National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 359 Instant Kill All The Way! Beginning!

Sunflower Treasure Book also noticed that Kuanglong looked at him very badly at this moment, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

What he dislikes the most is someone who uses this method to win.

The mad dragon darkened his eyes.

He knew that now was not the time to be violent.

The most important task now is to regain his original position.

This is much stronger than anything.

"One needle will take longer, what do you think?"

"If we cooperate, we will definitely turn the tide soon."

Sunflower Treasure Dian persuaded: "President, I think this matter should be forgotten."

"The key to victory lies in fairness and justice. If it is not fair and just, what is the meaning of our victory?"

"It's just some false name."

Sunflower Peak also admired what Sunflower Collection said in his heart.

However, they are just members of the May Alliance, and they can't be such a big master at all.

The only thing I can do is remind him by his side.

After Sunflower thought about it carefully, she also felt that she really needs to cooperate with others to have a better chance, so that the reputation of the May Alliance can return to its original state....

Kuanglong looked at Sunflower who was thinking carefully now.

"Okay, we must cooperate and defeat the cute king!"

Sunflower Peak and Sunflower Collection frowned slightly.

No matter how I use it, I never thought that Sunflower would agree...

How should this be done...

Seeing the last sunflower injection, Kuanglong actually agreed, and his face was full of pride.

"I told you all."

"The most important thing now is to restore everyone's status to its original position."

"Don't you guys want to kill Meng Wang now?"

Sunflower Peak and Sunflower Collection gritted their teeth.

"Yes, but we don't want to use such a bad way!"

"A game is a game. If you win or lose, just rely on the current combat power of your mad battle alliance, so don't even think about it!"

"You can't even beat us, and you still want to beat Meng Wang?"


The fury and the wind standing behind the mad dragon are also fury!

"What did you say!"

"There is a kind of you saying it again!"

"Didn't your Five Sacred Sacred Alliance be instantly killed by the cute king this time?"

"Our president is also doing it for your own good, we just don't take the good in our eyes!"

Sunflower Treasure Book let out a cold snort.

"Our May Alliance doesn't need such kindness!"

"It's just so disgusting!"

When Sunflower Yizhen heard what Sunflower Treasure said, he angrily scolded.

"Sunflower Book!"

"What is the important time now, can you help us to distinguish the important moment first?!"

At this moment, Sunflower Collection and Sunflower Peak didn't know what to say, and left here angrily.

Kuanglong narrowed his dangerous eyes, as if he had other ideas.

"Our Berserker Alliance will definitely assist you May Alliance."

"As long as you need us in any way, we will do our best to help you."

Sunflower nodded, and now he didn't care what kind of method he would use.

"Have you figured out how to deal with Meng Wang?"

"The most important thing now is how to deal with Meng Wang."

Kuanglong smiled slightly, and began to tell Sunflower how to design Lin Feng this time.

At this moment, Lin Feng looked at them with his arms crossed as if nothing had happened.

Seeing their pitiful looks, Murong Er Er had no choice but to speak silently.

"Then let's all give them a second."

"It's a waste of time to talk about it."

The opponents stood in front of Murong Er'er like a wooden stick, waiting for them to use their moves to kill them directly.

"The game starts now!"

"Please prepare for the contestants on both sides."

"Time is counting down..."


Everyone stood firmly in front of them.

As everyone started to use their moves...  

At this moment, a colorful light flashed like a silver snake

Blood flowed from their heads.






The blood volume of all opponents has been instantly killed by them, leaving only a gray blood bar.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning."

It was only in less than five minutes.

The third round of fighting is over.

Ye Qingqing and Li Yuan looked like they were not enjoying themselves...

“Really boring”

"It is estimated that in a short while, fifteen games have been completed.

"It just so happens that it will be night after we finish playing, and we can go to dinner.

Li Yuan nodded, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't had a meeting with Lin Feng for a long time.

More importantly, my cousin will come tonight.

Although it is said that my cousin looks average, but she must be more outstanding than ordinary people in terms of facial features.

She kept clamoring that she wanted to introduce her boyfriend herself...


