National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 391: A Strange Opponent

The sound of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning, and reward a little victory point."

The corners of everyone's mouths raised a smug smile. Fortunately, they all played their own skills well this time, and their cooperation was perfect, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to crush them.

The opponent didn't even release an attack in the end.

"This battle is very good, as long as everyone fights according to this time, I believe we will be able to finish this World's Number One Martial Arts Tournament soon.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, which can be regarded as giving each other confidence.

Li Yuan said with a smile.

"Captain, what's the time this time?"

"In the next game, I want to break this record."

Lin Feng replied: "Ten minutes."

"If you want to break your own record, you can completely use the fighting method just now to crush them. As long as you don't let them have any chance to fight back, we can all be the fastest."

"When the time comes, the attack you launch must hit your target! Don't hit it wrong, or it will greatly weaken the power of your attack."

Everyone nodded.

In fact, according to the summary of the previous battle, Lin Feng found that they had put their moves in other positions many times, and missed many opportunities to kill the opponent directly, but this time is already counted. Not bad.

"Especially you, Li Yuan, Murong Sisi, you two must pay attention to your attacks, and you must hit each other right."

"You must predict where the opponent's position is in advance, so that you can better confirm the precise position.

Murong Sisi nodded, in fact, she also knew that she had put her battles on other grounds many times in the battle just now.

If it weren't for my moves being more precise, I would have solved it within five minutes, but I didn't expect that the time would be delayed in the end.

"However, Captain, it's really hard to predict what you said..."

"Predict what moves the opponent will make, launch an attack in the shortest possible time, and hit the opponent just right, this is very difficult to do!"

Lin Feng saw Murong Sisi's current problem, and it was true that the current one would be relatively long.

In fact, in battle, many people don't know how to predict, and the ability to predict is a relatively rare part.

If you really learn it well, in a certain battle, at least you will be in an unparalleled state.

"First of all, it is really difficult to predict. In fact, everyone's ability to predict is very weak, but why Murong Er Er can put most of them accurately is because they have a feeling for the position where the other party is going in advance. .

"To practice your ability to predict, you must carefully observe the other party and bring the other party into yourself. This is also the best way to practice prediction and make bold guesses."

Murong Sisi listened to Lin Feng's words, and heaved a long sigh. I don't know why it was really difficult to hear it!

"Oh my god, I can feel that this kind of ability to predict is too difficult. I guess if I really learn it, I will really be unmatched!"

Lin Feng chuckled and nodded. To be precise, if you want to win in any game, the ability to predict when you are fighting against others is particularly important.

"Li Yuan, for you, it's a bit messy when you use your own moves. You must remember to seize a weakness of your opponent and defeat it directly!"

"Don't use your skills indiscriminately, use them when you should use them, run away when you should escape, and evade when you should avoid them, and don't use your moves randomly at others."

"If you really meet a powerful opponent, if you use up all your moves and fail to defeat the opponent, then in this period of time when you don't have any moves, it is easy to be directly killed by the opponent .

Lin Feng said seriously.

Everyone listened very carefully to what he said this time.

Shadow asked quickly.

"what about me?"

Lin Feng looked at Yingying, who was full of curiosity about many things and said.

"You are fine for now."

"Er Er, Ye Qingqing, Sansan, your moves are really good in every aspect.

After hearing the praise, all three of them had smiles on their faces.

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she didn't expect to have her own name in the praise, and she felt a little unhappy in her heart for a while.

"What about me? So what is my problem?"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu, and suddenly reached out and tapped her on the head.

"Your biggest problem is that you don't think about your opponent's moves, how to find a breakthrough in it, and defeat the opponent."

Murong Wuwu was stunned when she heard this.

For her, it is too difficult to analyze the opponent's moves during the battle!


"Mengwang will tell you the truth, I don't really understand what you said, can you explain it to me with an example."

Lin Feng thought about it carefully, and remembered that when Murong Wuwu was fighting Captain Ruhua just now, the opponent directly transformed into her own moves, she was actually a little at a loss.

