Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng expectantly. In fact, according to the current situation in the Zhou Dynasty, she could guess that he probably hadn't thought about this issue.

But, I'm still very curious, what if he thought about it?

Lin Feng shook his head, and spoke seriously to Murong Wuwu.

"I haven't thought about it yet.

"For me now, I am more satisfied with the current life-."

"Now I put 90% of my energy into the game, so I don't really have much time to spend with girls.

When Murong Wuwu heard what Lin Feng said, she also understood it very well.

After all, after she knew Lin Feng's daily routine, most of his time was spent in games.

"It's almost half an hour!"

"I'm going home first!"

"At that time, see you in the game!"

After finishing speaking, Murong Wuwu hurriedly left Lin Feng's house and rushed to her own house!

After Lin Feng cleaned the dishes, he took a shower and returned to the game room.

The appointed time has come, and everyone is online.

Among the six people, messages popped up one by one.

"Has everyone arrived? Who else hasn't arrived?" Shadow asked.

The rest of the people replied at the same time: "No!"

Li Yuan asked: "Why don't you see King Meng?"

"Where's the person? You can't be late!"

"Could it be last night..."

When Murong Wuwu saw what Li Yuan asked, she seemed to be implying something, and replied.

"It is estimated that Meng Wang is still busy now, and it is still time for the eyebrows to be fully formed. In fact, there is no need to be so anxious."

When Murong Sisi saw the message sent by Murong Wuwu, she made a gossiping expression.

Murong Er'er saw all this and snorted.

"I didn't expect that this cute king would be so slow."

Seeing that everyone was urging him, Lin Feng checked the time, and he didn't exceed it at all...

"You must be too anxious!"

"Okay, since everyone is online, let's meet before the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

"Okay!" Everyone replied in unison.

Lin Feng entered the game and came to the teleportation array.

In an instant, a white light flashed and appeared at the door of the host of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, and the others also arrived at their positions.

The eyes of other game players were all attracted by the six of them.

The ten people standing in place are like a landscape, which makes people linger and forget to return.

Everyone is very envious of Lin Feng!

He is simply the pinnacle player of his life!

At this time, Lin Feng was surrounded by beautiful women.

Murong Er Er, Murong San San, Murong Si Si, Murong Wu Wu, and Shadow are all by his side!

"Wow! I didn't expect that Meng Wang and the others would come to challenge the ten people of the world's number one martial arts tournament so soon! It seems that it will be a perfect baptism again!"

"Yes! That must be! It must be a perfect baptism. I heard that the ten-person standing in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference last night was very intense!"

"I watched several matches last night, and they were really awesome! Now everyone is probably familiar with the entire process of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, so the fights are getting more and more fierce!"

"It's true that everyone didn't play very hard at the beginning, probably because many people formed teams directly without any sense of tacit understanding.

"Am I the only one who envies the girls standing next to Mr. Meng Wang? Every one of them looks like a fairy, it's really enviable!"

"Compared to the girls around the cute king, I am more envious of the cute king! He has done what many men have not done! It is simply enviable."

"Don't be envious... After all, this is what we all envy. If I were a girl, I would also like such a powerful man. No wonder the current standard for girls to find a master has reached the level of the king of cuteness." The standard is up."

"Oh my God... If that's the case, then I probably don't need to look for it at all. After all, there can't be such a powerful existence."

Everyone listened to the discussion in low voices, and the corners of their mouths only slightly raised a smile.

Li Yuan said with a smile: "Sure enough, everyone is envious of us now."

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes directly at Li Yuan, and couldn't help but poke at him.

"Please, can you stop being so narcissistic, people are clearly talking about Meng Wang..."

Li Yuan's arrogant little expression just now was instantly confused by what Ye Qingqing said, so he didn't know what to say!

"I said, are you my wife or not now?!"

"I didn't expect you to start talking casually for Meng Wang now, and you don't speak for me either!"

Ye Qingqing looked at Li Yuan, and still couldn't help but strike.

"Go, go, go."

"Hurry up and get ready, our battle is about to start, so don't hold back.

