National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 40 100 Rare Level Bosses!

If it used to be, with a hundred bosses, Lin Feng would still be very scared.

But now his magic attack is as high as 400, and in the dark form, the damage is increased by 3.2 times, plus the high increase of skills.

Seeing the BOSS with more than 10,000 HP again, even if there are 100, it will not cause too much pressure on Lin Feng,

Because the two magic circles and the sea of ​​flames in hell can cause more than 60,000 damage in six seconds, even if the boss has high armor, it will cost about 30,000 to 40,000 blood. And eighteen thousand, no fear at all.

Just something to be aware of...





Although the same drop damage is quite high, but the boss is fast enough and has a high physique. Rushed into the magic circle, and reached Lin Feng in the second second!

"I can't take care of you anymore, I'll get through this first." After speaking, Lin Feng turned around and ran away.

"Hoohoo..." The huge saber slashed at him directly, and even though Murong Wuwu had a lot of blood, he was directly... hacked to death by five earth dragon warriors.

While running wildly, Lin Feng directly added 81 free attribute points from level 21 to level 30 to agility, and agility soared from 31 points to 112 points.

"Shua!" Lin Feng, who was running a little fast, turned into a black wind this time and disappeared in place.





The saber continued to slash, but it only slashed at Lin Feng's back, but did not harm him. At this time, Lin Feng circled the Earth Dragon Warrior and ran between them.

It has a large body, and it takes a long step to take a step, which doubles the movement speed and increases the attack range.

But at the same time, there are also flaws, that is, when a group of bosses gather together, it is easy to accidentally injure each other, and at the same time, there are other boss earth dragon fighters blocking, and the movement of many earth dragon fighters at close range is seriously disturbed.

On the contrary, Lin Feng is small in size and can freely shuttle between the earth dragon fighters. He has been circling within the range of the magic circle. These earth dragon fighters seem to be not very intelligent. They can't kill Lin Feng, but they have been cutting other monsters .

In the second world, if monsters hit each other, they can cause damage.

As a result, when the two magic circles and the sea of ​​​​hell deal damage at the same time, the monsters also continue to deal damage between each other.

At the same time, because Lin Feng kept provoking these earth dragon fighters, all the earth dragon fighters gathered within the ten-meter range.

In three seconds, a large number of earth dragon warriors died, and those who entered behind were still alive. In the fourth second, a large number died again, and in the fifth second, another group died. By six seconds, they were all dead!

"Successfully passed the seventh level..."

"Shua!" The white light flashed, Lin Feng appeared on the high platform, and Murong Wuwu also appeared at this time.

Lin Feng looked at her level, but she didn't lose the level, and then suddenly remembered that she could be resurrected... I was too anxious just now, and forgot to use it!

"Successful!" Murong Wuwu breathed a sigh of relief: "This monster is too powerful, one person and one knife directly hacked me to death, and I didn't even have time to use the skills.

"That's right, I didn't even have time to use it. If it wasn't for the 10-second countdown, it would give me a gap in the use of skills. Today is a day of bad luck." Of course, these are Lin Feng's thoughts.

On the surface, he said calmly: "Generally, their attacks are higher, but mine is higher than theirs. In the eighth level, the monsters will be stronger, so I still can't care about you."

"It's okay." Murong Wuwu smiled and said, "Anyway, I won't lose the grade. Even if I lose the grade, it's okay. As long as I can complete the task, I will die a few more times. Teacher, please pay more attention."

"I will."

After about three minutes, the cooldown of the skill was over, and Lin Feng first released the dark form.

"go in!"

A white light flashed, and the two appeared in the hall again.

The eighth level, level 30, 14 times combat power!

BOSS·Dragon Warrior

Level: Level 30

HP: 21000

This time, Lin Feng first cast the guardian magic circle, and then used the guardian shield. Then cast the dark form, and start to create the soul-killing circle, the soul-absorbing circle,

Now the level 4 guardian circle can already absorb 80% of Lin Feng's health.

Level 2 Guardian Shield can resist 2000 damage. This can at least resist this group of bosses for a second. One second is enough to deal tons of damage.

As a result, it only took six seconds for a group of bosses in the eighth stage to turn into ashes again


The eighth stage, level 30, 20 times combat power!

Rare Boss Earth Dragon Warrior

Level: Level 30

HP: 30000

"Rarity level! This is the task to change my job? It's better to let me hang up!" At this time, Murong Wuwu didn't know how to express her thoughts.

A job change task, to fight 100 rare bosses?

Even if he can't fight one, let alone 100, it's not despair, it's just that he doesn't have to think about it at all.

"Start fighting in a while, if there is a monster approaching, launch your strongest attack." Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu and said.

While speaking, he used the guardian shield and guardian circle again.

"I know teacher!" Murong Wuwu said seriously, although she didn't understand much, she seemed to be very useful.

Soul-destroying circle, soul-absorbing circle.



When the time was up, a huge earth dragon warrior suddenly rushed out of the ten door openings.

Up to ten meters!

This is a group of giants at all, with a stride of more than ten meters. Compared with the two, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu seem much smaller.

Three seconds is up.

"Boom!" The sea of ​​hell flames was launched, and the faint blue flames shot up into the sky.

"Shuang'er mainly pulls monsters, and lives as long as possible."

This time, the Earth Dragon Warrior may have become a rare boss, and his IQ has also improved, so he didn't fight together.

It was a group of ten, the first five groups were the first to rush into the sea of ​​flames, and the last five groups were a little slower and hadn't rushed in yet.




With more health, the defense of the rare boss becomes stronger, and Lin Feng does less damage to monsters.

At the same time, the speed of the dragon warrior is faster.

"Hoo hoo hoo..." The huge saber was seven or eight meters high, and thirty saber lights fell on the magic circle at the same time.

With the sound of shattering like glass, the guardian circle shattered face to face.

Then fifty earth dragon warriors surrounded Lin Feng directly. Almost blocked Lin Feng's escape route!

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