Everyone's eyes were cast on Lin Feng, and everyone's eyes showed their envy for him.

There were many little stars staring at Lin Feng in the eyes of many girls present.

Murong Yiyi glanced at the classmates around her and looked at Lin Feng who was walking towards her, and asked with a faint smile from the corner of her mouth involuntarily.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful as a mage."

Lin Feng chuckled lightly and said plainly.

"These are pediatrics."

"Let's go, the PK is over, it's time to go back."

Murong Yiyi nodded, and Chang Zihan walked out of the game cabin, looked at Murong Yiyi in a daze, and when he was about to speak, his mind was full of losing scenes

He originally thought that he could win Murong Yiyi's heart in this way.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I lost all my face!

Who the hell is this person!

Murong Yiyi left here with Lin Feng.

All the people looked at the figures of the two of them who turned and left, and all showed envious eyes.

"The two of them really look like a good match, I actually have the feeling of watching a TV series, the two of them standing together really give me the feeling of a golden boy and a jade girl.

"Yeah, I didn't feel it at the beginning of "167", but now it really looks like a golden boy and a jade girl, it's really a good match, and her boyfriend is so good at playing games, she should be a talented girl This is it."

"Necessary, don't think about how many people chased after Murong Yiyi's affairs back then. In the end, all of them were hot faces and cold asses. Chang Zihan has always been so kind to Murong Yiyi

In the end, it was not rejected by others. "

"That's for sure, and I think her boyfriend is really handsome. I don't know whose son it is. It's a pity, but I have a girlfriend. Otherwise, I must chase him!"

"Hey, hey, didn't you say that Chang Zihan was the most handsome? Why did you give up on Chang Zihan after watching the game he played and changed? You are too inattentive, aren't you? ?!"

"Go, go, you're not the same as me. When I watched it, I yelled louder than me. You still have the face to criticize me!"

Chang Zihan heard that everyone had changed their minds about Lin Feng, and suddenly there was an inexplicable resentment in his heart!

Damn it...... I didn't expect to lose in the end...

You must not let this person go easily!

The originally open palm curled up into a fist at that moment, and the veins jumped violently.

Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi left the hotel and stood at the entrance of the hotel.

"It's finally out."

"I knew class reunions would be this boring."

Murong Yiyi sighed.

Thinking of those bits and pieces from the past, there was still no ups and downs in her heart.

This time she came because the squad leader was helpful to her back then. She never thought that she would encounter such a scene.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to bring Lin Feng with me this time.

However, she always felt that Chang Zihan would not let Lin Feng go easily.

Lin Feng glanced at the worry that flickered in Murong Yiyi's eyes at the moment.

"Do not worry."


Hearing what Lin Feng said, Murong Yiyi was a little confused and frowned slightly.

"You know what's going on in my mind?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "You can tell at a glance."

"Just now your eyes have shown."

"Okay, it's getting late now, we should go back."

Murong Yiyi looked at the current time, and found that it was indeed getting late.

I don't know what Murong Wuwu is doing now...

"Okay, let's go back now."

The two got into the car together.

This time Lin Feng helped him so much, and he should give him something in return.

Otherwise, it would be really bad to owe this favor.

When I think of the past, I don't owe anyone a favor.

I didn't expect that now I would owe people favors.

"By the way, what do you need?"

"This time, treat it as if I owe you a favor."

Lin Feng said while driving the car.

"It's all small things, and you don't have to pay too much attention to them."

But he can also guess Murong Yiyi's character, so naturally he doesn't want to owe him favors, and this will actually cause some psychological burden on himself.

Murong Yiyi shook her head persistently as he thought, looked at Lin Feng who was driving beside her with serious eyes and said.


"I don't like to owe people favors since I was a child."

"How about I treat you to dinner another day?"

"How about it?"

Lin Feng nodded, what she said is fine.


After Murong Yiyi saw that he agreed to her, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and suddenly the phone rang [The contact name of Dongzhong contact Murong Wuwu appeared on the screen.

Immediately pressed answer.

Murong Wuwu asked at the other end: "Sister, when are you coming back today?"

