National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 395 Regain The First Place!

The audience was completely surprised at the moment, and this was the first time they saw someone with blue eyes who could complete ten full battles in such a short period of time.

"Oh my god, I didn't even figure out how long it took...I just saw a light appear every time, two teams with ten people fighting each other, and it was even more surprising What's more, I still haven't come back to my senses, this f*cking person has already disappeared?"

"Sure enough, there is such a hard-core team as the Mengwang team in this world. I don't know what to say at all. What team did Mengwang fight with just now? I don't know until now, the only one who knows What's more, they only control their moves within two moves, killing each other in seconds."

"When will the freshman team be matched? It feels really slow! It's been so long, if there is no match today, wouldn't it have to wait until tomorrow? But in the final decisive battle, I will definitely They will meet each other, and the battle between the first place and the second place is also to draw a real winner.

"Now the strength of the Mengwang team is simply following the trend. It is completely inadvertent. I feel that this person has been wiped out. It is estimated that when the new team meets the Mengwang team, it must be a dead end." 48 Zero" items, look, everyone who met the Mengwang team this time, all of them were wiped out."

"That's right... It's true that you said that. I hope to meet the freshman team soon. I can't wait to see the duel between the two teams. In fact, there are many people who are as excited as me." Looking forward to this Bizhen."

"I guess it's unlikely to meet the freshman team today. I just went out to check and found that today's freshman team is not online at all, and they didn't participate in all the world's number one martial arts competition this morning. Maybe... . . . are they using this time to be able to get out of harm's way?"

"From what you said, it seems that you really have this kind of thinking, but it shouldn't be so tricky, right? Everyone says how powerful this freshman team is. If it's true, it's just showing This freshman team is just some garbage."

Murong Wuwu thought that today's battle would be done with only four teams left.

It is very likely that they will meet a freshman team soon, and it is inevitable that there is still a little excitement in my heart.

People will worship those who are much stronger than themselves, but people will not take those who are only a little bit stronger than themselves, and will want to crush them instead.

This is human nature.

"Captain, tell long will it take for us to PK with this freshman team?"

"Can we match this team today?"

Lin Feng shook his head, he was also thinking about this question in Murong Wu's dance room.

Because they have been matched for so many matches and haven't seen the shadow of the freshman team, maybe because the battle time of the freshman team is at night, just staggered 3...

And as long as the time is staggered, the freshman team will not meet him, this is the only way to ensure that they will always be in the top three.

Even in the final decisive battle, if their freshman team really lost to him, at most they would only be in second place.

Thinking about it this way, it can be seen that this freshman team is still very afraid of their Mengwang team.

It is obviously an attack on myself, and I am not confident, otherwise, I should have encountered it, and it is impossible not to encounter it.

"If you don't get a match today, you will also meet in the decisive battle on the last day.

Murong Wuwu nodded, and after hearing what Lin Feng said, she felt a little relieved.

"Then let's keep fighting."

The game system sounds.

"Continue to match?"


Ten people said in unison.

Now there are only four games left. After finishing these four games, the victory points are completely enough, and you can temporarily sit on the throne of the first place.

But if you want to know whether this new team is going to use the method Lin Feng speculates, you'll have to watch it at night.


"Match complete."

I saw ten rays of light appearing from the sky. After seeing the team's name, everyone's eyes were slightly disappointed.

After all, everyone praised the freshman team so highly, so naturally, they also expected stronger opponents to appear.

Another fast-paced fight.

After the start sound of the system sounded, ten people rushed out and started fighting with each other.

Lin Feng only used the guardian angel's counterattack, defeating the most powerful captain of the opponent with one move.

Others also quickly defeated the opposing players.

Then, the remaining third battle, the second battle, the first battle...  

But it is indeed a pity that they did not meet the freshman team.

Today's 20 battles also ended smoothly.

On the leaderboard, the current Mengwang team's victory points also directly surpassed the freshmen's team.

The audience looked at the change in victory points this time, and they all puffed up their hands!