For a long time, Lin Feng has never dated a girl, if he can let them meet, maybe he can achieve a marriage!

He came to Lin Feng's side and asked in a low voice.

"By the way, are you free tonight?"

"Why don't we go out for dinner together?"

Lin Feng thought about it, after finishing the tenth leg of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, he really had nothing to do at night.

It is true that I haven't seen Li Yuan for some days.


Li Yuan was slightly startled, and raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Lin Feng to agree to him so quickly this time!

In normal times, I guess I still need to ink with him.

"This time, I will bring other girls with me!"

"Don't worry, it will definitely be in your eyes!"

"I think you have always been single, now it's time to find a girlfriend and start a new life."

Instead, Lin Feng's eyes fell on Murong Wuwu who was at the side.

"never mind."

"If there are other girls around, I won't go."

Upon hearing this, Li Yuan said quickly.

"No, why didn't you go when you heard there were girls around?"

"You haven't talked about a girlfriend for so long, it's time to find one now."

"Don't worry, your brother, the quality I found for you is very good."

Lin Feng shook his head again.

"Forget it, I have other things to be busy at night, so go and eat by yourself.

At this moment, Li Yuan began to wonder if there was something wrong with this Lin Feng...

It’s fine if you haven’t found a girlfriend all this time, it’s been so long, even the girl has disappeared...

If it continues like this, I'm afraid I will be alone for the rest of my life!


He is his only brother, and he sees his brother will be alone for the rest of his life, how can it be possible!

"Okay, since you don't like girls, then I won't bring girls, okay?"

…… Ask for flowers……………

"In that case, can you come?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"That's about the same."

Ye Qingqing came to Li Yuan's side and asked with a frown.

"Which girl do you want to date?"

"Look at your mysterious look!"

Li Yuan silently pulled Ye Qingqing aside, and began to tell about Lin Feng.

Murong Wuwu looked at the endless stream and the green grass source who were whispering.

"Captain, don't you care about them?"

"You know how to sprinkle dog food in front of all of us... Can you pay attention to the feelings of us single dogs."

In her heart, she still couldn't help but envy the endless and green grass.

In my mind, I couldn't help showing that I could be with Lin Feng one day, whispering to Lin Feng, and my face turned red involuntarily...

Seeing Murong Wuwu blushing like a small apple, Lin Feng felt like playing with her again.

Suddenly, he leaned in front of her.

The two look at each other

At that moment, even though I was in the game, I could still feel my little heart beating suddenly...

"We can also whisper."

"Do you have something to whisper to me?"

These words drifted into the depths of Murong Wuwu's heart...

At this moment, she doesn't know what to say at all......

Dark Mingye saw Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng talking at this moment, came to their side, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"By the way, captain, the next round is the fourth round?"

"Do you have anything to tell us?"

The pink bubbles in the air between Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu were burst by her at that moment.

Murong Wuwu returned to normal in an instant, turned around and left quickly, and said while walking.

"You communicate first."

"I'll go find Xiao Si first."

Lin Feng looked at her fleeing, and smiled helplessly.

I don't know when this girl will grow up...

Seeing Lin Feng looking at Murong Wuwu with Lin Feng's eyes, Diablo Mingye couldn't help coughing lightly.

"Captain! Tell me!"

"How do we compare in the fourth round?"

"Or give it to us?"

Lin Feng regained his composure and said in thought.

"You're going to ask other people for their opinion on this."

"I have no idea."

"Whatever you want."

Murong Er'er also came over at this time.

Although the battle just now was said to be a group of opponents who didn't even resist, it can also shorten a lot of time.

"Then Captain, leave it to us!"

"Go straight to the kill!"

Ximen Donggua also felt that this method of killing directly was much better.

As long as the opponent is not particularly powerful, there is a high probability that it can be killed in the shortest time.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Since you all chose to do so, then follow what you said."

Facing these opponents who don't resist even a little bit, it's meaningless to make a move yourself.

"The fourth round will start soon."

Are the Kings going to continue the game?"


"The opponent is matching..."

"Match complete!"

Everyone is also very curious about which team will be in the fourth round......

I hope that the opponent they match this time will be a little stronger than the one just now... mouth....

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