Murong Yiyi quickly said: "I'm going back now, almost back."

"Oh! By the way, did you go out with a man? Did you go on a date? I heard what Murong Sisi said just now."

Murong Wuwu asked curiously.

Although she doesn't have the temperament to be very curious about everything in the world.

However, it must not be easy for a man to let his sister go out!

She is still her eldest sister, she is usually a woman who rejects people thousands of miles away, and there is no man who dares to come forward.

Unexpectedly, today Sisi would find out that she went out to play with a man.

Murong Sisi usually likes to go out to play, so it is normal to meet her by chance.

In addition, she is very curious about these gossip things, so she will definitely gossip thoroughly when she meets her good sister and goes out with a man.

At this moment Murong Sisi happened to be beside Murong Wuwu, her eyes were as big as copper bells, she asked in a curious whisper in Murong Wuwu's ear.

"how's it going?"

"Did you ask everything I asked you to ask?"

"What did Yiyi say?"

"I think Yiyi definitely won't tell us. Think about it, she doesn't like us to gossip about her the most. Now she's going out with a man, she must be doing her best to perfuse us!"

"But this time, I really saw her standing with a man now, but I didn't see it because I was standing too far away, so you know."

"Quickly ask! Find out who it is!"

When Murong Yiyi heard that it was Murong Sisi who asked Murong Wuwu to ask her the question, at that moment she understood completely...

Except for Murong Sisi who has this gossip temperament, no one else will.

Murong Wuwu is her most obedient younger sister, so she definitely wouldn't gossip and ask herself such strange questions.


"It's not that you don't know that Murong Sisi's eyes often misidentify people."

"Why do you gossip like this, day by day, let you enter the game properly and conduct the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, are you all doing it obediently?"

After hearing what Murong Yiyi said, Murong Wuwu thought about it and felt that it was indeed the case.

After all, back then, she had misidentified someone else, which was extremely embarrassing.

It's normal to think about it.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu stopped talking, Murong Yiyi smiled smugly.

She will not tell them that she and Lin Feng are going to the class reunion now.

Otherwise, I would definitely not have a peaceful night when I got home.

In addition, he knew that Murong Wuwu liked Lin Feng, so he couldn't do this kind of thing.

Murong Wuwu pursed her lips and shook her head at Murong Sisi.


Before Murong Sisi asked her to ask other questions, Murong Wuwu had already hung up the phone.

Murong Sisi hurriedly said, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you even ask?"

"No, I really saw it!"

"Aren't you curious?"

Murong Wuwu shook her head, looking at the game room with a disinterested expression.

"I'm really not that interested in these things."

"Okay, okay, if you are curious, you can just call and ask, I still have to play games.

After finishing speaking, he got up and entered the game cabin.

Murong Sisi looked at Murong Wuwu's ruthless look, her heart was full of MMP!

Unexpectedly, no one believed her!

Seeing that Murong Yiyi hung up the phone, Lin Feng was still looking at the phone and asked.

"Is something wrong?"

Only then did Murong Yiyi come back to her senses, smiled helplessly, and shook her head.


All of a sudden, she really cherished this relaxed time more and more.

Before she could think about Murong Wuwu, the classmate group started @她!

"Yiyi, your boyfriend is so good? Can you help me and ask him how he uses a mage, and he can kill a warrior in seconds, my god, he is my idol now!"

"Yiyi! Can you ask him if he plays the second world? I want to add him as a friend and discuss about the game, is that okay?"

"Can you ask me if he accepts apprentices? This is too powerful! You ask him how much it costs to teach for an hour! I will pay as much as I want!"

"Me too! I want it too! Ask him if he still accepts apprentices! I also choose mages, but I have always been the one who was instantly killed, but I am still curious about his ranking in the second world." How many!"

"I feel that this person must be an extraordinary existence in the second world. In fact, many times in the battle just now, he had more chances to kill the opponent with one move, but he didn't. Obviously he didn't let others. "

"Wow...... I didn't expect this little brother to be so gentlemanly, my favorite is the gentlemanly little brother!"

Now the whole class group is blown up!.

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