instantly kills the little fresh meat in the country!

It's just that, for her, she is more curious about the real strength of Meng Wang.

After all, it's a completely different feeling to be able to cooperate with him and watch him fight as an audience.

At this time, Murong Wuwu pouted when she saw that Lin Feng ignored her.

Sure enough, a man has no resistance at all in front of a beautiful woman...

However, she can be considered a beautiful woman...

Murong Sisi's small eyes flicked to Murong Wuwu's body for a second, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitched with pride.

"Oh, Xiao Wu, are you unhappy?"

, Murong Wuwu said to Murong Sisi!

"I don't have one!"

"Now everyone still has to focus on fighting!"

"Besides, am I the kind of person who gets angry casually?"

Murong Sisi smiled and nodded...


Murong Wuwu stopped talking for a while, and silently leaned against Murong Er'er.

Murong Er Er said with a smile: "Okay, Xiao Si, don't make fun of Xiao Wu."

"By the way, Meng Wang, how long do you think it will take for us to complete ten games?"

Lin Feng pondered...

According to their strength, one afternoon should be enough.

However, due to the large number of people in the ten-man stand, most people have already played ten-man stand in order to avoid him. If you want to occupy the first place on the list, you still need fifteen games.

Now the first place on the leaderboard has gained 13 victory points.

"If it's ten games, we'll be fine in one afternoon."

"If everyone cooperates well, it is estimated that four hours will be enough." "

"However, if we only play ten games, there is no way to directly sit at the top of the list, we need fifteen games.

Murong Er said: "Then let's play fifteen games directly?"

"After all, it is a ten-person stand, and it will take a lot of time for everyone to unify. This time, it is better to fight directly.

After thinking about it, everyone felt that it was true...


"Then we will play fifteen games today!"

"Sit directly to the first place!"

Ten people turned into ten white lights and entered the martial arts field.

Ten people appeared in the Martial Arts Field at the same time...

The light shone on the faces of each of them, exuding the aura of kings...

Especially the seven women standing behind Lin Feng, each of them reveals a different taste.

The scene at this time is like a painting...

In less than a minute, all the auditoriums are full of people!

Everyone looked at the members of Lin Feng and his team, I have to say that they are really eye-catching!

All of them are handsome men and beautiful women!

"Wow..... really handsome... The members of the Mengwang team are not only handsome, but also powerful. As expected, powerful people will always play with powerful people.. ...think about my clan

"Mengwang is truly blessed that so many beauties are beside Mengwang, and I heard that this dark night is a very powerful existence, but I still don't know much about this person..."

"Wow! That dark night's figure is too good (Wang De's)... It's like a character walking out of a painting... Mengwang's luck is good, All of them are handsome men and beautiful women, I guess I can only see this kind of scene in my dreams..."

"Sure enough, it's unattainable. Not only is she beautiful, but she's also not an easy character to mess with. I've heard of her title, Dark Night, but it's rare. I've heard that she is indeed a very powerful existence."

"Whether you are strong or not depends on the fight. The ten-person stand and six-person stand, double stand, and single-player stand are not the same route. Maybe you are very good in six-player stand, but you may not be very good in ten-player stand. .

"As the saying goes, one rat droppings ruins a pot of porridge, and it is very easy to fall in love with you in a ten-person stand. Recently, I have seen too many ten-player matches. The opponent is not very strong, but the teammate cheated himself something happened..."

Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at Murong Wuwu.

"Are you ready?"

Murong Wuwu nodded.


After all, it has already passed the six-person stand, and everyone's cooperation so far is still very tacit.

Ye Qingqing asked: "Then don't we need any formations?"

Li Yuan smiled and said, "Qingqing, don't you understand? The most powerful thing about our Mengwang team is to beat anyone they see."

"You can beat whoever you want, as long as you can win."

Murong Er'er still felt that something was inappropriate. .

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