National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 394: European Emperor Team

I saw blood streaks floating on the heads of the European Emperor players.


In the end, the only remaining blood was wiped out by Murong Er'er's fire hamster.

Murong Wuwu looked at the Ouhuang team members she was fighting against, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing Murong Wuwu's smile at this moment, the European Emperor's team members felt a little chill down their backs.

Thinking of the recent posts about Murong Wuwu's one-shot trick, I still feel a little apprehensive.

"Boss, please let me go!"

The Ouhuang team members said to Murong Wuwu, looking at Murong Wuwu pitifully in their eyes.

Originally, Murong Wuwu was a person with a very soft heart, but when he saw his pitiful eyes at this time, he still felt a little bit unwilling to hit hard.


"Then I'll try my best to keep it"

The Ouhuang team members shook their heads, and said to Murong Wuwu with a sincere look.

"Or let's talk about fighting first!"

"I haven't used my skills in the battle just now, and I have already been defeated by the opponent."

"I still want to stay on this battlefield for a little while."

Murong Wuwu heard the European Emperor's team members say this, and thinking about it from his point of view really felt a bit miserable.


"That's OK!"

"Then I will save your life for now, and I will reap your life at the last moment.

Lin Feng heard what Murong Wuwu said, and looked at the opponent she was looking at out of the corner of her eye.

It can be seen from his eyes that he obviously wants to use this method to find opportunities to attack secretly.

Unexpectedly, this Murong Wuwu actually believed it like an idiot.

I really don't know where her IQ went when she grew up so big.

However, this kind of thing still needs to be felt by herself. If she protects her casually, she will definitely not be able to make her remember.

The opponent is the most unbelievable, and her opponent will not draft the words that are obviously said, fools will doubt it

I didn't expect that after so long, Murong Wuwu's IQ didn't improve at all...

It seems that in the future, she will indeed be allowed to experience the beatings of the society.

Sure enough, he had just thought about these thoughts for a while, but he didn't expect that the European Emperor's team members gathered a force suddenly, and released the skill Long Hundred Slash towards Murong Wuwu's position!

A swift sword energy rushed towards Murong Wuwu's direction!

Murong Wuwu stood there in a daze, forgetting for a moment that she should use defensive moves at this moment.

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately released his skills to protect the light array.

In an instant, a white light flared up in front of Murong Wuwu, and a powerful white light burst out, directly isolating the most powerful skill of the Ouhuang team, Long Baizhan!

Although Chang Bai Zhan's lethality is strong, it is still much weaker than Lin Feng's protective light array.

The European Emperor team member frowned slightly, looked at Lin Feng who had released his abilities, feeling inexplicably scared in his heart...

Unexpectedly, this cute king is really like everyone said, he can block other people's attacks with casual moves.

Moreover, I found Chang Bai Zhan, but I have been in contact with him for a long time, but I didn't expect that in the end it would be

Murong Wuwu finally regained her composure, pouted her lips, and looked at the Ouhuang team members with slightly angry eyes!

"Damn it!"

"How dare you lie to me!"

Voice - down!

Murong Wuwu released the skill, Ripple of Water!

In the next second, a huge water ripple directly covered the bodies of the European Emperor team members!


Killed all his blood with one move.

He couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Usually, what she hates most is when someone cheats on her.

Although it doesn't sound like a big deal, but in my heart I really hate people lying to me...

This may also be a personal feeling.

Seeing her very angry look, Lin Feng came to her side and asked with a smile.

"What's wrong?"

Murong Wuwu was a little embarrassed to tell Lin Feng what she had just done...

I guess if I told him that she gnawed at the empire, she would feel that her IQ is very low. According to what he usually said to himself, I guess she would completely feel that


"I'm fine.

"Thank you just now."

"If it weren't for you, I would have been attacked by this person."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and reached out to tap her on the head again.

I've been with her for so long, don't you know what she's thinking now...

It's nothing more than thinking that if I tell me what I did just now, I will feel that she is nothing more than a garden.

"Don't be so stupid again."

