National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 358 Failed Sunflower Stitch

Sunflower Yizhen had no choice but to leave the martial arts field with your own failed team members silently.

Everyone is very happy about the failure of this sunflower injection.

After all, the name of Sunflower One Needle has finally been compared to others, and Sunflower One Needle is very bad, and it is only those who are useful.

As an ordinary player, he would not show any kindness to others at all.

How about letting Sunflower Yizhen feel the taste of failure this time!

"Do you want to continue with the third round of the ten-person standing of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament?"


Everyone standing beside Lin Feng is very confident at this moment.

There was a gleam of light on his face that made it impossible to take his eyes off.

Diablo Mingye was very skeptical of Lin Feng's ability.

But since he killed three members of the May Alliance with one move just now, his status in his heart has also risen a lot!

"The third round of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament will begin immediately!"


"Automatic matching complete!"

Lin Feng glanced at the expressions on his teammates' faces at the moment.

"Are you confident that you can finish a fight in ten minutes?"

"The second battle just now took a bit too long."

Murong Er Er nodded complacently.

"Do not worry."

"We sure won't let you take too long!"

"Leave this battle to us."

"Captain, watch us fight!"

Lin Feng also felt that what Murong Er Er said was indeed reasonable.

Winning or losing a game is of course very important, but it is also a very important process for them to learn something from it. 657

Murong Wuwu also nodded in agreement!

Thinking of the battle just now, it took a long time and must have consumed a lot of energy, so let's leave it to myself!

"That's right, Captain, you'd better leave it to us!"

"We will not disgrace you!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "That's fine."

"Then leave it to you."

"Come on, you guys."

The players who were matched in the third round were already in place.

When the opponent saw that the match would be the Mengwang team, he felt a little flustered for no reason...

This is simply killing someone else...

"Oh my god, we were so badly matched to the Mengwang team. It seems that we have to die!"

said one of the members.

The battle hasn't even started yet, I didn't expect that all the contestants in the third round had already surrendered.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of," said the opposing captain.

"Why do you pretend to be able to beat when you know you can't beat it?"

"It's okay, everyone admits it, please be merciful, everyone!"

After speaking, he raised his fist towards everyone.

Those who didn't know thought it was a friendship exchange!

Murong Wuwu didn't understand the reason for their operation at all...

Could it be that their Mengwang team is really scared to the point where people surrender at a glance?

Lin Feng silently watched how they would deal with the current situation.

Now that he agreed to them this time and handed over the battle to them, he couldn't make a move.

A battle is a battle after all, whether you admit defeat or not, you need to decide the outcome.

"No, our cute (cgci) king team is actually pretty good..."

"You don't have to look like you're seeing a plague god when you see us.

Murong Wuwu couldn't help but said.

She didn't want to see her opponent so weak.

"You don't know..."

"Your name has already spread to the people in the world's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference!"

"We took time to participate in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference this time, but I didn't expect it to be a coincidence that we just happened to meet you.

The captain of the opponent looked like he was not in love.

Who doesn't know now, this Meng Wang spends every second for every move and the matter of the powerful masters in the team.

The whole forum is also full of rumors.

When the Berserker Alliance found out about this, they were also extremely surprised.

Kuanglong, who originally planned to continue to take revenge on the Meng King, found that it is really difficult to take revenge on the Meng King!

It is simply too difficult!

Even buy Karma!

The posts in the entire forum are also constantly commenting on the battle between the May Alliance and the Mengwang team.

【Meng Wang instantly killed three May League masters with one move, and one of them was Sunflower who had never lost a single shot! Is this just a coincidence?】

[Mengwang instantly kills Sunflower with one shot, the May Alliance and Mengwang completely turn against each other!】

[The battle between Sunflower Yizhen and Meng Wang, can everyone fight in the right position? 】

【Unexpectedly, Meng Wang actually defeated Sunflower Yizhen, ending his record!】

【Shocking! King Meng kills Sunflower with one shot, isn't the current Sunflower shot really not as good as it was back then?】

In the comments, everyone began to discuss these things upside down.

The first floor: "One shot of sunflower is indeed powerful, but, as a human being, I am still too arrogant to think that everyone is inferior to me, so it is my turn to end up like this, which is also normal.