The whole scene is very shocking!

"Although there is no Mengwang team and I haven't met a freshman team yet, but! I think after watching these moves of the Mengwang team and after 20 battles, I think Mengwang is really too powerful! It's really very powerful. Looking forward to the match between Meng Wang and the new team."

"Me too! Me too! I am really looking forward to the battle between the two of them. I think they will enter the arena soon. It's just a pity for those who can't see it. I think I can see everyone's description of the battle in the forum." gone."

"There are still four days before the battle. It is too early for everyone to be so excited so soon. No one is sure who will be the first and second on the list. Now Come out a freshman team that took first place overnight, maybe another one will come out tomorrow."

"I think this should be an unlikely thing. If one came out now, wouldn't it be too weird? I still stand on the side of Mengwang, and Mengwang will definitely win the final victory! Do you believe it? Do not believe!"

"Xinxinxin, if you say that, of course I completely believe it, and you don't even think about it. The strengths of the Mengwang team are so rare that it is impossible for them to be just a little bit. Just now, Mengwang killed those people in seconds. It took so little time, the first place this time must belong to Mengwang!"

"Impossible! I think it might be someone else's. The freshman team is really good this time. If they fight against the Mengwang team, although the Mengwang team is indeed powerful, his teammates must be as good as others. Freshmen The ten members of the team are all very powerful!"

"I think this statement is completely an attitude of looking down on the Mengwang team. Why don't we all bet! Since some people occupy the Mengwang team and some occupy the freshman team, let's see what the final result is. If anyone loses, I will Just give it to the one and only Qianlai!"

Lin Feng's ranking has returned to the No. 1 middle school, and he has also withdrawn from the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament...  

In the chat group of the ten-member group at this time, everyone also made an appointment for the next battle.

Murong Er said: "We haven't met this freshman team, so it is estimated that tonight he will seize the time when we are all away, carry out a surprise attack, and then brush up his own victory points."

"Meng Wang, do you think otherwise, we will go online tonight according to the time of yesterday's freshman team [to participate in the first martial arts tournament? I have always been particularly curious about this new team."

Murong Sansan said: "I don't think this will work. The freshman team is doing this because they don't want to fight us yet. Anyway, we will definitely have a PK with the freshman team in the end."

"There's no need for you to be so anxious, do you think so?"

Shadow said: "I think what Sansan said is right, anyway, we will still meet in the final duel, so what if he hides from us now? As long as we can defeat them in the end, the result is definitely the best for us .”

Lin Feng looked at what everyone said, and felt that what Murong Sansan said this time was more reasonable.

Anyway, it's all about PK in the end. No matter how powerful the freshman team is, it seems that they are here just for the sake of popularity.

"Okay, then there are only three days left and the finals will be held soon. In the past few days, we all make appointments to fight."


Everyone agreed and issued "OK!"

Murong Wu 1.8 Wu said: "I can do it, I will listen to you, you can set a time as you like."

Murong Sansan said: "Me too, I can do it too, nothing specific, as long as it's a normal time, don't prevent me from taking a beauty sleep."

Lin Feng said: "Okay, then since everyone said that the time is well arranged, then it is still today's time to participate in the ten-person stand of the world's number one martial arts conference."

"The number of times will change at any time, so don't be sure."

Everyone asked, "Okay."

At this time, the official news was also released.

In the last battle, the first and second place teams will have a game live broadcast, so that everyone can watch it.

The audience watching the scene can get a small equipment as a gift.

During the live broadcast, everyone spoke enthusiastically, and the selected audience can also get a piece of small equipment.

Obviously, everyone thinks that the first and second places this time will appear in the freshman team and the cute king team.

This time, the freshman team also caught up with the enthusiasm of the Mengwang team, and it became popular overnight.

Li Yuan took a look at the forum, and found that the entire forum was full of posts about the freshman team and the Mengwang team, which can be said to overwhelmingly occupy the entire forum. .

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