National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 385 The First Place Is Mine!

The tenth leg of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament will also begin soon.

"Do you want to match immediately?"


The ten people said in unison, arranged their positions, and waited for the matching team.


"Match complete!"

I saw ten rays of light descending from the sky, and everyone was looking forward to which team would be fighting against the Mengwang team this time.

In everyone's hearts, they are actually quite looking forward to this time, the No. 1 freshman team in the rankings will fight against the Mengwang team.

This freshman team that got up overnight has also gathered enough momentum.

"Are you ready?"

Lin Feng asked Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu beside him.

The two nodded together, and looked at the light falling from the sky seriously.


Ying Ying and Murong Sansan glanced at each other.

This time, everyone's mood became even more restless!

After all, everyone wanted to occupy the number one position all the time, but this time they were actually occupied by someone. Naturally, there would be some sense of gap in their hearts.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth raised into a smile. Seeing that everyone took today's game so seriously, it seemed that the game could be over within 10 minutes.

Now the first place is 300 victory points, and they are in the second place with "837" victory points of 280, which means they have to play 20 games today.

But if the time of none of the battles is counted within 10 minutes to 20 minutes, all the battles should be able to end before five o'clock in the afternoon.

Moreover, if there may be a super performance, the accumulated victory points may be even more.

After all, they haven't encountered Pong Yi this time, so they still don't know their combat effectiveness.

To be able to soar to the first place in a short period of time is definitely not an easy character.

The matching team saw that what they met was Meng Wang's team, and all nine of them felt like they were going to collapse!

Only their captain, with a firm look in his eyes, supported the team spirit of the entire team.

"Oh my god! We actually met the Mengwang team. We met the freshman team just now. Why do you think we are so miserable! Captain! Otherwise, let's surrender!"

"Surrender? If you really surrender, wouldn't it be a shameful thing!"

"Captain, I think we should forget it this time. The Mengwang team has always been the number one team. Although it was surpassed by the freshman team this time, it is not something we can defeat... It is not as good as End the battle as soon as possible."

"Captain, look at the murderous looks in their eyes. I guess if we start right away, we don't even have to fight back. We should die right away!"

The enemy captain is going to be pissed off by his own team members, he has a feeling of hating iron but not steel...

He has never seen such a stupid team member!

I didn't expect that when I met some slightly stronger teams, I would not be able to fight at all!


"I think you guys are just idiots!"

"If you follow your thinking, don't you stop fighting every game!"

Listening to what his captain said, the team members let out a long sigh.

In fact, they also want to win, who let them meet such powerful characters all the time, their own strength simply does not allow them to win!

Is there any way...

"Captain, we are also very helpless in our hearts! We also want to win, but our strength is not enough.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi listened to their non-stop discussions and quarrels, as if there was an internal strife, and said impatiently.

"Can you guys get ready?"

"If you don't want to fight, then don't fight, let us kill you quickly, we all have time.

As soon as the team members heard it, they immediately said to Murong Wuwu.


"Then you will kill us quickly when the time comes, and everyone should not waste everyone's time."

Lin Feng looked at their captain's desperate eyes and chuckled softly.

It's really weird.....

However, if I also meet such a teammate who is holding me back, I will definitely go crazy...

Unexpectedly, the captain didn't disband the team directly in anger.

One of the team members was also Lin Feng's little fan girl, and shouted at Lin Feng.

"Wow! Meng Wang boss! You must win the first place! We look forward to your victory!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng felt a little bit...

At this time, the enemy captain had already been forced by his teammates to give up treatment, and said to Lin Feng and the others.

"I'm completely convinced!"

"Meng Wang, hurry up and kill everyone with one sword."

"When I leave this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, I will take good care of you!"

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to turn his head and stare at his teammates.

I saw that all my teammates were ready to die.

The sound of the game system rang.

"Both sides, please get ready, the battle will begin immediately!"

"Time is counting down."


Li Yuan said to Lin Feng.

"Leave these to me!"

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi glanced at each other and said to Lin Feng.

"I'm coming too!"

I saw three people radiating their skills at the enemy at the same time!

Thousands of rays of light bloomed throughout the battlefield, rising to the top.

I saw "咻咻咻......"

Constantly have the amount of blood appearing from the light






The enemy's blood volume is instantly reduced by 0!

After the thousands of rays of light disappeared, the audience was shocked to see everyone whose blood bars turned gray!

It never occurred to him that without Meng Wang making a move now, his teammates would be such a terrifying existence in seriousness.

"Oh my god...if it goes on like this, it is estimated that the entire list this time will be occupied by their entire team, right?"

"That's not likely, but it seems that Meng Wang's ten teammates are all in the top ten. The rest depends on everyone's strength, and the first place is everyone's unshakable existence."

"It's not necessarily true for other battles. After all, some people's moves can show their strength better in team battles, but they can't show their advantages in individual battles."

"Right now, I only hope that the cute king will meet the first-ranked freshman team this time. I don't know what the current team is like. Up to now, only a few people have spoken out what they see in their eyes."

"Yeah! I saw some people boasting that the number one on the list this time is very powerful, and it may even surpass the existence of the Mengwang team, but I don't believe it, but I guess the aspects that can be number one on the list should be They're all great."

"Actually, the third place has been chasing forward very hard, but I don't know how far I have to chase, but I feel that so far

It is estimated that the second and first places will change at any time, and the third and fourth places should also change at any time...."

"That's for sure. Now the third place is unlikely to win the second place, let alone the first place. It is estimated that it will only be produced between the Mengwang team and this new team. The most important thing this time The choice is still random, if you want to win the championship, it still depends on the final victory point."

"That's right! There are only five days left now, and in a few days, the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament will be over.

The defeated enemy teammates looked at Lin Feng with admiration.

"Boss Meng Wang, I am your idol! You must remember me!"

"I will always support you behind your back! You must win this championship!"

The captain of the enemy team sighed, still looking like he hated iron but steel, and exclaimed.

"Why do I have such pig-like teammates! When can I have a normal teammate!"

"As long as you can devote all your heart to the battle, you will not stop at this! Normally, you only know how to be a nympho!"

The enemy team members let out a long sigh after being scolded by the enemy captain, feeling helpless.

"Captain, if you want to scold me, wait until you get back! After all, my idol is still watching!"

The enemy captain is completely helpless now...

"I admire you, the person I admire the most in this life is you."

At this time, the sound of the system rang!

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning!"

"Reward one victory point, now it is 281 victory points, please continue to work hard for the Mengwang team.

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"How is it, Captain?"

"This time we only took ten minutes!"

"If we can finish the battle in the shortest time and return to the first place, will you give us any rewards?"

Lin Feng looked at the curious Murong Wuwu, raised a mysterious brow and said.

"You guess?"

"However, if you want to reward, you still have to wait until the end of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in 1.3.

"If the other ranks reach the top five, I will give you superimposed rewards.

Murong Li is shining brightly!


"Is it really?"

"You can't lie to me!"

Lin Feng patted his chest and assured.

"Don't worry, everything is on me."

Murong Wuwu's face was filled with a sweet smile, thinking that after the end of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, she would be rewarded by Lin Feng...

Suddenly, I felt a great sense of happiness burst out from my body!


"I will definitely get all your rewards!"

Lin Feng nodded approvingly. It has to be said that the current Murong Wuwu is full of backbone.

Only ten rays of light flashed past and left the battlefield.

The second battle is about to begin.

"This battle is best kept within 20 minutes."

"However, the specific time still depends on the ability of the team you meet this time. If you meet a stronger team, control it to 30 minutes."

"Everyone OK?".

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