National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 39 Besieged By 100 Bosses!

The Destroyer Magic Circle is activated!





The damage of the level 5 "Destroying Soul Array" has been increased to 300%, the damage has been greatly increased, and the duration has also increased to 6 seconds.

As a result, the earth dragon warriors who rushed into the magic circle fell to the ground one after another, and a hundred earth dragon warriors charged fiercely and died fiercely.

Just like that, the 6 seconds of the soul-killing magic circle are not over yet, they are all dead!

"Really, fierce!"

Murong Wuwu, who was standing beside Lin Feng, saw a bunch of ferocious monsters rushing towards them, and then fell down with a plop. Although she had seen it before entering, she was still a little shocked when she saw it again.

"The challenge of the first level is successful, there is a 20-second rest period, you can end the rest early, or you can rest for a full time, and then challenge the second level?"

At this time, the game prompt sounded.


The two disappeared at the same time.

Then, they appeared on the stone platforms connected by the stone walls of the majestic waterfall.

Lin Feng walked to the edge and looked down. The stone platform is 100 meters above the ground!

"If you fall, you will die." Lin Feng said to himself.

"It's okay, don't worry, teacher, I won't dance." Murong Wuwu said seriously.

"Ah! Your brain circuit is a bit unprepared." Lin Feng was helpless,

Who is worried about you jumping! What's more, why did you think that I would think that you were going to dance?

Lin Feng found that after reappearing, his skills had not been refreshed, and his blood volume had dropped after using the skills just now.

"It seems that the 20-minute rest period is for us to cool down our skills and recover ourselves. However, if we break through the Nine Levels, we will have eight rests. If each rest is full, it will consume a total of 180 minutes, which is three hours. We can't Wait for the time to run out before entering the next level. Wait for 5 minutes, my skills will cool down, and I will enter." Lin Feng said.

"En!" Murong Wuwu nodded.

In about 5 minutes, the skill cooldown is complete. The two chose to open the second level.


The two disappeared on the high platform.

Then, they appeared in a hall again, this time exactly the same as last time.

Passengers: 2 people

Breakthrough level: level 30 (2 times combat power)

Success condition: Kill 100 level 30 monsters.

Failure condition: 1 hour, not killing all monsters, or 2 people died at the same time.

The same interface appears. But this time, the level 30 monster showed twice its combat power.

As the countdown began, Lin Feng began to chant, and soon the soul-destroying circle and the soul-absorbing circle were formed.

After counting 1, a group of monsters rushed out.

Elite·Dragon Warrior

Level: 30

HP: 3000

They are still the same earth dragon fighters, but this time they are all a little taller, and each of them seems to be more than 2.5 meters. And the sword in his hand has also become longer. The most obvious is that the life value is directly doubled.

"It seems that this is double the combat power, and the attributes such as attack and defense should also be doubled, and it is still within the acceptable range!"

Then, a group of monsters rushed into the range of the magic circle, and Lin Feng activated the soul-killing magic circle and the soul-absorbing magic circle at the same time.





Now the damage of the soul-absorbing magic circle is 1760 per second, and the soul-killing magic circle is 2640. The two big circles are opened, and the same situation as in the first level has occurred.

I saw the monster thumping and falling and turning into white light. In about 7 seconds, all 100 elite earth dragon warriors died!

"The second level is successfully passed, the player has a rest time limit of 20 minutes, and is ready to pass the third level."

After leaving, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu appeared on a high platform again, but this time the high platform they were on was even higher, probably a hundred meters away from the high platform below. Lin Feng first cast a super powerful blood recovery technique on himself, and after waiting for about 5 minutes, the two of them entered the third stage again.

Level 30, 3 times combat power

Elite·Dragon Warrior

Level: 30

HP: 4500

This time, Lin Feng was the earth dragon warrior who cleared the third stage at almost the same time with the combination of two magic circles and the sea of ​​hell.

The fourth level, level 30, 5 times combat power

Earth Dragon Warrior, the displayed HP is 7500.

Still unable to withstand the damage of the two magic circles and the sea of ​​​​hell, one face-to-face is dead

The fifth level, level 30, 7 times combat power.

This time, Earth Dragon Warrior, the displayed HP is 10500

And this time, Lin Feng also displayed his dark form, and his skills increased to 3.2 times the attack. The soul-killing magic circle and the soul-absorbing magic circle, as well as the sea of ​​flames in hell, can cause 11520 damage in one second.

The defense may be higher this time, there is no instant kill in the first second, persist for a second, and the dragon warrior dies in the second second.

In about 8 seconds, the fifth stage passed.

The sixth level, level 30, 9 times combat power.

This time, the Earth Dragon Warrior displayed 13,500 HP.

Although the life value increased and the defense increased at the same time, he still didn't last for two seconds before dying.

A group of earth dragon warriors were already more than five meters high, and each of them looked huge, but none of them rushed to Lin Feng's approach, and they were all easily wiped out.

The seventh stage, level 30, 12 times combat power!

At this time, the Earth Dragon Warrior changed again.

BOSS·Dragon Warrior

Level: Level 30

HP: 18000

"Teacher, 100 bosses are coming!"

Seeing a group of five-meter-tall giant earth dragon warriors rushing forward, Murong Wuwu exclaimed, "Isn't this dragon gate too perverted? A BOSS came out to surround us and kill us!"

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