National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 406 Murong Sisi's Curiosity

Murong Yiyi didn't expect that he would directly popularize her classmates so quickly.

Now seeing that everyone started to ask her various questions one after another, she didn't know how to answer him for a while.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Yiyi thinking about the question at this time, and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Murong Yiyi smiled and shook her head, still planning to tell him about his popularity among her classmates.

After all, he is now a party.

"No, it's the fact that you used the mage to kill the opponent's fighter in front of everyone today, and it became popular among our classmates."

"Everyone is starting to ask me to ask you some technical questions now.


She didn't say the rest, mainly because she wanted to see how he would solve this kind of thing.

In fact, she was somewhat curious about the attack launched by Lin Feng.

"What kind of move did you use to instantly kill the opponent?"

"It never occurred to me that you are not only as powerful as the second world, but also as powerful as Zero Degree."

Although she is also a famous person in Zero Degree, she feels that she does not have the potential to directly kill the opponent who can restrain her.

Most of the time, the people he matches and the people he wants to PK are only limited to those who are equal or a little stronger.

But mages are restrained too much by warriors. In addition, it seems that their equipment is 26. I didn’t expect that they were defeated by him in the end.

It really surprised her.

Lin Feng looked at her curious eyes and said with a light smile.

"Actually, it's not that great."

"It just so happened that I used to love to play mages very much, and naturally the correct moves and so on are all clear and plain.

"Naturally, in a duel, you will be able to find out where the opponent's weaknesses are.

Murong Yiyi nodded in understanding.

In fact, the entire gameplay of the game is inseparable.

However, in fact, Chang Zihan was already very good at using fighters, and she hadn't noticed any shortcomings for the time being, so she asked curiously.

"Then how on earth did you find out where the opponent's shortcomings are in such a short period of time?"

Seeing how curious she was, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Actually, not at all. It's just that I met more fighters at that time, and I like to study these characters on weekdays, so I naturally understand."

In fact, the most important thing is to rely on my own experience for so many years.

Experience needs to be accumulated and honed in battle, which is actually not a trick.

Murong Yiyi's gaze was still fixed on Lin Feng who was driving seriously, and the two of them fell into silence again.

Lin Feng, Jian Murong Yiyi didn't speak, and drove the army quietly.

She and Murong Wuwu's personalities are very different, and this time he has been with a girl he doesn't know very well this time, so he doesn't know what to talk about.

On weekdays, they only had contact with the guild.

He didn't expect that this time he would actually be drawn to be her fake boyfriend, and this was indeed beyond his expectation.

After all, she didn't have any contact with her in normal times. After thinking about it, maybe she is also someone she recognizes more.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Feng still feels that his own value is quite high.

The two fell into silence again, but there was no silence at all. The silence between the two of them in the car for the first time just now made people not know what to say and were at a loss.

Murong Yiyi has never been very good at communicating with people, so this is actually the first time in so many years that she spends such a long night with a boy.

Soon the car stopped at the door of the villa where she lived, and Lin Feng also got out of the car, after all, the car belonged to her.

"Okay, I've finished what you asked me to help tonight. Bye bye, I'll go home first."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave when the door of the villa suddenly opened.

Murong Sisi looked triumphantly at Lin Feng, who was about to leave, and Murong Yiyi, who had just arrived home, with a smug smile on the corners of their mouths, as if they knew some secret.

"Ah! What did you two go tonight?"

Murong Sisi looked curious, staring at Lin Feng at the two of them at this moment, then turned her head to look at Murong Yiyi beside her and saw Murong Sisi eating melon, said with a smile.

"Guess, guess what we're going to do tonight?"

Murong Sisi smiled, the smell in the air, and the light in her eyes, she stared at the two of them closely.

"Although I can't guess why you two went, I can smell the smell of you two in the air."

"You two must have secretly done other things behind our backs. I want to tell Murong Er'er and Murong Wuwu about this."