"Like the battle just now, the opponent directly transformed into your moves and Yushuilong. In fact, the best way is to find your own weakness and attack the opponent.

"Copying anyone's moves will have its weaknesses, and you have to remember that what you see is just fantasy, there is no need to take it seriously."

Murong Wuwu was still a little dazed, but she felt very satisfied when she heard that Meng Wang could tell her this.


Li Yuan thought for a long time before he understood what Lin Feng said about his problem just now...

Sometimes fighting is something like this, he really does it completely according to his own feelings.

He nodded understandingly, in fact, he also knew that when he launched a move, his favorite thing was to hit the opponent indiscriminately!

If it is not dead, then continue to play around!

Regarding Murong Er'er's problems, even though Meng Wang did praise her, she still felt that she had a problem.

"In fact, I think there are still many problems with me. For example, when I launch a long-range attack, the moves are a little slow, so I will miss a lot of good opportunities

"When I usually face an opponent, I still prefer to use moves selectively, using fireballs to smash the opponent to death."

"However, for that kind of relatively slow attack but powerful moves, it is difficult to hit people.'

Lin Feng nodded. In fact, he still felt good about Murong Er'er's attack.

After she said this, she found out that she really prefers to use the attack moves that are easier to avoid.

It is indeed a very powerful move that she has rarely used.

If she wanted to increase the speed at which she released her own moves, then she had to pay more attention to her own speed.

"In your situation, there is probably only one way to do it, and that is to increase your speed and attack. When you add it to a certain level, naturally these aspects will be improved to a certain extent."

Murong Er Er let out a long sigh, thinking that there would be other good ways...

It seems that this method of increasing speed is still needed.

Seeing that everyone has no problems anymore, Lin Feng said.

"Since everyone has no problems, get ready and the battle will begin immediately."

The system beeps,

"Continue to fight?"



"Match complete!"

This time, Murong Sisi also paid special attention to the ability of predicting that Lin Feng had just raised an opinion about. In fact, he also felt that the ability of predicting was really necessary to study hard.

In this battle, I must finally use the secret code to use the prediction ability that I have never returned!

Murong Wuwu also secretly made up her mind that she must use her brain well to win the opponent!

Ten rays of light descended from the sky.

The team that came this time was the No. 1 team in the universe that ranked eleventh on the leaderboard.

Seeing that he was matched with the Mengwang team, the captain walked up to Lin Feng crying and said.

"Wow! Meng Wang team! I really didn't expect to meet you here! You don't know how powerful it is to be number one on the list this time, our entire team will be bullied by them died!"

The other teammates also nodded heavily, with helplessness and hatred in their eyes.

Lin Feng was a little helpless, but he didn't expect to meet a wonderful opponent again

However, looking at the other party's appearance in such sharp words, I really feel a little sorry...

"Okay, okay, there must be winners and losers in battle."

Said the captain of the first team in the universe.

"Meng Wang team! It is estimated that you are the only ones who can beat the number one on the list this time!"

"Hurry up and kill us!"

Lin Feng was suddenly a little curious about being number one on the list this time.

It is indeed surprising that someone can bully others like this.

The audience looked at the situation of the space team at this time, and they were also dumbfounded.

"What the hell? What kind of strange opponent did this match, I thought I would keep going straight, but I didn't expect to meet such an opponent..."

"Perhaps it's fate... There is no way, there are too many strange opponents now, I guess the heart of Meng Wang is a little desperate..."

"It can be seen that I can feel Meng Wang's despair. If it were me, I would be very helpless, but this time he said that he is number one on the list, is it really that powerful?

"I have no influence on the number one on the list. I feel that in my mind, I will only have some impressions in my mind if I have a complete battle with the Mengwang team. 17

"I've always been terrified too. Now the entire World Forum is blown up. Talking about this, some people say that the freshman team is better, and some people say that the young team is better."

Murong Wuwu looked at their heartbroken look and asked.

"What happened to you all... You shouldn't be crying like this..."

The captain of the universe's No. 1 team had an expression of lovelessness.

If only things were really that simple......

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