National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 392 The First Team In The Universe

Lin Feng looked at him in such a broken state, and didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

The captain of the first team in the universe pleaded.

"Lord Meng Wang!"

"In this situation, you may be the only one who has the ability to PK with others!"

"I believe that your ability will definitely defeat them!"

Lin Feng also waved his hand with a little helplessness and said.

"I want it too!"

"However, there is still no match for the No. 1 list this time."

But looking at the captain of the first team in the universe being bullied like this, I am also very curious about what happened.

This also made everyone more curious about the new team.

The audience saw that the captain of the No. 1 team in the universe was abused like this by the new team, and everyone started talking about it.

"What kind of situation is it? I remember that although the No. 1 team in the universe is not ranked in the top ten, it can't be so miserably abused, right? It's also the first among the top twenty. "

"That's right, why do I feel as if I was abused by some very powerful boss, in fact, I also feel that it shouldn't be like this..."

"It seems that the freshman team seems to be very powerful, but after thinking about it, it should not be as powerful as the boss of Mengwang. The captain of the first team in the universe is probably also due to his own negligence."

"Don't say that, everyone. The freshman team is indeed very powerful. I saw their team fight against the third-ranked team last night. It was simply, completely unimaginable. I feel that Meng Wang may not be able to defeat them."

"I have also heard that ten members of the freshman team killed the third-ranked team in an instant. Now it is estimated that the third-ranked team has closed itself. I heard that it is still completely suppressed and is in the process of suppressing. Among them, this freshman team is still playing around with others."

"Is it so serious? Can't it be? The freshman team is just a team that rose up overnight. If it was so powerful, maybe we can accept it, but it's too low-key to be so powerful after rising overnight. Bar....."

"I feel that people's mellowness may be just trying to pretend, what do you think? If they really have any skills, they may have appeared in everyone's sights. How could they only appear now? It is obvious that they are just to seize this time. The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is on fire!"

In the audience, everyone was discussing about the new team and the number one team in the universe.

There are also different opinions, but what can be done?

After all, this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is still based on the list. No matter how unconvinced everyone is, as long as they have more victory points, they can get the first place this time.

The captain of the first team in the universe closed his eyes and said with a look of dying.

"Boss Mengwang, you'd better kill me as soon as possible||!"

"I don't want to hinder your time, this time you must defeat the freshman team!"

"I also heard that this freshman team is very arrogant. As long as the team matches them, they will not only suppress and beat, but also humiliate them!"

"You have to work harder to defeat them!"

Lin Feng listened to what the captain of the first universe team said about this matter, and suddenly felt that this new team was indeed a little too much.

Murong Er'er was more or less apprehensive about this freshman team, after all, this was the first time she had heard such a powerful existence from someone else's mouth...

And it became popular overnight. Before that, there was no name for the new team.

"Captain, are you saying that if we really meet this freshman team, will we be able to win?"

Murong Er'er asked a little unconfidently.

Seeing that Murong Er'er was so nervous and didn't believe in his own strength, Lin Feng encouraged him.

"What are you thinking?"

"Maybe it's just someone exaggerating."

"Besides, I have never encountered such a powerful team as everyone said."

"It's okay, as long as I'm here, I will definitely be able to lead you to win the first place in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

Murong Er heard Lin Feng's confident appearance, thinking about the many teams that everyone said were good in the past, but when they really fought, they didn't think that the other party was good...

That's right. "

Seeing that Murong Er'er's expression was a little quieter, Lin Feng should have calmed down a lot.

Murong Wuwu is also a little worried about her own strength, what if her strength really disappoints everyone and the whole team loses...

"Captain, Er Er is already much stronger than me... What if I lose to the opponent..."

"The freshman team this time, everyone says it is indeed a very surprising existence, you say...they will really be so powerful?"

Lin Feng also understands that the determination of everyone in his team is a bit unstable, so he said quickly.

"Do not worry."

"Isn't there still me?"

"Trust me, as long as I am here, I will take you with me."

Murong Wuwu suddenly felt as if she was being protected, and she also relaxed a little bit in her heart.

"Then let's get rid of the number one team in the universe first..."

"Since they don't want to fight either."

As soon as the words fell, Murong Wuwu released Water Strangulation towards them!

In the next second, two ropes wrapped around their bodies like water splashes!

Murong Wuwu's eyes also suddenly turned dark blue, emitting a strange light, pointing at the void!


With an order, the blue water ropes that wrapped around them tightened immediately!

I saw that their blood volume was dropping drastically...







All the members of the universe's first team were wiped out by Murong Wuwu's strangulation at this moment.

The sound of the system also rang.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning!"

"Reward a little victory point!"

"Please continue to work hard!"

Everyone in the first team in the universe couldn't help telling Lin Feng and the others.

"Meng Wang, this freshman team is really powerful, you must be careful."

"That's right, King Meng! This new team is definitely not comparable to those in the past. I believe that the only one who can defeat them this time is you!

"Meng Wang, we will definitely cheer for you in the audience!"

"Yes! Don't worry, I will lead all my team members and my good friends to cheer for you!"

Listening to what they said, Lin Feng couldn't help chuckling and nodded.

Although I don't know what's so scary about this freshman team, but seeing their way of telling themselves, I still feel a little bit afraid of the newborn team.

The first team in the universe left the team arena.

Murong Wuwu remembered the instructions they gave when they left, and felt even more uneasy in her heart.

""Captain, I still seem to be a little unclear about my own strength..."

"Tell me, what am I supposed to do..."

"I don't think they seem to be joking. What if the freshman team is very strong this time, and if I drag everyone back, what should I do?

Lin Feng patted Murong Wuwu's shoulder comfortingly, and said with a smile.

"it does not matter."

"These are small things."

"Besides, your ability has reached the current level, and many people are already inferior to you.

"Don't worry, don't think about it too much, everything is going to be another village."

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng's unwavering eyes, and said such philosophical words, pouted and said.


"Then when the time comes, if you are held back by me, will I still be rewarded?"

Seeing her worried look, Lin Feng reached out and rubbed her head.

"Do not worry."

"What you should have, you will still have.

Murong Wuwu pouted, but in her heart she still wanted to be rewarded by Lin Feng for her own strength...

Li Yuan also felt that this freshman team was not as simple as he thought.

But he didn't know anything about everyone in the freshman team.

Usually, he is a person who likes to mix post bars, but no one in the post bar has said about the existence of the new team.

Completely (Liao Wang Hao) just came out of thin air......

If it is said that it has been very low-key to spawn monsters behind everyone's back, then at least I will know a little bit about it......

I always feel that there is a little bit of weirdness in it...

However, he couldn't tell.

However, it is not ruled out that some teams are indeed very low-key, and no one knows about the low-key, and they are generally not very conspicuous.

Anyone with some ability, no matter how low-key they are, will definitely be on the list and known by everyone.

"Captain, I also think this freshman team is definitely not easy."

"According to my thinking, if this freshman team is really good, it will definitely not be so low-key that no one knows about it."

"No matter how much you want to keep a low profile, you will definitely be on some lists because of your record. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to wake up in one night."

Lin Feng shook his head, he usually doesn't pay much attention to matters on the list and in the team.

All these things are also managed by the five Murong sisters.

He's just a soy sauce...

But this time, according to what they said, they are indeed more interested in this new team.

At least, what is certain is that there should be a lot of interest in fighting this freshman team.

But when it will be matched is also a matter of fate. .

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