Li Yuan silently covered his little heart.

Suddenly, there is a feeling of wanting to cry without tears......

"daughter in law!"

"You are too vengeful!"

"I was wrong last night. Husband and wife won't have an overnight feud. I didn't expect that you still can't forget it and use your words to provoke me.

Qingqing Grassland snorted again, not wanting to talk to Li Yuan.

Lin Feng looked at Ye Qingqing and Li Yuan at this time, and asked.

"Are you two ready?"

If we are ready, we can enter the world's number one martial arts tournament. "

The two nodded at the same time.

Ten people joined the Ten People's Station of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament together!

Ten white lights disappeared together at the entrance of the World's No. 1 Martial Dao Conference.

In the next second, ten people landed on the battlefield at the same time!

In less than five minutes, the audience was full of audience.

The game system sounds.

"Welcome ten people to participate in the ten-person stand of the world's number one martial arts tournament!"

"Do you want to check the current leaderboard now?"


An electronic leaderboard appeared in the void.

Unexpectedly, the victory points they achieved yesterday were compared to others in just one night.

It seems that the further to the back, many teams are starting to fight chicken blood.

Currently, the highest victory point total is 300 points.

Now, the Mengwang team is ranked second!

The ten people looked at the current ranking position, with a trace of anxiety and a little excitement in their eyes.

If you have been in the first place, there must be no great pleasure.

Only a leaderboard that may change at any time can inspire people more!

………ask for flowers…

"I really didn't expect that we would be overwhelmed by a freshman team." Li Yuan said with a smile.

I was also prepared in my heart, ready to slaughter the players I met later.

The smile on Murong Er'er's face became stronger, and the holy spirit in his eyes became stronger.


"I didn't expect that our team would be third."

"It seems that this time I also need to show all my strength."

Lin Feng looked very calm, and glanced at everyone around him who was full of fighting spirit.

Murong Wuwu is no longer what she used to be, and she treats Bi Rang very seriously.

Sure enough, sometimes it is necessary to have a certain degree of comparison with others to better stimulate the true strength of these people.

The entire battlefield has not yet begun to fight, but it has already been filled with a murderous aura.

Everyone in the auditorium saw ten people standing in their own positions, and they all showed curious eyes.

The first place this time is the freshman team.

In fact, I don't know where the third-rate team came from. It was also because the victory point of the freshman team compared with the Mengwang team yesterday, and everyone noticed.


However, when everyone went to find out about this freshman team that appeared out of nowhere, there was no news.

It seems that there are still many hidden players in the game.

Normally, they are the most low-key existences in the crowd, and they are also the most hardworking ones. Naturally, everyone has noticed these low-key existences.

But often such people, as long as they seize the opportunity, they can soar into the sky!

Now the World Forum has begun to discuss the No. 1 freshman team of the ten-member standing of the World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

[New team? Who is the captain? Why did it suddenly appear?]

[The freshman team once again refreshed the entire list. 】

[Some little secrets of the freshman team. 】

[The freshman team kills multiple team players in seconds! 】

All the posts are also quite active.

"I didn't expect that this freshman team would be so powerful! But I still stand in the Mengwang team. They are only good because they haven't met the Mengwang boss."

"I agree! I agree! It must be because I didn't meet the big brother Meng Wang, and all I met were people who were much weaker than me. If I really met the big brother Meng Wang, everything would be different."

"I believe that the boss Mengwang will definitely kill people today! I don't know if I can match this new team?! I feel a little bit like bullying!"

"I didn't watch them fight, and I don't know the details. I didn't expect that someone could reach the victory point so quickly, and I didn't expect that."

"Oh, it's nothing more than attacking when there is no big boss. If you really meet a big boss, you will probably fail? Didn't anyone see the battle process of their entire new team?"

"I saw it! What I have to say is that although this freshman team is new, well, last night I saw that all their fighting moves and skills are very powerful

"Really or not? But this is also good, the competition must be contrasted to inspire others' feelings. Seeing that the entire team of the cute king is showing such murderous aura, a shocking battle is probably about to begin!"

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