The second floor: "I don't think Sunflower's strength can be just like this. Maybe this is just a drill. You don't think about how powerful Sunflower is in normal times. It is impossible to be easily killed in seconds."

The third floor: "I agree with what the second floor said. A group of brainless fans have been fanning the cute king? Please, the name of the sunflower has already existed in other games, and it cannot be easily won by others." Spike, there must be ghosts inside!"

The fourth floor: "Please, what a powerful existence Meng Wang is. Haven't you all seen the competition? I sat at the front of this competition and saw it very clearly. It is obviously that the strength of the sunflower is not enough How about it."

The fifth floor: "I also think that it must be because the strength of the sunflower shot is not very good, so that it can be instantly killed by the cute king. If it is really that powerful, how can there be no possibility of defeating the cute king? "

The sixth floor: "Some people really like to yell, I really don't know what you are thinking......... How powerful is Meng Wang in battle, have you tried it? It is normal for Sunflower to lose by one shot this time of."

Sunflower Peak and Sunflower Collection Check out all the topics in the current forum...

It's all about their battle between the May Alliance and the King of Meng.

This time, the face was really lost at home.

One needle of sunflower is also very melancholy.

"President, what should we do this time?"

"Now the entire forum is discussing our affairs..."

"If we don't come back this time, the reputation of our May Alliance will really be ruined by this cute king."

Sunflower Peak said anxiously.

But what can be done?

Some things, since they have already done it, what can they do...

Sunflower let out a long sigh.

"This incident can only be said to be a mistake of our May Alliance."

"Next time, let me meet this cute king again, I will make sure he dies!"

Every glance of Sunflower reveals her resentment towards Meng Wang.

At the same time, the Berserker Alliance is also the same as the sunflower needle at this time.

The hatred for Lin Feng went down to the bone.

Kuanglong suddenly thought of an idea.

This time the May Alliance lost to Meng Wang, and it is bound to regard Meng Wang as a thorn in his flesh.

How about taking advantage of this opportunity to cooperate, the probability of getting the kill of the cute king will be much higher!

Kuanglong immediately brought everyone to the May Alliance.

The May Alliance is also extraordinarily strange, and it was completely unexpected that the Berserker Alliance would also come here.

At this time, the sunflower needle is still angry.

"What is your Berserker Alliance looking for us at this time?"

"Tell me if you have something to say, and get out of here if you have nothing to do."

He has always been a very strong Kuanglong. Seeing Sunflower's high needle, he felt very upset in his heart!

But what can be done?

After all, he can be regarded as a big boss.

"President One Needle, Meng Wang is really strong this time, but it's not that difficult to defeat.

Kuanglong said.

Sunflower was instantly caught by what Kuanglong said, which aroused curiosity.

Right now, he really wants to defeat Lin Feng!

"you mean?"

"What can you do to help us defeat Meng Wang and the others?"

Kuanglong smiled and said, "Of course!"

"President Yizhen, as long as we cooperate, I believe that according to the strength of our cooperation, I don't believe that we can't win a cute king!"

Sunflower listened to each needle, and fell into contemplation and hesitation.

It is well known that the mad war alliance and Meng Wang are not compatible

The strength of the Berserker Alliance doesn't seem to be very powerful to be honest.

However, looking at this mad dragon, it seems that he has made other plans...

Sunflower Treasure Book still felt something was wrong.

Although I really hate Meng Wang in my heart, I still have to admire his attack power.

If it is really cooperating with this Berserk Alliance, if other people find out, it will be more than a little embarrassing!

"President, I still don't suggest that our May Alliance cooperate with the Berserk Alliance..."

"Besides, it's not too late for a man to take revenge for ten years, why should we care about these minutes and seconds?"

Kuangzhan's eyes instantly fell on Sunflower Treasure Book, and he asked back immediately.

"Then, little brother, I would like to ask you, is there any way you can win the head?"

"Just relying on your triangular kung fu?"


The Sunflower Collection is also angry!

Unexpectedly, my kung fu was said to be triangular kung fu!

"What do you mean by that?"

"It seems that your Berserker Alliance will only use some nondescript methods?"

"It's just that you're not capable enough and you've put yourself into a trap."

The mad dragon was instantly angry!

Annoyed waiting for Sunflower Book!.

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