"However, if his attack really falls on you, it will only reduce your blood volume by about 40%."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she couldn't help frowning, and said abruptly.

"40% of the blood volume is already a lot."

"It's just a little bit more than half of the blood volume."

"If I receive a single attack, I will die!"

With such a calculation, Murong Wuwu also felt that she would not be able to easily trust the other party in the future!

And the opponent turned out to be an opponent...


It's all about admiring your own IQ.


Seeing the annoyance flickering in her eyes, Lin Feng guessed that this guy was still thinking about this matter in his head.

also good.

I believe she will never be as stupid as this time in the future.

"Okay, stop answering."

"This battle is about to end."

"There are still more than a dozen battles left, and it is estimated that in the last one or two battles, we will meet the freshman team.

"At that time, you must show all your spirit to win this game.

Murong Wuwu nodded, but she still had some concerns in her heart.

After all, so many people are talking about how powerful this freshman team is.

And some people think that this freshman team is overwhelming their own team. If they think about it this way, they still can't help but worry about what to do.

The audience watching this battle are also looking forward to the PK between the freshman team and the Mengwang team.

This battle has finally come to an end.

Everyone also clapped their hands.

"The battle of the European Emperor team was obviously fought under pressure, without any technicality at all. I remember watching him fight other teams in normal times, but it was very did he become cute? When the king team, it will be so bad."

"That's right, I feel the same way when you say it like this. Normally, I also think that the European Emperor team should be okay and it's still ranked seventh. To be precise, there shouldn't be any accidents. , although you may lose, but you won't be abused so badly."

……… Ask for flowers…

"Maybe it's because the person they met might be someone else's Mengwang. I found that most teams will be a little hypocritical when they meet Mengwang. No matter what, they will be hypocritical. This may be a matter of personal mentality."

"That's true, but right now it's still the most anticipated duel between the freshman team and the Mengwang team. It is estimated that the real battle will be completely complete by then. At that time, I must hurry up and take a good position. What is certain is that when the time comes From time to time, the entire forum will be full of this news."

"The freshman team is now discussing crazily in the forum, and I don't know what is the strength of this freshman team. I see many people now praising this freshman team, and they even keep cheering for the Mengwang team. The momentum, it looks like it's going to be annoying to death."

"That's right! The current forums are full of talk about this matter. I'm so annoyed to see it. I really don't know what these people think. It's fine to support the new team one by one. The Mengwang team said that compared with the freshman team, the Mengwang team is simply much worse."


"That's right! I really hate it. Usually, my favorite thing is to look at the forum. Today I didn't even read it. It's all these shit. They seem to have nothing else to do besides these things. Alright, Team Mengwang! Don’t lose this time! If you really lose, I guess..."

The European Emperor team left the battlefield.

Everyone in the Mengwang team also returned to their positions.

The sound of the system sounds.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning.

"Reward a little victory point."

"Do you want to continue the game?"


"Matching starts now!"

"Match complete!"

Ten rays of light descend from the sky!

Ten people stood in front of Meng Wang, looking at Lin Feng.

After reading each other's information, the system's voice rang again!

"The game is about to start, everyone, please get ready!"

"Time is counting down."


As soon as the voice fell, the battle started completely!

Ten people stood opposite ten people.

Lin Feng was also very calm when facing the captain of the opponent.

According to the current situation of these people, there is absolutely no interest at all.

With one move of Guardian Angel Cross Slash and one move of Guardian Angel Counter Slash, a team leader and team members were instantly killed by Lin Feng.

The entire progress of the game is going on quickly.

In less than ten minutes, the battle was over.

Ten people repeated everything at the beginning, listened to all the prompts of the system, and played the game.

One after another, one after another...

The entire battle scene is terribly fast, and there is no chance for people to survive.

Within an hour!

Lin Feng led his team and wiped out 10 teams, and now there are only four teams left that have not been resolved.

And it is estimated that in the near future, they will meet the new team.

Everyone seemed a little excited.

This is also, for so long, they have experienced the fastest battle from the beginning to the end, then to the beginning, and then to the end...

It was too late to remember what team he was facing, the battle was already over when it started six. .

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