Murong Yiyi is also very helpless in her heart. Among the five sisters, what worries him the most is Murong Sisi, who is very curious about everything in the world. She always likes to gossip. Like to join in the fun and blend in blindly.

Alas, if she finds out and she doesn't tell him some little secrets, she will definitely use various methods to make herself tell them, otherwise he will be upset

Although it is said that things between people should be kept secret, but there is no way, who made her a younger sister.

The Murong Sisi Alliance came to Lin Feng's side, sniffed his body and the air, shook his head, and finally only smelled some faint smell of alcohol.

But she still felt that Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi must have gone out to do something when they came back together.

She didn't believe that the two of them had nothing to do, and Murong Yiyi was still her sister, and he knew Murong Yiyi's temperament better than anyone else.

She would never go out with a man casually. If she really went out, she must have something to do with this man, and her relationship with this man must be unusual.

Murong Sisi blinked her eyes with the stars and the sea, staring at Lin Feng's eyes.

"What are you talking about, what are you guys doing? If this matter is known to the ears, it must be more terrifying than me, and I have been asking you all the time."

"Besides, if it was Wu Wu, it would definitely be even more sad."

"But as long as you secretly tell me what you did tonight, I will keep it a secret from you. What do you think?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep your secrets in the bottom of my heart, and I will definitely not tell them, and I will definitely not tell them."

While talking, Murong Sisi made an oath to them, with a look of death.

Hearing what she said, Lin Feng always felt that he and Murong Yiyi were secreting something behind their backs that no one else knew about.

But they really did nothing.

"Are you really so curious?"

Lin Feng's face was filled with a mysterious smile, which also made Murong Sisi more curious about their affairs.

He himself is a person who is very curious about everything.

Now after seeing his mysterious smile at the moment, the thirst for knowledge is completely stimulated.

"Curiosity, curiosity, what did you guys do tonight? Tell me quickly, don't always look at me with such mysterious eyes, tell me quickly, it really is.

Murong Sisi urged.

Murong Yiyi glanced at Lin Feng and the curious Murong Sisi, and thought about this matter, if she didn't tell him about this matter, she would definitely bore herself to death tonight.

Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi looked at each other for a moment, and she immediately knew what Murong Yiyi was thinking, and said with a 660 smile.

"Are you really so curious? If you are so curious, then I will tell you secretly."

Murong Sisi quickly put her head close to Lin Feng's ear, wanting to know what he would say to her.

Why did the two of them go out alone tonight, and what is the relationship between the two of them?

Now these puzzles are all around her mind.

"Actually, we just went to the class reunion tonight and had a meal, nothing happened.

After finishing speaking, Murong Sisi looked at Murong Yiyi and Lin Feng in the same way.

"What the hell? You just went to the class reunion for a meal, why did you two go to the class reunion together?"

Murong Yiyi looked at Murong Sisi's suspicious look at the moment, he knew that she would definitely ask him to know everything he wanted to know tonight.

Lin Feng waved his hands, seeing that Murong Sisi was still curious, and said slowly.

"I've already told you everything you want to know. I really just went to the classmate reunion for a simple meal. Nothing happened. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it.

Murong Sisi frowned, looked at Lin Feng and didn't know what to say for a moment, she was a little speechless towards him.

When I think about it carefully, I always feel that there seems to be something wrong, but looking at his indifferent appearance, I feel that what he said is correct, and it seems that nothing should happen.

Murong Yiyi watched Murong Sisi fall into the corner of the horns at this moment, smiled and patted him on the shoulder and made a goodbye gesture to Lin Feng.

"Okay, okay, don't get entangled anymore, let's go, really, every day, I really don't know what you are entangled with.

"Go back quickly, go back quickly, bye."

Murong Sisi was just about to say something to Lin Feng.

But Murong Yiyi forcefully pushed her into the villa, leaving her no strength to struggle at all. .

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